So I've got some characters and stories I want to try. Some characters are fantasy, some are sci-fi, almost all of them girls.
Same for the stories. They're mostly sci-fi or fantasy.

Stories include things like this-

»WWII, where darwinism research has come to it's height and animals are being created and cloned, beasts of fable and legend. Flying whales, bigger than most buildings, with Gondolas attatched to the underside, or Mantacora, Lions with human like faces, scorpion tails, and bat wings. Soldiers ride the beasts into battle, the higher ranking ones allowed to be mutated, giving them, literally, the eyes of eagles, or the claws of a tiger, or the natural camouflage abilities of Chameleons.

»Sort of super-hero like world, where the government has gathered all the people who have developed these powers. It wasn't a different power every time, it was the same recurring power with different capabilities. The base of the powers were imagination. If they could imagine it, these people could create it in real life, in the form of Transparent, coloured energy unique to each person, dubbed Aura. But it wasn't as easy as imagining them. They had to clearly see a picture in their head, and focus that into the real world. Some do this by noise, singing or playing an instrument, or by sight, drawing what they wanted and watching it come to life before their eyes. Some danced, even. All sorts of different ways. Some didn't even have to. The really imaginitive ones could create things without having to use a focal tool. But that was dangerous, as day dreaming might cause them to bring something really bad into the world, at least as long as the person kept imagining it.

Stuff like that, plus some others. Message me if you want, here or in PMs.