It's the sweet balm of her voice as it washes over your ears.

It's the cool, clean, honey-tinged liquid trickling down your throat.

It's the paws working gently back and forth over your shoulder.

It's the lazy squelch of mud beneath your hooves -

soothe soothe sootheand then the steady dark stream as it drains again.

It's the dark, peaceful place you visit when you close your eyes.

It's the light, solemn scent of chamomile floating up your nostrils.

It's the swaying, hypnotic, of grasses in a light breeze.

It's the tiny smile she's hiding in the fur of your back by your spines.

It's the foxbun kitten traipsing daintily over your back's landscape.

It dulls your aches, softens yesterday's blows, lifts your spirits.

soothe soothe sootheAll this, to soothe you.