Recently, a few Japanese brands have announced that they are re-releasing designs that were very popular in the past. Some people theorise that they are 'milking' the popularity of these dresses in order to stave off the effects of a still damaged economy. Other people believe that they're providing a service to their fans and loyal customers. Many brands have 'staple' pieces that they release each year as a part of their regular lines, but several 'special' dresses that have only been seen a few times in past are being re-released this season.

For example, BtSSB has announced that they will be releasing their Claudia, the Fairytale Princess set a second time (having already re-released it in earlier this year), while Mary Magdalene has re-released their Elodie Doll JSK and Apollonia OP for reservation.

Discussion Points:

Why do you think some Japanese brands are re-releasing pieces that are currently considered rare or desirable?
Do you plan to buy any of these re-released pieces while they're available?
If you could have any brand re-release any dress, what would it be?
A printed piece from Angelic Pretty?
A super rare oldschool piece from Meta's original founder?
An elegantly tailored design from Victorian Maiden?
Or something from a small indie brand that only had a limited run?