Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:26 pm
Dalcaria... It's a beautiful day isn't it? But then again, it always is in this place... The Palace District of Durelieus, the capital of the Empire of Dalcaria, the unquestionable super power of this far off world. Hard to believe just three years ago this whole nation was at each other's throats, trying desperately to wrestle their way into power. In the end, the nation probably fell into the best hands it could... Well, best aside from the hands it had first been taken from, the poor King Clarion, last King of Dalcaria.
Perhaps beautiful days like this invite memories of such sadness, and perhaps also they invite strange happenings. After all, you didn't make it to this place by accident, did you? One way or another, you were brought here, right to the doorsteps of the Imperial Palace, previously the home of the monarchs of this Empire, now the home of the new Grand Chancellor.
What did bring you here anyways? Were you invited? Arrested for some terrible crime, or maybe not even a crime at all? Or did maybe some force inside of you draw you here, beckoning to you, as if the world itself willed you to be here? It doesn't really matter does it though, one way or another, you're here, and someone very important wishes to speak to you.
Before you enter, you look around to see the others entering the building. Perhaps some of them are in chains, being dragged in by Royal Guards, or even Police. Perhaps some fair lady in a long flowing dress, a noblewoman likely, steps out of an exquisite stage coach, a letter in hand that is no doubt inviting her here as well. Or perhaps even some wealthy businessman or demon hunter has pulled up in one of those new fangled "automobiles". No matter how they come, or who they are, they all walk towards the building, all going inside. You soon follow them too.
As you walk through this palace, you can't help but be amazed by the beauty you find inside. This Palace perfectly symbolizes what Dalcaria looks like when it is united. The buildings on the outside, as well as this one, are what happens when an Empire is in the making for hundreds, even thousands of years. Of course, the other thing that strikes you is the small number of guards here. Was this from laziness, or a mistake, or do the people here just trust you that much? Without much more thought, you contine on your way, perhaps meeting a guard or two who take you to your true destination.
Finally, you stand outside a door, two Royal Guards armed with rifles standing on each side. They are silent and unmoving as the other people who entered reach the door as well. The guards do a stiff nod before speaking.
"Presenting his Excellency, Grand Chancellor James Tiberius Byron Bond, leader of the Empire of Dalcaria. Please do not speak until spoken to, and remain absolutely respectful."
You're not sure if what they said was tradition, or a warning. They open the doors and you are led into the room.
The room is a fairly large office type room, very spacious and with a high ceiling. In the center of the room are some men, some older looking, some slightly younger. Almost all of them are dressed in black and standing around a medium sized table, one that holds a map of most of the world across it. At the side of the table closest to you is a man standing hunched over it, his back turned to you. Everyone is deathly silent at the moment, and the other men around the table say nothing, they just watch the man. Although it is only a few moments, ages seem to pass before the man with his back to you raises a hand and does a slow, yet brief wave of his hand to the men around him. They all nod silently and walk to the left side of the room where there is another door, which all of them leave through. The doors of the room are closed and you are alone in this room with the other people who came in, probably two or four guards, and the man at the table.
The room is silent once again, and the man doesn't move for a few moments. Finally, he leaves his hunched position over the table and straightens himself out. He turns around and looks you right in the eye, then each and every other person too. There is a smile on his face, almost sarcastic looking, but you can't quite tell. You probably won't say anything about it either. This is the most powerful man in the Empire, and what that means is he is basically the most powerful man on the planet.
The silence is broken as he finally speaks.
"I'm glad you all could make it. I assume you're wondering why you're here, my means of... Inviting you all were rather vague I admit. Well then, let's get down to business, shall we?"
The sarcastic smile doesn't leave his face, but he crosses his arms and leans back slightly as a more sly smile starts to creep up.
"Before I get talking though, I've got a question for all of you. Do any of you believe in demons?"
Whatever is going on here, you can't be sure of quite yet, but you can already feel something in the air. Perhaps it is excitement, or adventure. Maybe danger, or dread even. One thing seems to stand out most though, and that's that whatever is going on here is going to be one of the most important things that has happened in a very long time.
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:29 pm
Username: Name: Age: Gender: Race/Nationality/Species: (Talk to me if your character is a foreigner and/or isn't a human.) Orientation: Personality:
Rank: (political, military, social, financial. Dalcaria is a fairly free country when it comes to many things, including finances, so it's very easy to be very wealthy and not a nobleman or woman, just so you are aware. You also don't have to be of noble blood to be in the military or certain political aspects of the nation, and it is possible to "purchase" someone else's noble title, giving you the political power they may have had. Of course, the noble needs to be willing to sell it. Please do not include anything within these brackets when you are posting your own character, just give the rank.) Occupation: (Job basically) Education: (Kind of a last second thought on my part. XD Access to education isn't impossible, even for poorer persons and foreigners. Of course, being a rich Dalcarian noble doesn't exactly guarantee you had a good education either, it depends solely on what the character is like and what they had access to.)
Factions: (Groups you are or were working for or with, can include old groups that no longer exist. I'll give a rundown of the factions at some point soon as well.)
Religion/Philosophy: (Lack of religion, ie. Atheist or agnostic, is also accepted here.) Political Ideals: (Optional. If your character supports one political group/idea or another, you can mention it here. Talk to me if you want to know a little about which sides you may want to choose.)
Biography: How did you end up at the Palace:
Skills: (The stuff you're good at. This could be cooking, fighting, driving, or even something more brainy like chemistry if you like.)
Transportation: (Cars, horses, etc.) Home: (Your house, city, and province that you live in for the most part. If you need names for places and descriptions of them, let me know and I'll give you a rundown)
Likes: Dislikes:
Weapons: Clothing/Armor: Powers: (Magic and what have you)
Picture: (Of your character) Theme Song: (Also optional?) (OOC: Please PM me all profiles, and please DO NOT include anything that is within the ( ) when you make your profile, just cut it out of it and put your info only, please and thank you. It just makes things more pretty. xd )
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:56 pm
1. Please PM me all profiles, I'd rather not have people posting them before I can look them over. 2. Stick to the Gaia TOS. In other words... A) No Cybering (romance is accepted) B) Try to limit swearing (Gaia censors a lot of it though, so I suppose that won't matter much) C) No starting fights or drama, I don't want to have to ban anyone. 3. No god-moding unless I give you some sort of permission, or you are in fact me, which you aren't so don't bother. Don't worry, I will only use this power to help keep the story moving, I won't use it to wreck your enjoyment (not intentionally at least). If I do go overboard somehow, tell me about it and I'll try to fix my error. We all make mistakes after all. 4. Please try to keep your grammar as good as you can, so that others can understand easier. Also, post in third person, not in first if you can help it. Just seems much more smooth that way. 5. If you plan on permanently leaving the RP, please tell me so that I can figure out a way of writing it in. Also, if you don't feel you can fully commit to this roleplay, it may be a good idea not to join. I understand that things come up from time to time, but it really puts a kink into the roleplay, so please try to commit if you want to join. 6. If you plan on killing off any of your own characters, you should tell me first I think, to make things easier for everyone to work with. 7. If I find that you haven't been very active, I am reserving the right for myself to do just about whatever it takes to get your attention, and you probably don't want that. So please try to be active or at the very least, tell me when you will be inactive. 8. If you plan on posting in OOC, just make sure to tell us you're doing so. Also, please, if you can, try to post your OOC stuff in "The Inquisitors" (OOC Thread) if you can. 9. The MOST important rule! Please also READ much of the info in the OOC thread if you can, it gives most of the VERY important information about this world there, and you will need some of it to be able to roleplay. I know some of you don't want to read a lot, so the pages that are most important are 1 for the intro, and a bit of a description of the world Dalcaria is in, 2 for info on more of what Dalcaria is like, as well as some descriptions on some factions, (this page also has the character skeleton, but I suppose that doesn't matter a whole lot now), 3 has some reference pics (not essential, but handy to use if you need inspiration), 5 for the descriptions of the provinces of Dalcaria (VERY important so you know about the different areas you may visit, as well as where your character may have come from. Page 3 also gives info on a colony of Dalcaria not mentioned on page 5, as well as food and drink in the Empire, size of the empire, and the national animal, the Leviathan), and page 6 has some info on some non-Dalcarian, but still human, races. Ask me about other races outside of Dalcaria if you want to be part of another one (there is a "American" type nation as well if you want to be from there. Just ask and I will tell). I probably won't change these rules, so I hope you can handle them. Nothing out of the unusual though, so I'm sure you'll be fine! Also, and this is an even BIGGER rule, or maybe a request. Please don't judge me on the names I use! crying Like James Tiberius Byron Bond for instance. I didn't judge anyone when they used Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7, so don't judge me for using James Bond as a name, especially since this is NOT, in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, the James Bond from the films or books. This is my James Bond, and I am very proud of him. SO DON'T JUDGE! scream If you can get past my weird choice in names, I'm sure we'll get along just swimmingly! Well, please feel free to sign up whenever you like! I'm off for now, but I'll post some character profiles of my own soon! TALLY HO, WOT WOT!
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:59 pm
Oh, and one more by the by, I will be writing a profile for the Grand Chancellor as well. Wouldn't want him to miss the party would I? wink
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:05 pm
Nobody has posted yet? Preposterous! xd I suppose I should have mentioned before hand that this is a steampunk roleplay by the way, but more similar to Dishonored (so more minimalist tech, buildings, vehicles, etc. and less gearpunk). I put a lot of reference stuff in the OOC, so go ahead and check it out! I'll probably post a character soon as well, to keep things moving I suppose.
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:54 pm
Username: Lord Sithious Name: Grand Chancellor James Tiberius Byron Bond Age: 28 Gender: Male Race/Nationality/Species: A little bit of blood from each province, plus a little of something no one has ever seen before/ born in Southern Tavastia/ Human Orientation: Straight Personality: Nowadays, almost a little coldly sarcastic. His sarcasm seems to carry a sharp bite to it, almost anger. Don't take it personally though, it probably has nothing to do with you. James can be warm, and even kind, though usually his kindness is shown more in his actions, less in his words. Something happened to him.... Something he hasn't told anyone.... Rank: Grand Chancellor of Dalcaria (essentially making him the most powerful person on the planet), owner of a weapons and armaments company, ex-leader of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, ex-leader of the Royal Guard. Occupation: Holds almost all the political power in Dalcaria. Almost all. Education: Went to a small school in the small manor town he was born in, taught about business and a little politics by his father. Had abusive education forced on him by House Black (more on this later) and further educated in politics, chivalry, and combat by the Royal Guard and the late King Clarion himself. Factions: The Grand Fascist Council (leader of it), Royal Guard (previous leader, still has loyalty of and to it's members), Imperial Intelligence Agency (previous leader, still has loyalty of and to it's members as well), and most other groups across the Empire (he technically has power over them, though he doesn't usually use that power). Religion/Philosophy: Follows the One, but isn't exactly a Temple goer. He was raised on the ideas that the One is mysterious, that we know very little about him (or her?) but that one day, we may be told more about him. How this will happen is as much of a mystery as the One himself (or herself). Political Ideals: Loyal to the King, even after death his death. He has based much of his political ideals off of what the King believed, and what the One seems to teach. Although he cares deeply about the people of Dalcaria, he feels the best way to look after them is through continued dictatorship, not democracy. Biography: James was born in a small, manor village in Southern Tavastia. His family had been part of the nobility for a while, but at one point one of his ancestors sold the title, likely to get away from the political insanity that the Nobility often had going on. His father also owned a weapons company that made some of the best in all of Dalcaria. James had a good and happy life growing up, and his father always taught him to be kind and good to others. Then, when James was about 13, House Black came. They attacked the town mercilessly, looking to find and execute every last foreign blooded person there. James's father fought back viciously, as did James's mother, and for that, they were both executed in front of him. One of the officers pulled a young Lishundan girl, belonging to one of the cat like races, and put a gun in his hand. They told him to put a bullet in her, or they were going to kill him. James fought back as desperately as he could, and somehow, in the mess of everything, the girl was lucky enough to make an escape. James however was not so lucky The kidnapped him and brought him back to their headquarters. The next few years, nobody really knows what happened, except for James, maybe a few Royal Guards, and likely the late King Clarion. When James was about 15, he was out on some sort of mission for House Black, trying to stay alive and hating himself for every moment of it. But then, from out of the shadows, another group of soldiers came out, guns blazing, swords crashing, and plenty of people dying. James took cover, and when he looked around, Royal Guard soldiers were standing over him, looks of concern, probably even pity, covering their faces. James was glad he was the only young one out that night, because every House Black soldier there was dead. The Guards began to move apart though to make room for someone approaching James. He looked up to see King Richard Clarion, the last King of Dalcaria. James had no idea what to say or do, but before he could do anything, the King extended and hand and helped James stand up. That night, they took James back as quickly as they could to Durelieus. After he was cleaned up and interviewed for a while, he was given a choice. Leave the palace and try to make his own way in the world, or maybe go to an orphanage, or maybe just become a Palace servant... Or, he could join the Royal Guards and become the King's version of "special forces", working to root out any and all evil where ever they could find it. James jumped at the chance to finally pay back House Black for their evil, and a chance for him to make up for his mistakes. When he was 17, he was finally old enough to join and fight in the Royal Guards. For the next few years, he remained a strong and loyal soldier, getting more than his fair share of heroics in, and plenty of recognition for it. This all changed when he reached the age of 22 though. The King called James and a number of other guards into his private office and told them all a sad truth. Assassins were going to kill the King, and there was nothing that could be done. However, the people hiring the assassins were going to try and pin the murder on the Royal Guards, to try and remove them from power as well. But that was why the King called them in. James and the men with him were all ordered to plant fake evidence in a very particular way so that all the blame would fall on the previous head of the Royal Guards. Once the King, and all his family, were dead, the head of the Royal Guards was sent to be executed, but the rest of the Royal Guard was put under James's command. For the next three years, James maintained control of the Royal Guard, was given command of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, and was even given his father's old weapons company (though nobody at the time knew it had been James's father). He played the part of the "loyal fascist patriot" until he was 25 and the nation was in turmoil again. This was when the Civil War really picked up the pace. Within a few months, James had used every asset available to him to save as any foreigners from death (as House Black was in charge of killing them all or sending them to Death Camps) and to get as many allies to fight by his side as he could. And then, in only a few days, Durelieus had become one of the largest battle grounds in the history of the planet. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of men and women were at each others throats, but in the end, James was the one to put down the most enemies, and to ensure his power. Nobody is really sure who killed who just yet, but they do know that all the leaders of the other factions died before the battle was even over. But that didn't matter anymore. James assumed the position of Grand Chancellor of the Empire of Dalcaria a few days after the battle had finished and the other enemy nations (who had tried to invade them at this time) had been defeated. But as soon as these powers were laid upon James, he immediately got to work on building this nation to the super power it had always been. Reconstruction of everything damaged or destroyed in battle started, deconstruction of the death camps was already under way, and James was already passing bill after bill in government that would change numerous laws that would help make Dalcaria a better place for everyone. He promised himself, and the people, that he would be a dictator that would fight to his last breath to keep them safe and free. Now, it is three years after the Civil War and the nation is almost back to the way it was before. James is still basically the same as he was back then, but something has made him a little more cold, and angry for some reason. Something from his past. He's still fairly young looking too, but he has definitely aged since he was 25. Being the leader of a nation will do that to you though. Still recently he has managed to gain the ire of the Temple for some reason, and nobody is exactly sure why. Whatever the reason was, you're probably going to find out very soon. How did you end up at the Palace: He won the Civil War. In seriousness though, James was the one that called the meeting, not someone going to it. Skills: Excellent with swords, guns, some magic, running a business, and of course running a country. Other skills include driving, being a decent runner, and fighting like an absolute beast when the time comes. He didn't win the war just by having lots of friends, he won by getting blood on his hands. Transportation: Just about whatever he wants or needs. The Palace has a number of carriages, cars, and even access to aircraft's (these are at military bases however). Home: The Imperial Palace in Durelieus. Also, this is the back entrance. Likes: Not to be asked about too much personal stuff. Foreigners and Dalcarians alike, interesting people, the One, and any good person. Dislikes: Being asked about too much personal stuff. Racists, bigots, evil people, demons (provided they are evil demons, as not all demons are evil), innocent people being in pain. Weapons: James Sword, a 10mm, 6 round, top loaded pistol, and his custom .308 rifle ( 1, 2) Clothing/Armor: Typical clothes, Royal Guard Armor (worn typically in combat), Grand Chancellor Finery (Usually worn on special occasions. Please ignore the other person's head in this picture.) Powers: A good grasp of magic, mostly uses destruction, healing, and spiritual magics though. Has some other, more personal powers, but he may not have access to them. Perhaps a descendant will though. Picture: JamesTheme Song: Good Man by The Heavy, Bossman By Jesse and the Bonez, and Links 2 3 4 by Rammstein. (The First two are more of soundtrack songs, Links 2 3 4 is a little bit more his theme song.) Username: Lord Sithious Name: "Black" Jack MacDonagh Age: 37 Gender: Male Race/Nationality/Species: Craydonan/Dalcarian/Human Orientation: Straight Personality: Tough as nails and willing to smash you like a hammer. At least, that's what everyone thinks. This is a man who has robbed people, beaten people up, and even killed a few, and yet some say in hushed tones that he's got a soft side. In fact, some even think he's an anti-racist (funny thing for a criminal), and even that he's let a few of his victims walk away with their lives. Of course, if you value your teeth, you won't mention this to him.
Rank: No political power, financial power, or military power, but has huge influence in the criminal underworld. Occupation: Leader of his fine gang of men and women (need to name it still) Education: Growing up, not very good, but once he moved into Durelieus and started running with bad groups, he picked up a number of good reads and slowly educated himself to the point of your average middle class working fellow. Factions: His gang, the "Old Town Butchers", but he did also take to the streets and gave a little support to the factions that helped the New Grand Chancellor (but he'll never admit it). Religion/Philosophy: Punched a man square in the face for asking once. Doesn't like to talk about this side of his life, but some say they can hear him praying some nights. Political Ideals: Thinks the New Grand Chancellor is an okay bloke, hates the fact that he keeps getting arrested though.
Biography: Jack grew up in the navy industry city of Dereham. His mother and father were poor, his father working at the ship building yard and his mother working at home to raise the kids. After Jack turned 10 though, his mother started going to work at the ship yard too, trying to help the family get a stable financial base. During this time, Jack spent his time with the neighbourhood boys and girls, and it wasn't long before he was learning street smarts. Times were hard on his family, and by the time Jack was 12, his father had had a work injury that left him incapable of working at the ship yard anymore, so Jack's mother had to do more work. Of course, this wasn't enough for the family, and there was virtually no where that Jack could work to get enough money, so he started hanging out with the gangs. After some ups and downs, he was starting to pull in some money, which he gave to his mother, who thought he was working as a butcher's apprentice. In reality though, he was helping a butcher, the butcher just also happened to be a very important man in the criminal underworld. Jack kept going with the gangs in Dereham until he turned 17 and decided it was time to find greener pastures. His mother and father were well enough looked after at the moment, and he could always send more money back later. So he headed off to Durelieus to start his own gang, taking some of his childhood friends with him. He wasn't prepared for how tough the gangs here were right off the bat, and territorial for that matter. But he played his cards right, and always kept them as close to himself as he could. That may be why he got the name "Black Jack". By the time he was in his mid-twenties, his gang, The Old Town Butchers, was running a pretty good thing in the city, and they even managed to steal a ship. Funny thing about that ship, the person they stole it from, some shipping mogul, had tried desperately to get it back, but eventually he claimed the ship as "destroyed" and collected the insurance to buy a new one. Once that happened, Jack somewhat reluctantly went and got the ship renamed and registered to him. During the Civil War, Jack and his gang suffered quite a bit. The new government didn't take kind to him, or the non-Dalcarians that were in his gang. They had had more than a few brushes with the law, but they managed to scrape on by safely. But when the Civil War finally got violent in the last few months of the war, the more racist gangs of Dalcaria took to the streets to "purge" the impures. Well, Jack didn't take too kindly to that, so he was just was quick to lash back at them for it. It was a bloody fight, but the more racist gangs were left dead in the streets or were sent running out of the city. Jack and his gang were now one of the top gangs of the city, something he said was his plan all along. He always says that he went out to fight the racists because it was "good for business", but some people say the fire he showed in his eyes during those fights was more than just for business, it was the kind of fire that showed when a person was protecting someone. Since the New Grand Chancellor has taken power, Jack and his gang have been tolerated, but there have still been a number of arrests here and there. Still, Jack and his gang are, to many people, the diamonds in the rough, the reluctant heroes that helped save hundreds of innocent lives. Jack hated being looked at like a hero, so people tend to keep the admiration out of their eyes and in their hearts.
How did he end up at the Palace: Arrested and whisked away to the Palace, not sure why he ended up here.
Skills: Can take punches and give punches like an animal. Also a decent shot with a gun and can swing a sword as good as any Police Officer. Transportation: As varied as they are stolen. A ship that he and his gang stole named the "Dirge". Home: An abandoned shack (or maybe a manor, or maybe a factory at some point) in Durelieus.
Likes: Drinking, punching, shooting, stealing, and women. Also has a soft spot for foreigners, but don't talk to him about it. Also might have a soft spot for the One, also don't talk to him about this. Dislikes: People poking into his personal life, getting ripped off, getting arrested.
Weapons: .454 Revolver (Another pic) with six cylinders and a round in each one (I know it only shows four, but for him it'll have six, plus no ring at the bottom of the grip. As for the size of this revolver, it's close in size to an average pistol, like a Beretta, or a Walther PPK, despite the fact it seems a little small in this pic), Butchers Machete, and an Assault Rifle with a 50 round magazine (for extreme situations). Clothing/Armor: Just the clothes he usually wears. (in the pic) Powers: Some slight magic, but nothing beyond the basics that most Dalcarians know. Picture: Jack (Basically what he looks like.) Theme Song: Shipping Up To Boston
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:19 pm
Username: Kami GearX Name: Vashani Saani Age: 23 Gender: Male Race/Nationality/Species: Pantherakin Orientation: Heterosexual Personality: Vashani is a strange mix of both predatory instinct and kind hearted acts. When he was first found in the ruins of an ancient civilization deep in the jungles of the island of Northern Lishunda he was very much a feral Anthropomorphic. He killed several royal guards but was stopped by a mere child. In fact not only was he stopped but his entire demeanor changed to that of a protectorate for the small female. Anyone who got close was immediately attacked. He was brought back as a slave by the child and was taught the ways of civilization as well as how to speak. He learned so quickly that within a week he was acclimated to such a life. Now he holds a much less fearful demeanor and instead is much like a gentleman, carrying himself with pride and kindness. Rank: "Slave" (He works for a noble house for no money, but he is free to leave whenever or start getting paid beside housing, food, and equipment). Occupation: Champion Slave Education: Home Schooled in a way Factions: Nobility, specifically loyal to the house Capulet Religion/Philosophy: "Those who are not loyal are killed first. Those who find loyalty will die second. Those of us who have been loyal our whole life will die last. It is simply the way of things." Political Ideals: Vashani feels that there could be some minor improvements for the common man but he does not voice them. Biography: Vashani was alone, not knowing his parents nor knowing of an outside world. He was left in the ruins of an ancient civilization, unexplored by humanoids for thousands of years. He hunted, killed, and lived in nature without much else thought than the need to survive from day to day. He grew strong and swift, able to catch and kill the animals that looked like him as well. Then on a fateful day, a loud bang resounded and immense pain filled Vashani. When he turned he saw a new, foreign creature in his domain. Then another and another of the same type. Wearing strange masks and skin. Vashani did the only thing he could, he hid and hunted these new predators. He was outsmarted, surrounded and pinned down. He killed with claws and teeth until he saw a small child quivering in fear. Whether or not it was of him or of the loud noises, Vashani took it upon himself to protect this small child. He roared at anything that came close, especially the strange creatures with the masks and weapons. He was saved by the small girl, having another strange and loud weapon pointed at him when she stood in his stead. For thanks for saving his life he allowed himself to be captured and taken in as a slave for trade. The small female wanted to keep him however and was allowed to by a taller creature that looked like the female but was holding one of the loud weapons. Only weeks later Vashani had learned everything he needed to in order to be part of society, his wounds having healed. When he was first allowed outside he saw a glorious and awe inspiring world, one full of steam and noise. Not like those of nature, but noise that sounded like music. Another year passed and he was put as the 'Champion' for the small female. If she were to be insulted and she requested a duel from the person who threw the insult, he would do the fighting. Sadly he never could use the strange weapons of the loud noises that he learned were called guns, instead preferring things like a sword or flail. How did you end up at the Palace: On official business for House Capulet Skills: One on one dueling, Being a Bodyguard, Cooking (strangely enough he loves fruits), Ball Room Dancing Etiquette as well as the dance itself. Transportation: His hands and feet Home: A small room inside the main mansion that houses the Capulet family Weapons: b*****d sword and shortsword which he carries at all times. For his Parade armor he is given a gun with no ammo inside of it for show. His Dueling Armor he is given a shield, a flail, a spear, and a javelin on top of his usual weapons. When he roams the streets he carries a dagger that shows his loyalty to the Capulet household and it is his pass to carry his weapons in public as well. Clothing/Armor: Parade Armor, Honorary Dueling Armor (It is angled in many places to make many weapons bounce or slide off of it), For Street clothes he wears a simple leather jerkin and cloth pants, the pads of his feet acting as his shoes. Powers: Predatory Instincts- Vashani always has a foggy idea of what his opponent will do in battle as well as tell if they truly pose a threat to him. He can also track by scent if he is given a smell of a persons clothing that they wore within two days. Fresh blood always attracts his attention as its smell is very distinct to him. Theme Song: "Witch"- Tsubasa Resevoir ChroniclesUsername: KamiGearX Name: Dante Kullorin Age: 19 Gender: Male Race/Nationality/Species: Dalcarian from the Tavastian Province Orientation: Heterosexual Personality: Dante is very cold hearted to strangers. He's been trained to feel no emotion else it will get in the way of his job. That doesn't mean he's an automaton of a man, he simply hides them well via scarf and shadowed face by the brim of his hat. When he does show emotion it is usually a bit of depression mixed with hatred although on rare occasions to those he has warmed up to he will show signs of the wide array of human emotions. Rank: Civilian Occupation: Witch Hunter Education: Trained By The Temple Factions: The Temple/ The Office of Science and Magic (More on this Later) Religion/Philosophy: Belief in The One, "The Temple guides my way, The Office paves it, and I follow it. So it has been written in the scripts, and so it shall be done." Political Ideals: He believes that whatever the Temple commands him to do is law, even if it means breaking the codes that civilization has placed for everyone else. Biography: Dante was never what people would be considered normal. He had a strange style about him, his swagger was much different than others around him, and even in the slums many thought of him as one meant for a higher life. Sadly Dante's family household was never a strong one, his father always ill to the point where he could not work and his mother scraping in enough money just to get by. However his mother crossed the line in an attempt to pull them from there misery. With the help of two other eager mothers they commanded a dark ritual, sacrificing his father, who was willing to help his family break away from the low class. When Dante saw the blood red sky from outside he rushed back home, only to witness a demon devouring the body of his father and mother. When he let out a cry it turned to him and simply smiled asking him what was wrong. Dante awoke weeks later from a coma that he had been placed in by the traumatic experience, locks of his hair turned white. He had awaken with something new, an arm that was not his, but neither was it mechanical. It was a grafted arm from a demon, purified of its taint via priests.He was five then and already his body was mutated. He was quickly asked if he wished to join the ranks of witch hunters and only one thought crossed his mind, revenge. Dante accepted without a second thought and as an experimental weapon against both demons and witches he was protected from doing missions to early. Another encounter changed that as well. He was called upon for a hunt, one to take a turned brother in arms. Dante accepted this task and set out for his former ally. He found him within the forests of the countryside and found a horrid sight, an army of daemon and his comrade in the middle, once more, being sacrificed, eaten away so he too could become part of a demon. The rage that filled him created a reaction with his arm, feeding off of the negative energy. His holy weapons became tainted with sin and Dante went into a frenzy, a rain of bullets and cuts falling onto his enemies. Seventeen was his age. With the kill of his comrade, Dante collected what was left of the corpse and carried it back in a wrapped bundle for the Temple to purify and bury. He was once more put into a coma upon his return, exhausted and worn out from the unlocking of his arms power. When he awoke, a new surprise awaited him. His right eye was gone, and not only was it gone, but the eye of a daemon, purified of course, had replaced it. The vision that was granted to him was much needed for his job as a witch hunter, the corrupt souls of others now open to his very eyes. The Temple released him as a hound to hunt down those impure and in contact with the daemon, his hypocritical body parts aiding him in his triumphs. Soon the Office of Science and Magic caught wind of his body and were curious, wanting not only to study him, but to keep him in check as there was no telling when he would go berserk. Seals that were created from both the Office and Temple combined were placed onto his arm, cloth with arcane and religious calligraphy on it wrapped around in a intertwining manner, the wrapping going all the way up to his eye and sealing it away as well. Eighteen years of age. At nineteen he was officially a Witch Hunter and was given actual tasks, the experience of his past encounters giving him an edge over his companions. Now he hunts, day and night, for trespassers into the world of Daemon, his one goal is to find the daemon that ate his mother and father. The tragedy and truth has yet to be revealed to him however, the demon is inside of him, feeding off of him and his negative energy for revenge, growing stronger and more powerful with each enemy he defeats. How did you end up at the Palace: Giving a Report to the Office about a new magic entity he came across. Was then told he was needed at the Palace Skills: Judging a Person on whether they are inherently good or evil a lot of people are blank slates however, Tracking and Killing Witches, Sensing nearby demons if he is focused, Gunplay, Acrobatics Transportation: Well... Boots of course, he doesn't like getting formal wear dirty. Home: He has no one place he stays but his base of operations is a Cathedral for The Temple in Durelieus. When he is hunting Witches in other areas he uses various inns to get the job done. Likes: For some reason he does enjoy the look of wine being poured, he doesn't drink it, but he does like watching it flow out of a bottle, Bullets and more bullets, The smell of a dead daemon. Dislikes: Witches and daemon of course, alcohol, Cowards, Mysteries, Case Solving Weapons: Twin Triple Barreled Revolvers the one in his right hand is 'Beauty, the left is called "Beast". (The barrels revolve with the chamber so each one has a total of three shots before a reload). "Defiance" is his only close quarters weapon and he often uses it with one of his pistols as well. Clothing/Armor: Clothing is as seen in the picture Powers: Daemon Arm- Dante is very much aware of his body and uses it to his benefit when necessary. If he unwraps the arm he gains additional physical help from it, and he usually uses it when he is in melee combat with a daemon if it proves to be too difficult for him to handle on his own without help. Daemon Eye- Hidden by the same wrappings as his Daemon Arm, if he unravels the cloth from around his eye he can see the Ethereal Plane, which allows him to peer into the souls of others and determine whether or not they have had contact with daemon before. If he focuses he can catch snippets of the emotional feelings around him. Purification Rites- Dante is always a system of checks and balances and over time he needs to preform a Purification ritual. When it is complete he erases the evils inside his unholy body parts, temporarily purifying himself. He may also purify desecrated places where daemon have been summoned. Dante requires nothing more than the need nothing more than a few minutes of undisturbed meditation to preform these actions. "Call Upon Thy Spirit"- His only magical ability, Dante may use the spiritual energy his body has gathered as projectiles for his guns instead of actual bullets. They are the same as any physical projectile and may be deflected or blocked, however he does not need to pull the trigger of his pistols, nor do they rotate, he simply uses the guns as a focus for the ability and it takes form as a bullet. Picture: Dante KullorinTheme Song: "Hellsing Opening"- Hellsing OST
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:53 pm
Bump! Just doing this to keep this roleplay noticeable. I've already got a number of people wanting to join or already joined, so I'm VERY excited to see how this turns out! biggrin
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:29 pm
The_Sane_Hatter Name: Robert Lowsley Age: 38 Gender: Male Race/Nationality/Species: Cursed Human Clarendon(ian?) Orientation: Disinterested. Personality: Robert is a very dry person. He’s detached from society and it’s norms, an outcast amongst men, an abnormality that shouldn't exist. That’s mostly the paranoia and slipping mental state speaking, but to be fair, he does have a slight point. He’s cold and uncaring for the most part towards people, except Samuel and a few other acquaintances. He’s the type to casually point out that you’re wrong, and an idiot, before correcting you with his carefully thought out plan. He’s isn't much for formality though, he much prefers the common sense of practicality. Rank: Lieutenant Colonel Occupation: Currently unemployed for the most part, as there seems to be a lack of war going on. Consultant on where some of the nastier members of House Black went. Education: : Robert received an education from Moncello University in Clarendon. He graduated fifth in his class, before moving on to study military tactics under individual study and on his own. Most of his knowledge beyond standard education is self-taught or gleaned from one-on-one sessions with experts in the field. Factions: Ex-House Black member, currently loyal to New Grand Chancellor. Religion/Philosophy: Not one for religion, especially that silly old-regime racial superiority nonsense, Robert is a bit hollow, spiritually. He does however, think wonders of the human spirit, and it’s resilience, strength, and capacity to achieve. In terms of morality, that’s… Not something he’d like to talk about. Political Ideals: Robert has always tried to stay away from politics, leaving the political bickering and scheming to his more diabolical family members. However, he for one welcomes the New Grand Chancellor and his new policies on government. Possibly because he’s not been executed yet. He does have some strong opinions on policy towards the Southern Islands, but he’s already caused enough problems there. Biography: The Lowsley family has been a prominent family in the Clarendon region for generations upon generations. Starting in the lumber and shipbuilding industry, the Lowsley family worked its way into the politics of the region, and slowly of the Empire. Somewhere along that transition, one of its members, Robert’s grandfather Edward Lowsley, got involved in the activities of House Black, and we pick up there. Robert was born the eldest child of Richard Lowsley and Caroline Trinstin(No, no inbreeding here, sorry). Despite this, he never was the ‘favorite’ among his siblings, Jack, Christopher, Lewis, and Elizabeth. Where as they were all dutiful sons and daughters, who fell in line with the order of the House Black ideals and the families standards for social order, Robert was more inclined to disagree. Since he was only really paid any attention to for a year (The period in which he was an only child), he managed to escape the early imprinting of his parents ideas on him at a young age, and while his parent’s tossed the veil over his sibling’s eyes, he gazed behind it, and decided he should just stay away, for the most part. He managed to keep his distance from House Black activities, except when it benefitted him. He took full advantage of his family’s access to technology and mystical knowledge, and studied for a career in the military, a career path he hoped would send him far from the rest of his family, something that could be achieved using his wit and hard work as opposed to his family’s influence. He excelled in tactics and swordsmanship, and learned a few magical tricks and principles he probably shouldn't have. It seemed that Robert would be able to break away from his family, and sever the dysfunctional ties that bound him. Lewis went into the Office of Science and Magic, Christopher into political arena in the noble’s parliament, and Elizabeth stayed close to home to manage the lumber business. But Jack, who else but the nasty brutish brother went into service as a general, using family ties to skip to the front of the pack. That complicated things for Robert, who became fairly certain, due to strained ties with his siblings, that if he simply went in at the bottom Jack would find a way to get him serving under him. Things were also beginning to heat up politically in Dalcaria, putting strain on him to leave. So, he pulled all the favors he could, and snagged a commission as a Lieutenant Colonel in charge of an expeditionary force to the Southern Islands, to secure a base of operations with which to facilitate larger strikes on the increasingly hostile nation to the North. It was a fairly decent force, seemingly adequate air and sea support. What they encountered however, was a bit more intense than expected. The islands had already been dug into by the opposing forces, and it was a struggle simply to make it ashore. After a few weeks of grueling fighting up the beach and into the jungle’s and forests, most of the force was either killed or demoralized, and much of the support had been scrapped. The Civil war back at home meant that there was a shortage of reinforcement for the most part, at least on Robert’s island. Desperately in need of a way to hold the line against the enemy, he turned to the dark magic’s he’d learned at home, and began experimenting on himself, and a group of soldiers under the command of Captain Samuel Morris, with whom he became close acquaintances with. He admired his ability to lead in a limited capacity, and inspire confidence in his men. As the experiments dragged on, there was limited success. Morris’ Company of a hundred men became the spearhead of the expeditionary forces, wreaking havoc and death across the island. The enemy was both terrified and horrified by the tactics used by the men, and took to thinking of them as demons out of a child’s nightmare. Unfortunately, the same effect worked on his own men as well, with most of the subjects not being able to handle life anymore, and suicide rates went through the roof. By the time reinforcement began steadily arriving, most of the men left were traumatized, and sent back, Lowsley and Morris included. Near the end of the war, Robert was gravely injured leading a charge against a trench of enemy soldiers. An incendiary mine exploded near his face, burning a good chunk of flesh of the left side of his face, and necessitating removal of his left eye. His left arm and chest were badly burned as well, wounds that continue to heal currently. Needless to say, he has a bit of a checkered reputation. How did you end up at the palace?: Invited cordially. Robert is never one to turn down an invitation. Skills: Robert’s skills lay primarily in his leadership ability, and his strategic planning. He’s pretty good at chess, and riddles. In combat, he excels with a sword or his magic, but probably isn't the person you want to carefully shoot an assailant out from behind a hostage. Transportation: Either burned or stolen when the family manor burnt to the ground. Home: Lowsley family manor was, as a refuge for House Black, burned sometime during the war. It still stands, the fire doing little structural damage except to some of the further wings, but the interior is burnt and ransacked, hardly livable in. His sister Elizabeth died in the blaze, and the hired help have since moved on, so Robert has little interest in returning. Likes: War, self-made men, his subordinates, straight lines, classy things, the fine arts, swordplay, strategy. Dislikes: His family, himself, deserters, the old regime, food, sleep, people who rush things, gossip. Weapons: A man of mystical ability, Robert isn't armed much beyond the standards of an officer of his rank. An adept swordsman, he carries with him his officer sword ( Model 1735 Derfflinger Saber), and has furnished a cartridge conversion revolver ( Colt Walker) for his purposes. The later is more of a formality, as he’s not that great of a shot. Though, having only one eye hasn't had as much of an effect on his accuracy as he feared. Clothing/Armor: Being the proper person he is, Robert is hardly ever seen not wearing his uniform. Being as non-feeling as it is, it’s comfortable solely based on its consistency. The gas mask does serve as a sort of armor against chemical attacks though, so it is useful in some way. Powers: Using House Black’s resources, and some research papers snagged from Lewis when he wasn't looking, Robert has gained a fairly good grasp of dark magic, enough to curse himself and groups of soldiers into monsters. Robert hardly feels pain, fear, or fatigue. But his body can still be damaged, and heals at a much slower rate. He still needs to eat, but food tastes of ash and water of salt. Still needs to sleep, but is haunted by horrible nightmares whenever he closes his eyes. It’s a trade-off, equivalency. Your happiness in exchange for strength. He’s not sure whether the fact he hasn't gone insane yet a miracle or damnation. Besides that, he’s quite good at creating masses of shadow tendrils to grasp, drag, and toss opponents, and is adept at the art of radiating and aura of fear and malice, especially if you gaze into his hollow left eye socket. Avoid doing that, not only is it rude, it’s just detrimental for your health. "Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster; and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you." Picture: Lieutenant Colonel LowsleyTheme Song: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows OST - Romani Holiday (Antonius remix)Username: The_Sane_Hatter Name: Samuel Morris Age: 23 Gender: Male Race/Nationality/Species: Cursed Human Kragdarrochian Orientation: Straight Personality: Samuel is a people person, well likable, and likes pretty much everyone. He’s got social skills and a sense of humor, which serve him well as Lowsley’s…. Bridge? Let’s call it a bridge, to everything else in the world. A decent leader, not the brightest star in the sky, but bright enough to know when someone brighter comes along and to get their help. However, he can be aggressive at points, like a battering ram. The type of guy that just won’t quit. Rank: Captain in the Dalcarian military Occupation: Soldier, Lieutenant Colonel Lowsley’s assistant Education: Samuel isn't all that well educated. He received your average know-how from his parents and grandparents, reading, writing, and math, but not much else. He’s got more practical knowledge in the mining field, so he knows a good deal about rocks and how structures that hold up weight work. He also went through some basic training in the military, graduated near top of his class there. Factions: The Military Religion/Philosophy: “There are few things on this Earth that can withstand a full-out frontal assault. Fewer still are those mental enough to consider undertaking such a thing. Truly blessed is he who, when his brethren laying dead and dying left and right, finds the courage and will to continue to charge into this sea of fire.” (If nobody’s said that, which I doubt, I call dibs.) Political Ideals: Thinks the New Grand chancellor has his work cut out for him, it’d be pretty hard to run a country worse that the last Grand Chancellor. Biography: Born the average high-lower class parents in the North of Kragdarroch, Samuel was the youngest and last child in his family. He had two older brothers, Will and Scott, and a large number of extended family members. Raised as a miner by trade, he figured he’d never need to see anything outside the small town he lived in, here was just fine. But then the mineral veins started to empty. There was still work, just not as much as before. And then his parents got sick, so obviously money was a bit tight. Samuel, not having much luck with any of the odd jobs he could find in town, made the decision to go into the military, and send money back. He did better than he expected in the army however, and after being promoted to Captain, figured this could actually be a decent career. When he got deployed to the Southern Islands, unlike the other men, he thrived in the danger. He earned the trust and acquaintance of the Lieutenant Colonel, and in essence became his right hand man (Left-hand actually… Lowsley wanted someone on his left. Good thing that was the eye that got destroyed, eh?). He took part in his experiments, and helped rally the men. Unlike some of the others than went insane, Samuel didn't’t really feel much different. A little, but then again, he really never needed the boost to begin with. He served on the front line with Lowsley until the final days of the war, and was shipped back with him. How'd you arrive at the palace?: Followed Lowsley as a plus-one. They both assumed those were part of the invite. Skills: People skills, hard labor, mining, holding vast quantities of liquor, breaking things, hand-to-hand combat, pretty decent shot, making things work. Practical know-how. Transportation: He’s still got his legs, and legs are all you need. Home: He does have family still living in Kragdarroch, but he hasn’t gone back. They live in a mining town not too far from the Northern border of the province. Likes: Liquor, fighting, war, a majority of people, promotions, The One, the Temple, his home, hard dry land. Dislikes: Snobs, the wealthy, nobility, the ex-Grand Chancellor, politics. Weapons: Samuel has taken advantage of the perks of being both a Captain and Lowsley’s Assistant, and is outfitted with what was a late-model prototype of a House Black automatic rifle ( FG-42). It’s served him well charging enemy fortifications, except when it jams up. Additionally, he is armed with a sawed-down lever action shotgun ( Winchester Model 1887) for close-up jobs, hooking to his webbing when not in use. It holds four rounds, three in the tube and one in the chamber. When all else fails, a good solider is never without his knife ( Model 1905 Bayonet). Clothing/Armor: Samuel has found that in working with Lowsley, it’s best to just continue wearing his uniform. It’s not all bad, he doesn’t need to work about chemical attacks, and he’s got a good deal of pocket space and storage webbing. Powers: Besides being cursed like Lowsley is, Samuel has no real mystical ability to speak of. Granted, the effects of the curse on him are less both ways. He still feels most things; everything is just dulled for the most part. Picture: Captain Samuel MorrisTheme Song: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Soundtrack - The Congress ReelUsername: The_Sane_Hatter Name: Pendleton C. Moore Age: 46 Gender: Male Race/Nationality/Species: Human Whitehavenan Orientation: Straight, but being the religious man he is, he’s disinclined to such dispositions. Personality: Pendleton is a figure you either hate, or love. There is hardly a middle group. Regarded mostly as a dangerous religious nutcase, he is driven by the fanatical zeal for The One, and can change from a calm level-headed man into a maelstrom of righteousness in a matter of seconds. A man for the most part without a plan, he relies on “guidance from The One” for his decisions. Deep down, as long as you’re a good person, he’ll be a good person to you. Rank: Not much in the way of wealth or power, Pendleton is somewhat of a minor folk hero. Liberator and savior to some, violent rebel without a cause to others (Mostly the nobility, the Temple, the guys in charge). Occupation: Demon Hunter, “The Executioner of The One” Education: Pendleton was taught and trained by the Temple as a Templar. He did excellent in his training, learning a decent grasp of your standard education(Math, reading, writing, anatomy, geography, history), and excelling in his somewhat unique use of magic and sharpshooting. Factions: Pendleton was one of the Temples best assets, until he left/was forced out during the old regime, before the violence started. He was simply too…. Extreme. Eccentric. Unstable. He went solo, continuing his career under guidance from The One, and played a role in the Civil War on the side of the New Grand Chancellor, striking down members of the nobility, House Black, the Office of Science and Magic, the Army, basically all the groups, because they “strayed from the path of The One.” Religion/Philosophy: Deep belief in The One. Is said to derive his powers from Him. Political Ideals: Pendleton takes no real side. Humans are mortal and their constructs equally so. Advocates for a de-structured society, free from any control other than divine rule by The One through individual personal interpretation. So Anarchy. Biography: Pendleton was abandoned at the age of six months. Taken in by the Temple, they became his family, preparing him for a life of fighting evil and instilling in him a sense of moral responsibility. For years he stood at the front of his profession, with minimal eccentricity interfering with his work. But he slowly began to get more and more eccentric, claiming to “See the will of The One”, and he was labeled as insane. The Temple let him go at that point, for he was attracting too much attention from the regime. He went out into the world, growing ever the more eccentric, but never neglecting his duty to protect the living children of The One. He sustained himself of charity, and a bit of freedom-fighting against the corruption and evils of the Regime. When the New Grand Chancellor took charge, he probably could have been forgiven and taken back into the Temple, but unfortunately, there were still ‘wicked’ people in high places, who kept on getting shot. So he blew that chance. He’s been good at not getting caught, until recently. But then again, things are a stirrin’ and the Chancellor could probably use some advice from the Demon Hunter still good at the game. How did you end up at the Palace: Arrested on twenty-six counts of murder, destruction of property, vandalism, arson, threatening public safety, all the good stuff. But apparently there’s a Demon issue or something. Skills: Religious worship, quoting passages, shooting, “Special Eyes”, living off the land, hunting evi monsters, hunting questionably evil people. Transportation: His feet. Home: Pendleton lives in the House of The One, taking shelter under His roof. So homeless. Likes: The One, good people, life, mint, trust, tea, meditation and prayer Dislikes: Heathens, liars, Demons, those that try to oppose the will of The One, House Black Weapons: Pendleton has retained his trusty dual percussion cap revolvers, crafted for accuracy and .44 stopping power. He also is outfitted with his trusty scoped rifle,for dealing with longer range foes. Also chambered for a .44 round, it holds ten in its tube magazine. Clothing/Armor: Just some traveling clothes. He forwent his Temple attire long ago. It’s not very well protective. Except against the cold and rain, maybe. Powers: Pendleton learned a basic grasp of magic that has over the years compounded into a sort of super-heightened state of awareness, and ocular examination. Basically, at any given point he’s analyzing everything at once, or trying to. This makes him even more of an expert shot, and good at figuring out things about people, getting a ‘feel’ of their entire past with a good stare. His magic also revolves around encasing his bullets in a sort of ‘Holy Aura”, giving them a burning pale blue glow. They’re magic bullets, how else do you kill Unholy things when you’re low on silver, which makes for crappy projectiles anyways? Picture: Pendleton C. MooreTheme Song: E.S Posthumus - Arise
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:57 am
Username: The Lady Reaper Name: Aydan McKay A.K.A "The Wolf of Whitehaven" Age: 20 Gender: Female Race/Nationality/Species: Whitehavian/Dalcarian/Werewolf Orientation: Straight Personality: Quite literally the 'lone wolf'.She tends to keep to herself due to her condition.At times she's rather temperamental, though is quick to apologizes when she realizes she's overstepped her bounds.She has a decent sense of humor.Despite her aversion to large groups or crowds, she's a rather good listener and often goes out of her way to help people she's taken a liking to. Rank: Very little political power outside of her home Provence, though she does often give advice on military matters to the head of the guard in Hammershavn.Though among her kind, the Lycans, she'd be considered an alpha. Occupation: Demon hunter and blade for hire Education: We'll just say she knows more than she lets on Faction: Demon Hunter Religion/Philosophy: Pagan, though technically speaking, she is a Druid.Small charms can be found on her person and she'll pray, usually before and after a fight.She tends to keep quite out her beliefs in mixed company. Political Ideals: She's more of a neutral party.She respects the man because he's ended the civil war but nothing more. History: Born in one of the small villages near the capitol city of Hammershavn, Aydan had a decent childhood until the age of six.There were always warnings to stay indoors during the week of the full moon and she broke that rule when she went looking for her brother.Long story short, she found her brother in the barn, and she was bitten by a wolf.Her brother didn't live through the ordeal, but the next full moon it was clear she would be one of the few who bonded with the curse.On rare occasions, she will mention him.Despite this fact, as she grew her own skill brought her to the attention of the scholars in the capital, who then sent her to the Temple to study.By the age of fifteen, she was helping the scholars themselves in their work, deciphering old texts, trying to figure out a way to keep the demons at bay.She began her training in the slaying arts the next year.Her first hunt got the best of her, though she did finish the assignment, she now has a decent scar to show for her troubles.She left the temple at eighteen and returned home to set up her practice there.Now, she travels with her face mostly in shadow, having made certain enemies among her faction because of her skill.She's just grateful that only a select few know what she is, and the true meaning of "The Wolf of Whitehaven". How did she end up at the Palace: She received a personal invitation. Skills: Obviously the heightened skills of any of her kind, she has remarkable skill with any blade, though she prefers her claymore.She as a knack for cooking and with some cajoling, and possibly a little blackmail, you may even get her to sing. Transportation: A Percheron war horse by the name of Tândin Home: A small cottage on the outskirts of Hammershovn Likes: The night, books, rain and the smell of the sea Dislikes: Cages, dog jokes, people thinking she's weak because she's a woman, and guns Weapons: A five foot claymore, sword, with a foot long handle and runes engraved into the blade, a small dagged she keeps tucked into her left boot and another on her belt. Clothing/Armor: Armor like in her pic, reasoning for such will be given later.Everyday, breeches, or pants, along with a tunic style shirt and black boots. Powers: The ability to shift at will, and the obvious advanced healing, though it does nothing more than save her a doctors bill and a few weeks off the normal healing time.She also has an extrasensory gift not pertaining to her condition know as Psychometry, or the ability to see into a person, or an object's, past with a simple touch. Picture:Human Wolf Theme Song: Monster by Skillet Demons by Imagine. Dragons
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:03 pm
So now I have the Grand Chancellor and Jack. I should mention the Grand Chancellor looks older than he does in the pic (like what your typical 20-something year old would look like), but I couldn't get him to look my older with my poor editing skills. xd Sorry I gave him three songs too, I just can't resist to use as much music as I can. I love music so much! More characters to come, but I'll hold off for a bit.
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:18 pm
Username: Xela_The_Red Name: ‘Kimi’ no last name Age: 20 Gender: Male Race/Nationality/Species: Half-Durelian-half-Takagura/Human Orientation: Bi his way of life making him not cares about gender Personality: Kimi is a very soft and kind person when he isn’t on a job; he is especially kind to kids often helping them if they need it and handing out candies he carries. When on the job he tailor’s his personality to his target’s preferences through information he has gathered. Whenever his past or religion is brought up he becomes bitter and withdrawn often cursing the One.
Rank: No rank, left the guild he was part of, used to be the right hand of the leader though Occupation: Assassin Education: His education is eclectic but very thorough to help him fit in wherever he needs to for a job, he especially study magic on his own
Factions: While not exactly part of any major factions he does support the new chancellor and has an interest in the office of science and magic
Religion/Philosophy: Religious but also bitter towards the “One” Political Ideals: Not exactly one for politics but if there is any political group that offends his ethic code he won’t accept jobs from them and will be more willing to accept ones that might hurt said group
Biography: the boss of an assassin group saving him from the slums of his hometown was his first memory. He was taken to the group’s base where he began training to become another assassin for the group; he took to the basic training like fish to water. When puberty hit for all the young trainees it was noticed by their teachers that Kimi even though he was going through puberty his features were fairly androgynous if not feminine, his teachers decided to use this and had him taught by both seduction teachers rather than just one. Kimi spent the rest of the year learning how to pretend to be a woman and how to seduce men and women as both male and female. At around 15 he began to take contracts for his group and making his a name for himself among the criminal world and working up the ranks in the group. A year of many successful and a few failed contracts later and Kimi had worked his way up the command chain to stand beside the leader of the group as his right hand. By then though Kimi was becoming uncomfortable with his work as he started to notice that many of his jobs involved taking out high level members of groups trying to protect things like a orphanage of children from being destroyed. As the right hand of the boss he learned that this was so that their group could take in more children that were in those orphanage and turn them into assassins under the guise of being an orphanage themselves. Learning of this truth about the group he was part of, and many other truths, Kimi became disgruntled and left the group at 18. The problem is they are a type of group that will not allow a member to leave no matter what position they were in, once you are part of the group your part of it. Kimi’s escape from first the town the base was hidden in and then the subsequent escape from his home land to was bloody as he was forced to fight and kill many fellow members of his group, most of the ones sent after him being young fresh members of the group he helped the group get from real orphanages. The fact he had to kill many of them still haunts him especially with the fact a lot of them were still almost children. In the end he escaped from the country and arrived in Durelieus having heard of the new chancellor’s policies, deciding it would be safer than anything and possibly keep him out of the range of the group. The next few years he settled in and started taking jobs often hiring his services out to orphanages that were dealing with people trying to close them down, these never paid well but it was his attempt to assuage his conscience. While he never made as much of a name of himself as compared to his time in his homeland he was still a popular assassin for his success rate. How did you end up at the Palace? Kimi had gotten an odd message through the method he gets contracts telling him to go to the palace, at first he thought to ignore it but something inside him told to go anyway. He finally decided to go after the feeling became almost painful in how insistent it was.
Skills: Magic (particularly transformative), slight hand to hand, disguises, so called “Feminine Skills” like cooking, etc. to help with his job, wielding a knife, and seduction/Persuasion
Transportation: Walking and what he can pay for. Home: various inns/hotels in Durelieus where his contracts take him never really settling in one place since leaving his homeland.
Likes: Cooking, Magic, Beautiful clothes, sweets, and quick well paying jobs Dislikes: direct combat, his ex-guild/group, and storms
Weapons: a single exquisite Knife, and a Pipe that hides a deadly sharp needle as a last resort. Also willing to use impromptu weapons Clothing/Armor: Kimi’s personnel taste is in loose clothes and light armor for easy movement, but when not worried about danger he will often wear fancy clothes from his homeland. Powers: transformative magic, mild skill in elemental magic, along with magic he researched and crafted himself to store things into other items.
Picture: (all of them are him) Theme Song:Beautiful Cruel World
Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:39 pm
Username: hunter-the wanderer Name: Crimson Age: 32 compared to human years Gender: male Race/Nationality/Species: demon Orientation: straight Personality: he is a quiet demon preferring not to be in the spot light. He does not understand human anything really their language is funny and the way they interact is alien to him. He does not understand the feelings people put into words and would rather sit back and watch interactions trying helplessly to learn something. Because of this he tends to only speak when it is important or someone asks a question. This sometimes makes others around him feel like he is mean or thinks he is better than them.
Rank: he was a captain Occupation: protects humans from demons Education: knows how to read and write and how demons work
Factions: he is simply trying to protect humans
Religion/Philosophy: pagan but also believes in the one
Biography: Crimson has another name but it belongs to a different life, a life where the only thing that mattered was becoming stronger, more powerful and to rise thru the ranks. He was a strong contender to becoming a general and everyone knew it, having the trait of flight was rare among his people, most were jealous and sought to take him from his standing, so one fateful evening his subordinates told him of a powerful item in the country known as Dalcaria. So he brought his men with him to an ancient temple waiting inside however were demon hunters that were tipped off to his location. In an instant the demon hunters and his men were against him, nowhere to flee he fought them only to be over powered by his men one of them branding his chest with a symbol used to say traitor and they spread word of how he sided with the demon hunters and slaughtered most of his men. He lay there motionless surely he was going to die until a group of humans who did not fear him were checking the bodies none of the hunters remained alive but they still took him in and helped him. He was kept hidden when ever outsiders stopped by, it was a peaceful village simple farmers he asked them once why they helped him, they simply replied “the one showed us to you, you are his creation and should not be feared but saved” the language they spoke was hard to understand and their way of life hard but simple, he did not understand the importance of ‘the one’ but it gave them hope. A few years past he was able to walk around and help them with their chores and farming and could finally fly again but this day was different he could feel it something called to him, something strong. He told them he would come back to them as he gathered what they gave him and left, he stopped shortly at the old temple the skeletons of the hunters remained there so he buried them and took what he could tell were identification tags, he thought someone should know that they were gone. He arrived early that morning at the gates to where the force was pulling him, the guards stopped him he told them what he was and allowed them to shackle him and bring him to the new Grand Chancellor, he did not know what to expect but they hadn’t tried to kill him yet so he figured he might as well see what drew him here.
How did you end up at the Palace: just a feeling but brought to the chancellor by armed guards allowing himself to be captured.
Skills: very good at Ariel acrobatics, hand to hand combat, tracking, climbing, stealth, and concealing himself.
Transportation: his wings and his own two feet Home: since he came to this place he has lived in caves in high mountains around a small village.
Likes: silence, peace, good food, and kind people who do not run from him Dislikes: demon hunters that kill all demons outright without a second thought, being called a monster, war, his people.
Weapons: his claws capable of tearing thru metal and flesh, when threatened spikes with backward facing barbs protrude from his shoulders that can fire out at enemies, both of his attacks carry an acid that will slowly dissolve most substances. Clothing/Armor: he does not wear armor his skin is made up of overlapping scales that are as hard as steel, he does however wear a cloak that hides what he is to all but those who have a high magic level. Powers: he can use blood magic in a sense while using this magic his touch boils the blood of those he touches, has some ability to heal others, but he still has a lot to learn. demonic senses, he can see thermal and in the dark even with no light present, when concentrating he can see and 'smell' magic as well as curses.
While wearing cloak:
Theme Song: les friction - world on fire
Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:51 pm
Okay folks, just a few more profiles and we may get started soon! Any late comers in the roleplay can enter into the story a different way than everyone else. Also, hopefully nobody stops posting in this, because writing a character out of a story is much harder than writing one into it. xp