Name: Jay Parker
Age: 17-20 (depending)
Gender: male
Race: human/neko (depending)
Hair: long dark brown
Eyes: light/deep blue
Personality: shy, uke, bullied and abused as a child, gay, loving of animals, artistic.
Name: James Parker
Age: 18-21 (depending)
Gender: male
Race: human/neko/wolf-human (depending)
Hair: med dark brown
Eyes: dark brown
Personality: dark, mysterious, emotional, seme, bullied and abused as a child, gay, loves cats, artistically oriented, loves reading, loves Black, usually alone.

PS: James and Jay are supposed to be the same and also opposite. They are similar because they are engineered that way, and not because I'm lazy. I have no pictures for them, and their biographies change to fit the RP in session.