Name: James E. Parker
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Caucasian
Looks: Brown shoulder length hair, similar in style as William T. Spears, a sharp charcoal suit with matching tailcoat and charcoal shirt, bright red tie, amber eyes, thin framed glasses, charcoal gloves, black dress shoes with red laces, red lips, sharp but not quite pointed teeth.
Personality: Very organized and hard working, James is usually an Uke, but can play seem quite well if needed. He is skilled in his work and enjoys many of his co-workers. He is very kinky, and enjoys very tough relationships. He is usually very passive and laid back.
Likes: Anything considered romantic, along with organization, and accents in the colour red.
Dislikes: Chaos, disorganization and anything that is annoyingly persistent.
Hates: Other people's feet
Biography: James was injured very badly in a air fire assault in World War II when he was 15 but has since recovered. He was orphaned as a young child, where he was sexually abused by his 9 male care givers every night from the age of 5 until 18. After which he was mentally robbed of some aspects of relationships. He joined the military as soon as he turned 18. He stayed in the military until the end of the Second World War, when he went to college and became a veterinarian. His work always seems to go tremendously well. His personal life is filled with lust. After he left the military, he began to have strings of one night stands and short non lasting relationships based purely off of passion and lust. After the start of his business however, James coiled himself up in his work, and hasn't been in any sort of relationship since. He yearns for one badly however.
Occupation: Veterinarian (WWII Veteran)
Origion or Nationality: England as of currently
Class: Upper middle class
Favorite Tea: Earl Grey
Favorite Color: Mild accents of bright red, charcoal but not quite black
Clothing Choice: As stated above, or a lavender/baby blue dress shirt and black slacks
Favorite food: Dark chocolates
Hobbies: Reads a lot, and is very skilled in bedroom activities, in which he finds himself very much involved. He also loves writing and drawing, both of which he does very well.
Additional info: James is clinically depressed, and is very emotional. This side of him is only expressed in his journals and his strong relationships. He loves cats and has two (general tsao, and fizgig) and he enjoys being harassed and embarrassed by people he trusts.
Orientation: Homosexual/Bisexual
Fav position: Doggie
Temperament: Seke, leaning towards Uke.