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She allowed her head to rise as the wind picked up gently around her, petals fluttering effortlessly through the unseen push and pull. It was felt, this breeze, which pressed her ever onward. But, yet, it could not be seen. Was it truly such a mystery? What value was held in forever asking herself stressful questions?

"There is no purpose to the wind..." She said, a smile growing upon her features. "It is here as my guide for it's own pleasure and relaxation. Who am I to question where it takes me?"

The sun settled over the waters before her, shimmering against the tides. Gradually her eyes shut for a well deserved nap, the wind rolling on like the waves upon the shoreline. Ah, yes, weary was she, the one who had just returned from, not one, not two, but Eleven Journeys Blessed.