Discuss Star Trek here.

Here are some questions that you may answer to help you get started...

Which series was your favorite?
What race did you like the most?
If you could pit a klingon against a vulcan in a "survivor" episode, who would win?
What do you think of the Ferengie?

My favorite of the series was Voyager because the captain was female and because it had an attractive crew member. (Ensign Kim was hot redface )

Honestly, I have three favorites. The vulcans for their wisdom and logic, the Klingon for their strength, and the ferengie because they remind me of booty bay goblins. The Ferengie will side with anyone who will pay them enough. They will do anything for money.

If I could put a klingon against a vulcan for survival, I think the Klingon would win because the survival of the fittest seems to be the only law when it comes to being stranded on an island.

But, it would be close because Vulcans rely on logic, but they also rely on laws and wisdom too. So, if a wild tiger was about to attack a vulcan, the vulcan, though normally a race of peace would strike the tiger. Perhaps the vulcan would not kill the tiger, but he'd definitely knock the kitty out.

...I stated what I thought of the ferengie in my favorite races answers. blaugh