The Xbox One launches tonight at midnight across most of the world, and it's the ultimate entertainment product from Microsoft, combining top drawer games with advanced media functionality and future proof processing power.

But one feature that not everyone will have access to on Day One is the voice commands. The ability to talk to your Xbox One has been advertised just about everywhere, from simply turning on the console to internet browsing and starting apps to opening a media enabled sidebar.

This functionality is all thanks to the Kinect sensor, which has an enhanced camera and microphone to pick up your gestures and voice. And it's always listening, waiting for a prompt to help you to interact with your device.

It's an impressive list, and reports suggest that it works just as you might expect. But Microsoft has just confirmed that not everyone will have the same experience, with full voice commands only supported in five countries at launch - the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France and Germany.

The full press statement follows: "There will be some voice experience variations in different markets at launch; the “Xbox On” voice command will only be available in five markets (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France and Germany) and will come to others in the near future.

There are many complexities associated with delivering a great voice experience around the world, and we’re working hard to add more voice features and more countries; we’ll share more details in the future.”

That means here in Ireland, the Xbox One remains stoic and unfeeling despite our attempts to communicate with it. We'll have an update as soon as the functionality goes live.


Ok its old news technically as its been covered before but I didn't post it because I assumed it would changed closer to release.

But my god, their main selling point, and to them, the WHOLE point of the console... and it only works in 5 countries? Am I the only one who is baffled by the stupidity?