For Kikan:
Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Cracks
Rank of Jutsu: Jonin
Jutsu's Element: It's a Genjutsu n00b
Jutsu Type: Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? No
Description: The users has to wound the victim for the Jutsu to take place, whether its a miniscule scratch or a burn. Anything that breaks skin. The moment this happens, the victim's skin begins to rip and crack like clay, falling apart as the fractures travel up the victim's body from the start of the user's post to the end of the victim's next post. Then, on the user's second post, the cracks reach the head. The victim has a fleeting moment to somehow get out of the trap, but when they lose that chance, they're gone. The moment it starts to crack the head, the user loses touch with reality. They can feel their mentality cracking. Nothing will make sense anymore, and they will be left with the raw instinct to climb out of the Genjutsu, away from the insanity, and that driving force will be the only thing that could possibly save them from the madness.

When they are enveloped in madness, besides nonsensically trying to get out of the Genjutsu, they're essentially a useless vegetable for the next three of the victim's posts. On their fourth post, the jutsu wears off.
Rp Sample

(If Requested)

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Houdini
Rank of Jutsu: Chuunin
Jutsu's Element: We've been over this
Jutsu Type: Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? Nope
Description: To activate the Genjutsu, the user snaps their fingers. If the victim hears it, they will watch as the user disappears, and the horizon begins to collapse and fade. The sky will disintegrate as well as the ground, and the destruction will rush towards them. Beyond the sky and ground is a white void of nothingness. In seconds, the obliteration will catch up to them and surround them, and then everything is gone and they are falling, falling into this white nothingness that surrounds them. While they fall, they are able to smell and hear perfectly, and they will be able to move to an extent, but they won't be able to walk or feel anything besides pain or pleasure. If the victim can't pull themselves out of the Genjutsu, they are released on their third post following the user's activation.
Rp Sample

(if requested)
Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Echoes
Rank of Jutsu: Genin
Jutsu's Element: Really now
Jutsu Type: Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? No
Description: The Genjutsu activates whenever the victim makes a noise. Whether it's words, a grunt, a yell, clashing two kunai against each other, whatever. As long as it's a significant audible noise. The victim will then hear that noise again... and again... and it will raise in volume until it is a jet engine in their ears, and it's agonizingly loud, and all the victim can hear or comprehend is the noise blaring in their skull. The jutsu doesn't wear off on its own, but one can get out of it by remembering what something is supposed to sound like, making that sound, and trying to hear it. If they can hear it, they can hold onto that sound, make it again and again, and eventually get out of the jutsu. It's very difficult, however, to hear a drum beyond a jet engine.

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Breathe
Rank of Jutsu: Genin
Jutsu's Element biggrin o I need to draw a picture for you
Jutsu Type:Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?Sure, this one can be added.
Description: Breathe is a little more simple than something like Cracks or Houdini. After the user activates Breathe, the victim will suddenly find themselves incapable of doing so. They just can't get their brain to make their lungs work. They know how they're supposed to inhale, but they just can't bring themselves to do it. This jutsu does not wear off, although it's fairly easy to pull oneself out of. However... if someone doesn't as they very well might not if its used by a Genjutsu Specialist and they have particularly low chakra control, then they will pass out from breath loss. After passing out, the jutsu wears off... but then the victim is vulnerable.
Rp Sample

(If requested)
Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu Specialist
Name of Jutsu: Addict
Rank of Jutsu: Genin
Jutsu's Element: Omfg
Jutsu Type sad Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?Sure
Description: The user can activate this jutsu by, once the victim can see them, pointing at something or someone. The victim will immediately be overcome with a wave of desire, lust even, for that object. It will make up their entire being. Their mentality will now revolve around getting to that object. This can be used on people too. Once they've gotten the object, or gotten close to the person, the jutsu disactivates. Once can kai out of it (maybe), especially since they usually know pretty quickly its a genjutsu, but they will be so incredibly focused on getting what has been chosen for them that unless they have strong will, they won't be able to.

Rp Sample

(If requested)
Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu Specialist
Name of Jutsu: Ghosts
Rank of Jutsu: Genin
Jutsu's Element: Am I speaking spanish or something?
Jutsu Type:Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?No
Description:This jutsu is best used on someone that has experienced the death of a loved one OR killed someone. The jutsu is activated with a simple snap of the finger. It's pretty simple... the victim's world, once they have heard the jutsu, becomes dark and gray. Everything becomes depressing, and a weight settles upon them as demonic screams ring in the back of their minds. From the corners, the trees, the ground, the sky, wherever- anyone close to them that has died, any death in general that lingers in their mind, will show up in a spiritual form. Their features will be gray and sharpened, almost frighteningly. They will spin, twirl, walk, run around the victim, taunting them and screaming and questioning why they did what they did, or why they didn't do what they could have to help. It's basically a nightmare that targets traumatic experiences and guilt. This jutsu can be kai'd out of pretty easily, and the victim can do everything under it that they could do out of it, but the emotional toll it takes on someone can be detrimental.
Rp Sample

(If requested)

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Flames
Rank of Jutsu: Chuunin
Jutsu's Element:Genjutsu I'm tired of joking
Jutsu Type:Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?Sure
Description: (User required to be Katon user) The user lets out a long, slow breath, infused with real fire. If the victim looks into the shining flames, they will fill within them a terrible burning sensation, that grows and agonizes them with nonexistent flames. If one can feel anything cold, ANYTHING, they could use that sensation to pull themselves out of it. Otherwise, they're surrendered to the pain of fire.
Rp Sample

(If requested)
Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Levels
Rank of Jutsu: Chuunin
Jutsu's Element:Nah
Jutsu Type:Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?No
Description: The user creates a soothing smell of cherry blossoms. Once the victim takes a wiff of it, they will immediately feel absolute ecstasy. Everything feels good... until they touch the user. The moment they touch the user, even if they touch them with a weapon, they will feel a horrible, aching, breaking, shattering pain that encompasses everything. Even when they let go, the dull ache will remain. This jutsu is hard to break out of, because it works on every nerve and tenketsu.
Rp Sample

(If requested)
Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Grey
Rank of Jutsu: Chuunin
Jutsu's Element:Its Genjutsu
Jutsu Type:Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?Nah
Description: This jutsu makes the world similar to the one seen in Ghosts. Everything becomes gray, a murky falsehood of what it really is. The user, however, is still bright and colorful. They seem to move with a fluid presence, and a much faster one at that. The victim will find their entire reality moving slower, the only thing moving at 'normal' speed being the user.
Rp Sample

(If requested)

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu Specialist
Name of Jutsu: Divine
Rank of Jutsu: Jonin
Jutsu's Element:It's a Genjutsu
Jutsu Type:Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?Go ahead and add it to the Joukai list if ya think its good enough
Description: This jutsu takes a few pointers from Levels as well as Cracks. The user, whom has to be able to bend light, casts dazzling rays upon the victim. Even they are only blinded for a second, the genjutsu is cast upon them. They will find their entire world become brighter as well as their mood lift. Everything will begin to shine and become a void-white or light-gold color. If they fail to climb out of the jutsu within one post after its activation, they are stuck. They will enter their own new plane of existence, an elysium that is a prison as much as it is a heaven. They will feel comfort, contentness, warmness, happiness. They will, eventually, see nothing. Everything will fade into that glittering light. They will find themselves drifting in this euphoria for four posts, completely useless, probably either standing or laying there like an idiot. Although this jutsu doesn't tear up their consciousness or cause terrible nightmares or anything, even if they come out on the other side alive... they very well may not be the same person.
Rp Sample

(If requested)

Your Rank: Oinin
Ninja Class: Genjutsu Specialist
Name of Jutsu: False Harmony
Rank of Jutsu: Sannin
Jutsu's Element: