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[PRP] Long Time No See

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Chatty Informer

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 5:37 am
After his return to Team Rocket and his talk with his partner about his new strike system, Grunt Nakura was feeling pretty worn out. It took him a couple of days to get back into the swing of things after having spent at least a month or two incarcerated in solitary confinement. It still seemed like a lifetime. Weirder yet was trying to figure out where everything was now that they were in a new building and getting used to the smaller amount of space.

It was easy enough for the informant to pick up, but on occasion he still found himself looking for old floors or his room or facilities that were long gone. Though he certainly never thought after having been grounded to headquarters so often for indefinite periods of time that he would come to miss the place, it almost gave him a sense of homesickness knowing that they couldn't and wouldn't ever go back. The old base was the League's plaything now.

Sighing absently, the grunt stood in line for breakfast, trying to prepare himself to start a new day.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:07 am
"Good morning!" A voice chimed, in a tone that suggested it was pleasant to see the grunt; indeed, the owner of the voice was wearing a smile, happy to welcome back the familiar face.

A difference, however, would be seen in uniform. In place of the old grunt-gray, Tambrey now wore the white of an agent.
For the observant, there might be a few signs that she'd been up for some time- perhaps even working a little- before coming to breakfast; the agent certainly seemed in a good mood, and having long shaken the grogginess of waking up away.

She stepped into line behind Nakura, unsure whether a hug would be appreciated or not- with people like Inigo, it was an easy yes- with Nakura, she wasn't sure, but offered one anyway, that could be turned into some other action of greeting if it weren't welcome.
"Welcome back!"  


Feral Nerd


Chatty Informer

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:51 am
Even just the pretense of being pleased to see him was not something Nakura was used to and, thus, he automatically assumed the voice had not been talking to him. As his racing mind gradually connected the voice with an owner and the fact that there was no response, he turned around to see the black-haired, green-eyed young woman.

"Tambrey-chii," he said with a weak smile, adding quickly, "Agent Tambrey-chii. My, has everyone been promoted in my absence?" Though he hadn't yet gotten a chance to talk to Jerome, he'd noticed the tattooed man also now wore the white uniform of an agent. "Not that there's any doubt you deserve it. Congratulations, agent." The signs of having been up and working were not lost on Nakura. He wondered what she'd been working on in her new position, but it seemed like whatever it was, she was pleased about it. She was practically glowing, a ray of early morning sunshine.

"Heh." The offer of a hug was both unexpected and unusual to the grunt, but he easily reciprocated. He couldn't remember the last time someone had hugged him without him playfully forcing one on them. "Thank you, Tambrey. It's a nice change to be welcome back with open arms." He inclined his head with a friendly grin. "Aside from that promotion, what else is new? How are you doing?" He nodded to the belt which held her pokeballs. "Any luck with that Chingling I left you with?"
PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:17 am
"Oh! I guess a few people, maybe..." Tambrey admitted, then grinned. "Thank you! How are you? Good to be... erm. I keep doing this, it's not exactly 'home' is it... but good to be back with, um, us all? A change?" She frowned a little; she supposed, of course, there was a lot to think of in terms of security, regarding the returnees, but she couldn't think of being anything but pleased to see her team members, and friends, being returned to them.

"Doing well. Lots to do and not enough equipment to do it right now, but still, mostly well. Tarana's fine," She grinned again "Thank you for him again, so far he's mostly a very good alarm clock, but I think he might be getting better at battling."  


Feral Nerd


Chatty Informer

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:49 am
Laughing lightly, Nakura nodded. "For sure. I thought I would go crazy with nothing but my empty cell for company. You know how much I love to talk, but it's kind of difficult when there's no one around to talk to."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find a way," he answered, patting her shoulder. "Our departments have always been so resourceful. And I'm glad to hear it! It was my pleasure." Alarm clock, huh? Sounded like a pain in the butt. "I see; that's good. I hope he doesn't wake you at the wrong times. I know mine is still pretty bratty that way." He pat his love ball at his own belt.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:55 am
Another grunt showed up in line behind Tambrey, yawning. He Jolteon walked along at his side. "Hey agent," he told her with a tired smile. "I didn't take you for a morning person. What happened to the Tambrey I know who stayed up late reading?" He paused before realizing he might have interrupted something. "Oh, sorry - didn't see you there." He nodded to the red-eyed man. "Nakura. Didn't recognize you without your furry parka."

Lindsay began to growl at both Tambrey and Nakura, but she quieted when Shadow put a hand on her head. "Lindsay, be nice. Um...neither of you happened to see a Shuppet with a Polaroid camera around here, have you? Eris is missing again."

Shawn Darrow


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:10 am
"Hm. Doesn't sound fun." Sounded better than Galactic cells, but still; it really didn't sound like something that would be fun for anyone, especially solitary for someone who liked people.

"He's not really done that for a while- did once- but it's harder to do now; I don't really mind being awake lately anyway." She shrugged. "He's quite a friendly little thing; seems eager to please, really."

She smiled, turning to greet Shawn as she heard him.
"Oh, she's still here... er me. I still do that, but, work to do and little to work with. Things take a little while right now." She blinked, paused, and then remembered to properly greet the grunt.
"Good morning, Shawn." Ah. Growling. Unnerving, growling, electric type. "... and Lindsay..."
She shook her head.
"Haven't seen any floating cameras yet today. When did you lose her?"  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:04 am
"Shawny-puu," Nakura answered back with a wink and a cheery grin. "I see your Jolteon is as ill-mannered as ever." But that was all he offered the young teen before turning back to Tambrey.

Sighing heavily, he shook his head. "Careful, Tam-chii. That sounds like his father. But Delic is just as hard to please as he is eager to please others, so hopefully his offspring don't turn out to be as demanding."

He stood patiently in silence as he listened to Shawn and Tambrey converse.


Chatty Informer

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Shawn Darrow

PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:37 am
"We've been...working on it," the younger grunt answered as Lindsay began to growl again. "And don't call me that." More pats and she stopped, but her fur was still sparking and she glared warily at the other humans.

"Yeah, I guessed you'd be busy," Shawn replied to Tambrey with a small smile. "I would have told you congrats, but I'm not sure being an agent is all that great. I know I'd never want to do something like that. It's so much responsibility."

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't worry about the staying up late thing. I was only teasing. You really should get all the rest you can. Oh, line's moving up," he said, looking past Nakura.

"Um...I lost her a couple of hours ago. I really hate losing track of her all the time, but since she's not mine, technically, I can't withdraw her into a pokeball or anything. And ghost-types are such a pain to keep track of," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "All I know is that she tries to find people with negative emotions since that's what Shuppet feed off of."

As if on cue, a flash went off just in front of them. It seemed the ghost pokemon had found a target.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:10 am
"He doesn't seem to be so far... Hasn't been all that demanding at all, but he does seem a bit reluctant to battle. A bit /too/ friendly, maybe, but I guess I don't really mind..."

The agent kept a wary look out on the Jolteon; electric typing and growling wasn't something that put her at ease at all. The transition to shining, rather than growling was a little more welcome, but still, a little unnerving.
"Hm. Responsibility, I guess, but there's a lot of freedom to do my own work again, especially compared to what I was used to... I just wish we still had the old facilities."
Tambrey frowned with a little puzzlement.
"Maybe it would be good to try and persuade her to start using a ball? A Shuppet with a camera is probably not going to be a very welcome thing, especially right now..." She mused, thoughtfully, reflecting on the team's current position.
"Ah! Uh. Either someone used Flash, or that's probably her, right?"  


Feral Nerd


Chatty Informer

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:41 pm
At Tambrey's response that the psychic-type was a little too friendly, Nakura giggled and held out his hands, shrugging. "Definately seems the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. It's fortunate you're the sort who doesn't mind the friendliness, though. I know Faleen-ch - " He inturrupted himself mid-word. "Agent Faleen would never stand for it, especially as they're psychic-types. I'm so glad he went to you and not her."

While he had been listening to Shawn and Tambrey's conversation, the grunt had fallen into deeper, darker thoughts and his usual smile fell flat. Before he knew what was happening, that hardened look was captured in a photo that fell at his feet. Blinking as he recovered from the flash, Nakura stooped to pick up the little rectangle of a picture and scowled as he heard a ghost's giggle by his ear. His anger drained away as Eris snacked on it and the grunt just found himself growing more irritable for her feeding off his emotions.

"Shawny-puu~" he called again in an especially sing-songy voice. "Be a good grunt and get this stupid pokemon away from me before I call out my dark-types to destroy it, please~" Seemed like they weren't the only ones in line for breakfast. What good was hiding his emotions if there was a ghost hovering by to give away just how negative he was feeling?

Grabbing a few things and placing them on his tray, he hurried through the line as fast as he could so he could settle down at a table.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:52 pm
"Yeah, me too," he said. "Well...I guess I kind of like this place, actually, but mostly because there are less halls to patrol and get lost in. Or lose pokemon in," he added with a sheepish smirk.

At the agent's suggestion, the teen nodded. "Maybe, but...I don't know how to do that. I can hardly control my own pokemon and she really seems to enjoy her freedom," Shawn explained, distressed. "It's difficult just to keep track of her, let alone catch her or take her camera away. Every time I try to have one of my other pokemon attack or go after her, she just evades. Kind of hard to capture a pokemon that keeps running away. If you have any other ideas, though, I'm all ears."

"Oh! Thanks, Tambrey," the street kid told her before trying to get a glimpse of the perputrator. Sure enough, it was the Shuppet. "Eris, get back here," he snapped. "Some people actually need those emotions you eat, you know?"

Eris glanced over with a surprised little smile before giggling and looping a couple of circles around Nakura's head. Then she flew off to feed on other breakfasting Rockets' unhappiness. Shawn groaned.

"Guess I'll have to start back at the end of the line," he grumbled, stepping out of it to go after the ghost. "C'mon, Lindsay. Save a seat for me, will you, Tam? I just gotta go occupy her for a little bit." He turned to search for the blue-gray pokemon. Lindsay cast Tambrey a final warning glare before going after her trainer.

Shawn Darrow


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:00 pm
"Oh. Um. Well, I think it's nice. Friendly pokémon can be helpful as much, sometimes more, than powerful." Tambrey admitted. "Plus, I've never owned a psychic before Tarana; they're really fascinating."

Negative emotions.
Eris had taken a picture of Izaya... Someone who smiled a lot, and who, despite seeming to get into trouble, always seemed rather nice while she'd known him.
So, if Eris was taking pictures of Izaya... It meant he wasn't very happy right now.
She frowned slightly, and then blinked out of her thoughts momentarily to bid farewell to Shawn.
"Uh. I'll think about it. Um, I'm not great with spectral type knowledge, but... I promise I'll let you know if I can think of something plausible... And, sure, don't worry, I'll save one." The agent smiled, and promised, watching him go- and offering Lindsay a nervous smile, in return for the scary glance, before she got her own food.

The agent then located Nakura and made her way over to his table, placing her tray down, and fixing him with a slightly concerned look as she puzzled out what to start with.
It wasn't promising, but the only thing she could come up with happened to be; "Are you okay?"  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:41 am
"Fascinating indeed," Nakura agreed. "If the pokemon I have right now weren't so high-maintanence, I would have liked to obtain another psychic-type some time, if only to study them better. It's a shame my partner hates them so much. I mean, she hated them before - possibly because they're almost like opposites to dark-types, and everyone knows how she feels about those - but after her Umbreon was killed because of that Mewtwo, I don't think she'd ever trust one."

Watching Shawn go, the red-eyed grunt muttered darkly under his breath. "For someone who hated and freaked out about ghosts, he sure has a lot of them..." When Tambrey sat down beside him, however, he started so badly that his knee banged the underside of the table. "Ah-! Sorry, I was...lost in thought," he apologized, beaming at her before comprehending her question. "Okay? Why wouldn't I be? I don't mind having my picture taken all that much. I'm pretty photogenic, don't you think?" he teased, posing with his chin against his palm supported by his elbow propped on the table. "You worry far too much, Tam-chii." Extending a finger, he tapped her nose. "How's that boyfriend of yours? Please tell me you're already an 'item' or I don't think I'll be able to bear it."


Chatty Informer

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Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:32 am
Tambrey grimaced slightly. Right, that Mewtwo. The day with all the... electric ghosts. One of whom was now in her possession, a little too her own consternation... Though she was getting used to Gauntlet, slowly.

"That's... understandable." Tambrey decided to leave it at that, before joining the grunt at his table and asking her question.
She wrinkled her nose slightly as it was tapped, choosing to answer the questions she received in a slightly reversed order.
"Yes. We are. He's... working hard, like we all are, but he seems okay. We're all still a bit... unused to this situation." She gestured, with a bob of her head, at the base around them.
"Anyway. Yes, sure," She humoured "But you know that's not exactly what I mean, right? It's a Shuppet that took your picture."  

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