The roleplay "A family that wars together stays together" created by RizainTheWind is looking for more members. There are currently 7 spots open. The story for the roleplay is:

"Eons ago the world was inhabited with people of all kinds. There were people that had special powers, all from different times and backgrounds. They were so common that no one thought twice about how simple humans could be in control of such beautiful magic. Things were simple back then, simple and good. It was a great feeling and there was peace among the world, the only time there has ever been peace. It all ended when the magicians decided they wanted more land, they felt superior to the humans, war broke out....

The land was destroyed and Earth became a deformed mess that no one recognized. It got hard to imagine that at one point this land had been something beautiful and peaceful. The magicians warred with the humans, there was no more love and no more peace. The war took everything from everyone and in the the end there were no winners. Only losers.

Skip ahead to the future, to the Earth we know now. There are still people out there with magic, still people that can do the unthinkable, but now they stay hidden. The world isn't ready for them, right? No, not really, but they may be sooner then expected. With every light there is a dark, with every one there is a two, and with every hope there is a despair....there is always a despair.

There are six, six with the power of light and six with the power of dark. The angels and the demons you could say. The six men that once ran the leading nations of the magical elements are all gone now and their magic has been passed to each of their children through one piece of jewelry. A piece of jewelry that has been replicated in the other world and hidden in the land there. The six of dark have made it their mission to get there before the six of light discover them.

If the darkness gets a hold of these pieces the world will cease to exist. It will be ran by the underworld, there is no nice way of saying it. If the six of light get to it first the underworld will be contained and the darkness will go away. Can they do it?"

If you are interested in joining than please follow this link here: A family that wars together stays togther and follow the instructions for joining.