Hi folks, I am Crayola and I am looking for an rp. I would appreciate an at least semi-lit Rper. I don't request many paragraphs, if you can give me at least one well written paragraph, I will do the same and try to match what you give me. I have no gender preference or sexuality pairing. Rp can be made into a thread here or done over Pm but I check PMs more often.

Here are some ideas that I am interested in, feel free to request your own as well:
-Neko X Human
-Angel X Human
-Demon X Human
-Angel X Demon
-Werewolf X Vampire
-Dark Elf X Human
-Elf X Human
-Elemental Spirit X Human
-Demon Hunter X Half-demon
-Shapeshiter X Hunter
-Thunder Elemental X Earth Elemental
-Darkness Elemental X Light Elemental
- Fire Elemental X Ice Elemental
- Best Friends
etc, etc...

PM me if your interested! whee