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To Steal a Heart

Name: Ryan Walters
Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay, but closeted due to his family's homophobia
Family Members:
Queen Marie (Mother)
King Tichard (Father)
Princess Alexia (Sister, older)
Princess Melody (Sister, younger)

Relationship status: Single (Soon to be betrothed, to his horror)
Height: 5'4''

Ryan is very friendly to those close to him- mainly, his sisters. They would call him 'Teddy Bear Ryan' when they were all kids because he's so sweet. Unfortunately, due to being raised in a cold, empty castle, he tends to hide his real emotions and put on a fake smile most of the time. He has a rebellious side that wants to leave home forever, but it's smothered by guards and barred windows, and his little sister's dependency on him.

Ryan is extremely polite, even to those rude to him. According to his mother, 'Good manners are the key to good friends, good life, and good treaties between kingdoms.' His manners only break around his sisters, when they'll laugh and insult eachother with words royal children should never, ever say- a little taste of freedom for all three siblings.

Ryan can be tough- he was taught to fight, mentally and physically. He would be able to remain calm in the worst of situations. His physical prowess is a little less, as Ryan is skinny as a twig and rather clumsy.

His personal Library:

Ryan was raised in a castle. Taught by the best tutors money can buy, raised by harsh nannies, and forced to be the perfect prince. His mother often joked about making Ryan's hair gold, since he looked like such an angel.
Ryan attempted to run away at the age of ten. Unfortunately, he didn't even make it far enough for anyone to realize he was running away. He tried again, when he was thirteen, after being betrothed to some ridiculous princess ten years older than him. He was severely punished, and the betrothal was broken. For three more years, there were no escape attempts possible: Bars were put on the windows of his room, and he was let out only for lessons and meals. It would've been only one, but one of the servants somehow found out about Ryan's sexuality, and obviously a prince can't liek boys, so his parents added two more years to 'make him pure'.
On his seventeenth birthday, the bars were removed and he was granted a little more freedom: Anywhere in the castle. Except for the floors where the servants live, and the kitchens and the stables and the armory and-
Ryan learned that 'Anywhere in the castle' meant 'Only the floor you're on'. And then began his silly daydreams of some Prince from a faraway kingdom coming to save him: His family would finally realize that it was okay for him to like boys, and they'd gladly let him get married and leave home.
As if.

Cute boys
His sisters company

His parents
His room
His 'home'

Mental strength: Ryan is an amazing diplomat when he wants to be, and is capable of making others believe in anything and everything.

Mental weakness: Ryan hates being held captive. He tends to get distressed much more easily when there are bars surrounding him.

Physical strength: What strength?

Physical weakness: The list goes on and on...