
It was just over 1000 years ago, the earth began to burn as it was slowly swallowed by the sun. Millions fled in all directions seeking shelter amongst the stars, the Scottish along with some, Norweigans, Americans, French and Germans found a planet that they named Caledonia. It took them many years to build the eight kingdoms that soon spanned their new home naturally there were a few spats between kingdoms and the occasional war did occur, however for the most part the eight kingdoms remained at peace.

Sadly peace did not last long because from the stars came traders and with them followed pirates, raiders and all manner of scum. The royal guards of each city would do their best to keep the peace but even some of them were not above corruption.

As the years rolled on three of the Kingdoms dissolved from a monarchy to a republic. This did nothing to ease the occasional tension between their neighbours. In the year 2346 After colonisation the kingdom of Scotia announced the birth of their new Prince, Alexander Cotton tail the second. He was kind as he was gentle, nothing like most Caledonians, big, strong, aggressive, confrontatoinal etc.

Many a day he would spend in the gardens of the palace or merely hanging around with other teenagers his own age.

One day in particular he was roaming the streets of the city of Glasgoin when he heard what sounded like crying coming from an alleyway. No sooner had he gone down it to investigate did he feel a seering pain and then everything turned black. When he finally awoke feeling increadibly nauceause he found himself in a cage just big enough to stay crouched in, his wrists and ankles were shakled to the top of the cage and the only item of clothing hiding his modesty was his underwear.
"Where am I, what happened, ow my head."