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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:27 pm
a small paw, peeking out of a wrist of pink glistening fur flicked absently as a pare of long heavy ears, tossing them over a slender shoulder before the paw pushed to the brown fur at her hip.
Her comment, was laced with a great impatience.

Came the cool reply from a striped blue water type. Eyes holding a clear displeasure for the spite that the Shiny pokemon had just displayed.

The Rabbit retorted, turning to face the Vaporeon with a slight c**k upward of her chin.

The abrupt and much harsher tones of the largest of the team spoke, the deep cream with natural brown markings, adding to his earthy and rough nature. The Stag's tone was never one to be described as kind, even when he meant it to be... in a manner of speaking, but the Lopunny could tell, that her partner was on his last nerved with this particular tone,
contrasting eyes on pink and black flicked over to him, almost dreading what her partner would be saying next.
Her fears were confirmed when he spoke next.

Pop scoffed at her partner, the Sawsbuck staring her down just as hard before the eldest of them spoke to attempt and ease the tension.
Vahy'n announced, pushing herself to her feet and padding toward the two glaring one another down.

The Lopunny stiffened her shoulders at the subtle scoldings, pointedly and forcibly crossing her arms over her chest.

Vahy'n pointed out.

Pop snapped back.

Greal didn't seem inclined to add into the conversation, his features growing stony as what Pop said seemed to hit a similar nerve with him.
It was the other hooved member of the primary team that stepped forward with an attention demanding clop of his hoof.
The flaming horse, who's mane billowed in his frustration.

Greal pointed out to Pastin.

Pop barked

Pastin let out a violent snort, stepping up next to his partner, drawing the Vaporeon's gaze up to the Rapidash.
Pastin clacked his teeth as the Rabbit, who dropped her arms to her side and balled her paws into fists, glaring back at Pastin.

Pop jerked her elbows up, gritting her teeth as she glared back at Pastin

Pastin was certainly heated about it, Pop reacting to it in kind with her own mounting anger.

the voice from above chimed in to the team depute. the pink wings from a massive a calm bird opened as he spoke from the railing of the balcony.

Greal stepped up next to Pop He grumbled to Pastin, the Rapidash's blue eyes snapping up to meet the taller Stag's

There was a moment of silence between all the pokemon, in witch Pop gave Grealhorn a sharp glare of betrayal before looking away again, her arms crossing back over her slender chest.

Pastin finally let out a sigh, shaking his large head and meeting Vahy'n's gaze.
They were a team, all of them, despite the partner system they worked together, and they spent their lives together and forever. As everyone knew that Greal would be grumpy, and Vahy'n was always best to approach for motherly advice, Pop was never one to be comfortable with and extremely good with her emotions.
Pastin voiced his apology,

The primary team continued their discussion outside, where the larger of the team usually stayed when at the house.
The door leading into the house was open, allowing the pokemon to enter and leave as they pleased, but also allowing for most of the conversation to travel into the house, where the members of the secondary team where sitting, among the couches.
Kiss Kiss was perched on the back of one of them, facing the door to the back, a light sigh escaping her before she turned to the others.

Celtic asked, crossing his paws in front of him and folding his bows down along his body.

Kiss groaned with a light wince

She turned, looking instead to Celtic, who was joined on the couch by Jazz and Ballet, though her eyes continued, traveling to the Jirachi floating by where Kiss was standing.
Northern had her hands pressed to her head, her eyes open but not staring at anything.

Northern didn't need to hear what the pokemon outside were saying, it wouldn't mean anything to her anyway as she scarcely took ones word to mean much of anything.
It was their feelings that she was gathering. feelings of resentment, frustration, blame, anger, sorrow and even fear. It had been little else for the last few weeks, words dulled and hollow to the truth that she really felt.

The room's attention was soon pulled away from the depute outside, by the sounds of the front door being unlocked and pulled open, followed a moment later by Rosie's voice "I'm home."

Jazz and Ballet leaped from the couch to greet her at the door, the trainer smiling in greeting and petting them both before she made her way back into the living room, placing her bag by the couch before she sat down on it with a heavy sigh.
She wasn't sure what she was expecting with these self defense classes, maybe she was putting a little too much hope into them right off the bad, but her first she had spent more time standing in a numb kind of anxiousness then being able to do as the instructor had been teaching them.
He was nice, and patient, and assured her she would get the hang of it... she really hoped she would.  
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:38 pm
Slowly but surely Luke had begun to carve out a daily routine, marked by training seminars, time spent with his pokemon, and hours and hours of reading. The moments in between were used to keep ahold of his sanity - though perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration. Each day was an onslaught of information, and though he sought it willingly, it was still dizzying. He leaned against the kitchen counter, tuning out the sounds of the pokemon around the house as they discussed... whatever it was that pokemon discussed. He held in his hands a wooden rectangle that he had come across when searching for something to read that wasn't related to government (he couldn't imagine that he had really been interested in such a boring subject, but there were so many reference books). It seemed to be some kind of instrument, judging from the pleasant, almost music box-like sounds it made when the metal tines were stroked. He thumbed at it idly, plucking out some wandering melody and giving himself a moment of respite from thinking.

A Zorua sat at his feet, its tail waving back and forth to the rhythm the trainer produced. Sephira had given some thought to joining the other pokemon, but they were talking about things she didn't understand, and they were so big... It was a bit boring, but she stayed with her human companion for the time being, until the sound of someone at the door drew her attention over her shoulder.

Sephira was by the entryway in an instant, remaining a careful distance away and watching the arriving human with caution - she hadn't formed a very solid opinion of this one yet. Luke straightened his posture at the counter with a nod and a smile to Rosie, falling into the friendly disposition he wanted her to see, "Welcome back."  

Vice Captain



Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:58 pm
"Thanks" Rosie replied with a grateful breath, leaning forward again as Ballet and Jazz both propped their front paws up onto her knees.
she ran a hand over their head, while Celtic watched on with a polite smile.
"How was your day?"

Her eyes fell onto the tiny Zorua as she had settled back into the home, smiling at the pokemon "Hi cutie."

In one long leap Kiss Kiss bound herself from the fat seat and over to the one that Rosie had sit in, draping herself over the trainers head and nuzzling her hair.
Northern however, didn't move, as if she hadn't even realized that Rosie had come in at all.  
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:09 pm
The Zorua jumped back, lowering her front half against the floor and starting with surprise when she was suddenly scooped up from behind. Luke, having abandoned the strange wooden instrument at the counter, stood holding the wriggling little dark-type until she adjusted and calmed. "You know, same old," he replied with a shrug. "Nothing special."  

Vice Captain



Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:34 pm
"I guess in its own way that's a good thing." She offered to his response, reaching up to pick kiss up off of her head and pull her down into her lap, trying to smooth down the static frizz of blond hair that Kiss Kiss had left in her wake.
"I hope training is going well at least."

She let her eyes move to the back door, where the other pokemon were, by now falling quiet, a few looking into the house and back at Rosie.
She smiled to them before she looked back to Luke, pausing on the counter where a familiar box sat.
"Oh, you found your Kalimba."  
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:49 pm
He gave a nod in reply, "I guess so. I feel like I understand, at least." Putting his understanding to practice was another story, however. Everyone seemed to think he was suited for the work, however, so he supposed he could only put his faith in that...

He followed her gaze to the counter with an expression of faint confusion, thinking she was naming some unfamiliar pokemon or something until he recalled the peculiar instrument. "Oh, is that what it's called?" From her reaction, it didn't seem like it was something decorative or fragile that wasn't meant to be handled, so he was at least grateful that he hadn't unknowingly gotten into something he shouldn't have. "I didn't know what to think of it, so I was just messing around with it... It's an instrument, right?"  

Vice Captain



Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:22 pm
"What kind of things do they teach you in training?" She asked, glad he seemed to be understanding what his job is. even if he couldn't remember, its a big improvement from his time working for the embassy.
She was hesitant to ask, but mostly just curious.

Northern's eyes came back into focus, her gaze moving from the door to the two trainers, a small frown moving across her face before she floated down onto the far seat.

"Yeah, its just a little hand held instrument." She confirmed, pushing herself to her feet and walking over, holding her hand out "Mind if I show you?"  
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:27 pm
"Stuff like announcing arrests, and safe detainment, and writing incident reports... There's things like first aid too," he recalled. "Some of it seems useful to know in general, but a lot of it's just stuff to do with formalities, like paperwork."

He adjusted his hold on the Zorua, now snug and comfortable, to reach for the instrument as it was requested, passing it over to Rosie's waiting hand with a nod.  

Vice Captain



Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:52 pm
Her eyebrows arched, nodding at his explanation "Ohhh. that's sounds very... official." She concluded with a smile. "How many people are in the training course?"

As he handed her the instrument she turned it, fitting it into both her hands to show him how its held. She hadn't played much of it, but after a few plucks at the prongs with her thumbs to locate the different notes, she quickly picked her way through a simple tune, before looking back up at him, handing it back. "Like that."  
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:58 pm
"In the one I'm in, maybe..." He pictured the room and attempted a mental headcount. "...about a dozen-ish? Maybe less?" He had the impression that there were other classes as well, each at different stages of training, but he wasn't sure of their overall numbers. From how Petra spoke, it sounded like there probably weren't many - or at least fewer than the ideal.

He watched the demonstration with interest, receiving the instrument when it was passed back to him and turning it over to inspect it. "Kind of like a cross between a piano and a music box... It's weird, but it has a nice sound."  

Vice Captain



Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 6:20 pm
"Ohh, that's great." It certainly seemed like a good number to her, she was glad to hear that more people were taking an interest in the position, these people would help make a difference on the island after all.
"Trainers from the centers have been bringing up the opportunity, its nice to hear some of them are taking it."

Rosie buckled lightly as Kiss Kiss rejoined the trainer, hopping up to stand along both the girl's shoulders beaming in excitement down at the little instrument.
Rosie reached a hand up to scratch Kiss' head.
"A little, yeah." She agreed "its a lot of fun to listen to too, as well as play it really."  
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 6:32 pm
He nodded his agreement, though he couldn't help a slight sense of guilt. It seemed like the organization's goal was an important one, and many of the members were doing their best for the sake of a noble cause. As for him... he was mostly along for the ride, in it for the feeling of productiveness and accomplishment. He supposed that couldn't really be helped though; he didn't know much about the enemy, and unlike the other officers in training, he had no experiences to ignite a passion, no personal feelings to invest. He knew he liked the thought of helping others, and that would just have to be good enough for now.

He moved to set Sephira on the counter, where she turned a circle and seated herself, to free both hands so he could more easily manipulate the instrument. He hesitated briefly before speaking, "Did I use this a lot?" Though Luke had decided that he would make every effort to connect with what he had been doing before in order to bridge the gap between his selves, it became harder to keep a genuine interest in the past the more he developed his present. It was cruel to the people who were waiting for him to remember, but he didn't so much mind existing as who he was...  

Vice Captain



Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:20 pm
Northern was already on edge from everyone's constant bombardment with unresolved anger and guilt. She didn't know why is was just ignored, they kept going like they weren't feeling any of it at all, and it was so confusing!
On top of that Luke still wasn't Luke, over the weeks she tried and tried but she didn't know why Luke wasn't back yet!

As he asked her the question she looked up from the instrument in his hands to him, nodding her head lightly with a slight shrug "Sometimes, yeah, this or the piano."
She held her breath for a couple of seconds, still not enjoying having to tell him information about himself.
she laughed it off, reaching up to Pull her hair over her shoulder as she started back around into the kitchen to get dinner ready for the pokemon. "You were getting really good, actually."  
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:40 pm
"Aw, that's not fair," he said, pouting slightly. He plucked out a series of notes on the metal tines. It seemed like his former self got all the perks. What did he have now? A Zorua, apparently, and maybe a couple weeks of additional training. "Well, if I learned it before, I can learn it again."  

Vice Captain



Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:48 pm
Kiss Kiss jumped off of Rosie's shoulders, onto the counter where the tiny Zorua was sitting. "Raaii~" She greeted sweetly, hopping over to the little pokemon.

Rosie blinked at his response, but a smile soon spread over her face with a slight giggle. "Oh without a doubt, if you wanted to. Are you interested in music?"  

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