User ImageHello I am Wrage and this Gaian is in search of another that can handle a hard strong Role play of a deep dark romance of the history of true horror. This is the time where humanity was put in check and where bestiality ran through the human mind. This Role play will hit the heart and soul of your own feelings for it will be in the time where everyone was in fear of death and wished to be loved. What time of this did you say? In History class you know it as the Holocaust . Through working as a Belonging slave worker a young Jewish woman finds that a Nazi has a close eye on her. Could it be that love came to two that are supposed to be in hate for each other actually can come to love? Through the hard ship of Auschwitz can they even be together.

This had been a dream of mine to do but I know it would be painful and hard. Yes it will have to be in PM And if you captains feel its inappropriate I completely understand you deleting this message. But I feel that love can over power the worst of worsts in history. I did a lot of research and found a story that showed that it did happen to a survivor and it was adorable in a way to me.

IF you wish to Rp this with me send me a PM or reply here thank you!