This is where we mix the Legend of Zelda with the World of Warcraft. You do NOT need to know much about Warcraft, except that Link is of the Blood Elf race, he serves the horde, and is considered to be a warrior. He is level 60 and owns an Albino Mountain horse, which he named Epona.

Zelda does not exist in this RP!

Link is on a mission to find Ganondorf who was said to have gone back to his home town, some place called Pandaria. The Hero of Time has leveled up to 60, but he needs at least 25 more until he reaches the goal and can officially start looking for that evil tyrant.

I will play as Link.

Other characters we need are:


2.Chen Stormstout (Panda brew maker)

3.Farmer Yoon (A ranch owner that needs Link's help)

4. Garrosh Hellscream (An orc that gives Link missions to complete)

5. Sin' Dorei (A villain trying to get Link to disobey Garrosh and the comedy relief)

6. An original female panda that is going to become Link's girlfriend at the end and together they put an end to Ganondorf.

Just call dibs on which of the 6 players you wish to be. It starts once we have all 6)