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[ORP] Starting from Scratch (Rocket only)

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:06 pm
It was certainly nothing like what they were used to, that would be the underlining thought as the vehicles pulled into the opening of what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse.
To some the dirt and dust practically caking the ground, or the cobwebs splayed thickly around the walls of the room would be the biggest indication, or the lack of busy Grunts and Agents working around the vehicles leaving the aria vacant and haunting. It could have even been the lack of sophisticated technology that made tasks easier or the small nature of it, being in the somewhat run down location that at least helped in the unsuspecting nature of the outpost.

Faleen certainly felt like she was a little worse for wear, and the state of their relocation wouldn't help with that at all. Thanks to the dust wave that had hit them from the destruction of their HQ each and every one of them probably looked like they needed a bath and a change of uniform. Though she had gotten off easy, since some of their number had not made it though the Shockwave without sustaining some injuries.

Pulling the van door open, and stepping out onto the floor, feeling the granes of dirt crunch under her boot, the blond Agent slipped the bag over her shoulder, and straightened up, pausing just out of the way of the van doors to allow the other to exit as they pleased.
Taking this moment to scan the room, that while looked mostly bare, housed a collection of large wooden crates, stacked in an organized fashion on one side of the room. thought gather in what looked like an odd organization or milk creats around a set of old looking couches, that looked as if they might host a variety of unpleasant critters and molds.

The Agent furrowed her brow curiously, That seemed a bit out of place.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:21 pm
Elite Becca hopped out eagerly, seeming completely unfazed by the dust and cobwebs practically coating the entire building. The sounds of her boots connecting with the floor echoed rather loudly in the empty building, dulled only by the dust and little else. She opened her mouth to speak, her grin broad and her appearance boisterous, but all of that suddenly faded with a disappointed frown as she instead said, in quieter tones than she obviously would've liked, "We probably shouldn't be too loud up here."

Still, she couldn't help the suppressed excitement with which she asked, "But oh man nobody said anything about free couches up here!" Though, on second thought, they looked rather.... Questionable. She wasn't actually sure if she wanted to go near them or not anymore.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:26 pm
Jerome was used to worse, in all honesty, so the condition of the warehouse wasn't really on his mind as the doors slip open, allowing the Rockets to step out. Jerome was currently occupied wick the Injured Rocket next to him, more specifically trying to wake him and help him out of the vehicle.
"Yo, yer legs work?" he grunted to the boy.

Bro slid outside the van as quickly as the door opened, and offering no assistance to the dark Agent.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:42 pm
"Dun mix that with the chocolate...no, liliesss dun go there."


Zacharie was totally and completely zonked out, as was obvious by the muttered nonsense and the soft snores that interrupted it. "Essssssex no, dun eat t'at." Jabari gave the teen an odd look, torn between being worried and being amused. The Shuppet observed, nudging his trainer a bit. "...thas not 'sposed to go there." The boy muttered, his uninjured arm coming up to swat at whatever was nudging him.  


Bashful Bunny


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:29 am
KO stepped out of the van and paused to look around, arms folded across his chest and weight resting on one hip. His usual languid smooth air however was rather spoiled by scuffed dusty clothing and the dried blood caked around the cut the left side of his head just above the hairline and smeared down the side of his face and neck.

"Well it's not the most salubrious accommodation," he drawled, "but beggars can't be choosers I suppose." So far it seemed that he was still the medical authority around here, a situation he'd be a fool not to take advantage of. His career goals might not lie in repairing the injured but showing initiative and confidence in his skills would serve him well regardless.

"Agent Jerome," KO moved over to to the dark skinned man, hoping he'd got the name right. "Get him sitting on one of those crates, please, I need to take a better look at him." Then, to his fellow Trainee Zacharie; "I'll look at the cuts on your face now, and we'll find somewhere comfortable for you...." He doubted the teen had really registered what he'd said but talking to patients was something you were meant to do and so he did it anyway.

Turning back around to the other Rockets, mainly the elites, KO cleared his throat. "I need a clean area for treating injuries." Beds didn't look likely and if there were any they probably wouldn't be in a sanitary condition. Well he'd just have to improvise there he supposed, and Zacharie seemed to be the only one in immediate need of lying down. The kid wasn't tall, a shade shorter than he was himself, so perhaps the van they'd come in would do if he lay lengthways along one of the rows of seats. "Does the van need to go anywhere immediately?" he waved a hand lightly at it. "If not I'll use that as a makeshift ward." Ongoing care was not his specialty, he was a field medic, but until somebody better qualified came along he would have to make do.

"Anyone else hurt?" he added, looking away from the elites and around at the rest of the rockets. They would have to wait until he finished with Zacharie - which might take a while because looked like he would have to set that arm properly too - but he wanted to know who was going to be in line for treatment.


Aulus scowled at the interior of the warehouse as though it had personally offended him. This was bullshit. This was so much bullshit it could have fertilized every field in Kodo with some to spare for cheap slapstick comedy routines. When he medic trainee started talking Aulus turned the dark look onto him, something about that man just rubbed him the wrong way but unfortunately he needed him.

"I've got some bits of stone stuck in my back I think," he reported, flexing his shoulders with a grimace. "I can wait for treatment but they'll need pulling out before I become part sodding rock type."  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:41 am
The drivers and the transport helpers got out to check the cargo and begin loosening the straps. Harvard slipped out the door next to her own seat, her eyes and a thumb busy roving the screen to her Dex as she checked on the latest updates. Her footing shifted upon landing, realizing a little too late that she probably shouldn't be landing so casually on her bruised legs. At Becca's excitement over the poor excuse for furnishings, she muttered a flat comment to herself. "Because Arceus forbid we not add bedbugs to our list of problems..."

She did briefly glance up when she heard KO mention clean areas and using the van as a ward. "The van may be your best bet for now," she said in a mostly monotonous voice. It was probably as close to a clear agreement as the elite was willing to phrase right then, after all that had happened so far that day. "This outpost has been abandoned for a number of years. We'll know what conditions we are facing once we get inside."

Finally closing the front passenger door behind her, she lowered the device in her hand and gave the ramshackle place a better look. "We most likely won't have power either at first." She moved closer to one of the walls, then slowly walked parallel to the vertical surface, looking up and down with a neutral expression. On occasion she would look down as well, checking the dusty floor with a toe tap here or a brushing there.  



Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:15 am
Tambrey exited the van with a little relief that, at least, the journey was over for the time being. The dusty old warehouse was, to be generous, 'interesting', and she didn't really mind the idea of being in Ambergris at all.
She was rather fond of ghost pokémon after all the encounters with those she now considered friends, and there was a gothic charm in creepy things.

The state of the warehouse wasn't entirely comfortable though and the revelation that they wouldn't have power was very unsettling.
How were they supposed to set up a decent, if temporary, lab without power? She vaguely wondered if it would be worth checking around to see if, among the equipment, they'd brought a portable generator or two, but she supposed, even if they had, such equipment would be put to whatever use the higher-ups deemed most important.

It looked like the idea was to explore the area before attempting to properly unpack, or, she supposed, take an inventory. It made sense; who knew what was stable and what wasn't when it came to the floors and the building itself; plus they'd have to think about where everything was going to be most usefully situated... A lack of power complicated and, paradoxically, simplified that idea at the same time.

The grunt took a few tentative steps toward one of the walls, intent on having a good look for anything interesting or useful (and keeping an eye out in case any pokémon or creature had decided to make a home inside); though listened out for any requests of help or orders to focus on anything in particular.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:19 pm
Not have power, that would be most unacceptable, she was sure if they needed to get anything up and running, from cooking, cleaning and pretty much... anything.
"I'll have a look at the power grid and see if I can't get it working" Faleen spoke up, looking over to the elites. If she needed to fix something or just reroute the power, she was sure she had the tools with her to do it.

With that said she stepped back over to the Van, dragging the mechanical device she had put under the seat, hitting the floor with a heavy -thud-
"What is the protocol for contacting the others convoys as of now as well? I need to contact the other Robotic techs and get a status on the lab equipment as soon as possible."
She would have to take a look a the Cargo they were with too, if any of it was from the lab she would need to check its condition.  


Supreme Roisterer


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:29 pm
"Man, wut ******** you take?" Jerome asked Zacharie as the boy came around but was starting to make less and less sense. the Agent looked over to KO aching an eyebrow "Ya slip em somethin'?"

Moving to do as the Trainee had asked, and get Zacharie onto the crate, but paused when the Elite mentioned that using the van to treat the patients for now would be better. Inked eyes found the medic again "S'yer call, what m'I doin'?"  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:34 pm
Becca stood with her hands folded behind her back, rocking idly on the balls of her feet as the others spoke and moved around, exploring. Ohh how she wanted to take a flashlight and run around the lower floors; they were probably wonderfully scary, with who knows what creepy pokemon lurking in the shadows, ready to jump out at them as soon as they rounded a corner? Faleen's words, however, pulled her from her thoughts, and she paused to lace her fingers together and raise them above her head, stretching her back out. "Mmmmm communication between teams is currently restricted to elites only, in case any others encountered League or trainer interference and lost any of their number or their rocket 'dexes," she explained quite languidly, not even seeming concerned about it. "Once we have confirmation from all teams about any losses or arrests, you guys can begin communicating more freely. Harvy here should get most of the check-ins, I think," the redhead added with a jerk of her thumb over one shoulder as her other hand lowered to her hip.

Her hand lowered again to pull her 'dex from where it stayed hooked to her belt, and her fingers set about swiping and tapping away at a few things. "Your first question isn't as easy, though. From what I can tell, this outpost isn't on Ambergris's power grid; it's self-powered through generators in the lowest basement level. Everything electrical should be down there, but between here and there's at least two basement levels full of who knows what." That done, she replaced her 'dex on her belt and laced her fingers behind her head with another casual grin set under half-lidded eyes. "Anything else?"

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:55 pm
Faleen turned to Becca when she was answering her question about communications, giving a nod to show she understood before she let her eyes slide over to Elite Harvard.
"Understood, I will wait until then,"

At the answer to her first question Faleen shook her head, she would have assumed that it would have its own power supply, but it had to link through the entire base.
"If you want me to take a team to assess the power situation." The answer didn't change anything that Faleen had offered.
From next to her the robot that she had her Porygon downloaded into shifted from its folded up posture, robotic hands pressing against the ground to help it straighten up and stand next to its master making soft clicking noises as it worked out kinks in its joints from the transformation.
"I'm a dark specialist, as well as an engineer, I'm going to have to go down there eventually to fix the power, so if there is something else more pressing that you would prefer I assist with?"  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:11 pm
Well, it was dirty up here but it seemed safe so far.
The basements sounded like they'd be interesting, but as much as scientific curiosity, and old researcher interests, were wrestling to get down there and see if anything was surviving in the old abandoned environment, the events of the day just made her wish that things could get done as quickly as possible.

"Um." Tambrey half turned back, a suggestion on her lips as she heard the higher ranking members talking about the power.
"Um. I have a back-up suggestion; uh, just in case, I mean... If the power's goin' to take a long time to fix, or if it's difficult to reach for some reason, then if anyone has an electric type or two," she wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea, but her own comfort had to be outweighed by necessity after all "there might, at least. be a temporary solution to running some of the more important things?"  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:01 pm
Before Becca could answer, another form entered the warehouse via the doorway. Claire stepped in, still mostly covered in sand but she'd at least hastily changed out of her uniform and into something casual in case she was seen by any bystanders, they wouldn't immediately call her out on being in Team Rocket. She clipped a ball back to her belt as she walked in, raising her other hand to run it through her hair to try and dislodge more of the desert sand. Though she tried to cool her expression, there were obvious hints of great displeasure and bitter distaste present. "Thought I'd report in in person," she said with a sigh, looking toward Harvard. "I dropped off my team at our designated outpost before coming here."

She shifted her gaze from Harvard to the rest of the various rockets, notably the ones she knew. "How did your team fare?"

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