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Name: Renatus
Nicknames: Ren, Rene, Renat
Gender: Male
Age: Appears roughly 18 or 19, who really knows though.

Faction/Race Ghost Phoenix

Renatus swears by the saying “live like there’s no tomorrow”. Being dead does mean that he has an endless supply of tomorrows but just because his life ended doesn’t mean he’s given up on living! He lives every spare moment to the fullest, thankful to have another chance to do.. whatever it is he didn’t do the first time. As far as he knows, he could have been just as crazy in his past life as he is in his undead one, but just in case he wasn’t the life of the party he tries to make up for it.

He lives in the moment and is prone to taking chances that many others might not. He’s also pretty unlikely to think before he acts, especially if said act is exciting or thrilling in any way. He loves a good dare, especially if a bet is involved, and he rarely turns down any opportunity. This also means that he’s prone to practical jokes and has been in trouble at school more times than he can actually count.

He has a terrible memory, but not because he doesn’t care. Living forever makes some stuff just seem kind of unimportant, especially since he probably has more than the average lifetime’s worth of memories crammed in his head. If he’s supposed to remember something important, especially something personal or relevant to his personal relationships, he does feel bad for forgetting. This is one of the few things that gets him down, especially since he knows that he can’t do anything about it. It’s just not something he has control over.

Being as easy going as he is, it’s hard to make Renatus angry or upset. He definitely experiences the emotions but they don’t last long and things often roll right off his back. He has a hard time being anything but happy and pleasant and the darker spectrum of his emotions seems very short-lived if it ever happens to make an appearance. Calling him out on one of his faults can get him down, and is probably one of the easiest ways to make him feel bad, but he usually bounces back. He gets angry over normal things like insults or plain hatefulness, though it takes large doses of it to actually make him upset to the point of anger. If he ever does experience full blown anger, it's much like a match - it burns bright and fiery before it poofs out quickly. He's prone to saying things he doesn't mean in a fit of anger, acting before he thinks, but eventually he just runs out of fuel and can't stay in a rage for long. He’s also quick to forgive those that upset or hurt him in most situations and it seems almost impossible for the guy to hold a grudge. Likewise, he's usually the first person to apologize in a fight. He’s just happy and likes everyone to be happy too, even the people that don’t want to share their happy with him.

He’s also a shameless flirt, unsurprisingly. His live-in-the-moment, risky outlook on life means he pretty much hits on anyone that catches his eye. He’s often shameless about it unless his attitude clearly makes someone upset to the brink of tears, though if he goes too far with his attempt at flirting he usually doesn’t realize it until it’s too late. Though he’s a bit dense about personal boundaries, he can be apologetic over crossing them if it clearly makes someone uncomfortable. Making it clear to him might be hard, though. He’s not one that often settles down and actually attempt a relationship despite his endless flirtations, maybe because being dead makes him feel a little like he doesn’t belong with the living or because his endless second life makes it hard to settle with anyone that might have a shorter shelf life.

His ultimate goal in his second life is to simply have a good time, especially with people he’s close to and he tries to make life as enjoyable for them as it is for himself.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
Having died and been brought back as a ghost, Renatus feels as if he might have forgotten some pretty important things about living. He initially signed up for school because he thought it would be a good way to learn about the world to which he once belonged - not just the human’s realm, but also Halloweentown. He still has problems functioning in a living society and despite his happy-go-lucky attitude, he still wants to be as normal as a non-living phoenix can be. He also wants to learn how to better himself in the second life he was given which means learning more about his ghostly abilities.

Natural Abilities:
Ghost Shift: Renatus can shift back into a ghostly version of his living natural form, that of a large phoenix bird. This form has qualities similar to his human one.

Memory of Fire – Although his ability to produce the fire natural to phoenixes was lost with his death, Renatus is capable of absorbing fear to enhance the memory fire he has within him. Once the fear is absorbed, he can breathe it out similar to the way that a dragon might. This fire, though incapable of direct damage to people or objects, has a cold burn that can be extremely painful and debilitating. It doesn’t just affect the surface, but rather feels as if it sinks into the skin and burns right to the core.

Enrollment Thread & Approval