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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 1:29 pm
Okay, okay, so he'd admit it; he was pretty impressed with the new facilities. He'd had a quick look during the 48 hours of free time to settle in they'd been given but now - back in uniform, back at work and actually looking to use them - Aulus was forced to concede that the training space was more than acceptable.

It was a large white-walled room, huge in fact! You'd struggle to get a Wailord in here but just about anything else? Easy.

After a few moments of thought he didn't lock the door behind him, if anyone else showed up he could train against them rather than just pitting his team against one another. Shrugging to himself - either way would be fine - Aulus grabbed five of the six pokeballs off his belt and released their occupants; a Rapidash, a Charizard, an Absol, a Spinarak, and a Sylveon.

"Alright, training time you lot," Aulus said with a nod. "Warm up with your laps, I know this is a new space but you can figure it out."

With varying nods the group of pokemon did so; the Rapidash took off around the edge of the room at a swift gait, the Absol took a smaller lap, Charizard and Sylveon smaller again, and finally the tiny Spinarak started scuttling in circles around his trainer's feet.  
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 2:01 pm
Ok so she had a problem.. well.. more like she had more than enough problems for any one person. She had her pokemon.. and they were supposed to listen. But when they didn't, then stealing pokemon became very hard. The other day she had been sent out with another grunt and she had managed to completely mess up. She had gotten him all turned around and she kept getting in the way. So finally in a bit of anger he had threw his hands up and told her to do it... So she had faced down the child and called on Sissy, her Wigglytuff. Kailee had done everything right. She had the uniform.. the intimidating stance and a pokemon. But because that pokemon refused to listen she had had to watch as her pokemon, Sissy and her new munchlax, both were knocked out. So then her partner had stepped up and he took control and took the kid's pokemon. Three new rocket pokemon... As soon as they got back the man asked for a new partner.

She stared at her wigglytuff over her folded arms. "We are going to train today!" The wigglytuff turned her face up with a huff. She wasn't going anywhere. Kailee reached for Sissy's pokeball. "Return." The wigglytuff dodged away. "Return!" Again she dodged. This went on for a good while and ended up with Kai tripping over something on the floor and Sissy still outside the ball. She growled. Why wouldn't this pokemon just do what she asked? And then an idea came to her head. Grabbing the corner of sheet she had tripped over she lunged at sissy and a moment latter the wigglytuff was wrapped in a harness made from the sheets. She grabbed the tail end and tugged and the pokemon was dragged. Luckily she was pulling the pokemon backward so the wigglytuff really couldn't do much at this point. She checked her curls and grabbed Munchy's pokeball before heading out.

Her 25 pound pokemon now felt like 100 pounds of dead weight. She made it though. She was at the new training center. She looked around as she went and headed for the closest door not checking to see if the building was occupied first. And that was a mistake because she and Sissy were almost trampled by running pokemon. She jumped out of the way with a squeak and landed on her rear next to the bedding adorned Wigglytuff. She turned red in embarrassment of intruding and then falling. But she clambered to her feet grabbing Sissy's leash. She smiled a bit unsure to the other rocket in the room. "H-hey... Do you mind if we train here too?" If nothing else it was obvious from the bed sheets that at least one of her pokemon needed to be trained. Sissy just crossed her arms and inflated as much as the harness would allow. She glanced to the other pokemon. They all seemed so strong.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 2:13 pm
Woah! Abruptly; person! Phaethon skittered sideways with a snort, his flames flaring up with surprise and mild alarm. On determining that he hadn't squashed her and that she was not dangerous however he relaxed and clopped over to the strange human and her companion. he asked of the Wigglytuff, lower his head to be on eye level with her.

Aulus was startled too, he'd been focused on watching his pokemon and the first he knew of somebody else coming in was Phaeth's snort and the girl's squeak of surprise. Aulus' startlement however manifested in him spinning around already in a defensive posture, heart hammering and read to-


The scarred Agent scowled, straightened up and folded his arms across his chest. "Don't they train you how to bloody well knock in basic?" he asked more than a little snappishly, forgetting the fact that he'd left the door unlocked; when Aulus was startled and subsequently mildly embarrassed everything was absolutely everybody else's fault. Still scowling he gave the grunt and her pokemon a better look over, dark red eyes critical and judgemental.

"Why is your Wigglytuff wearing a sheet? If that's supposed to be a toga it's a damn sad attempt, and the annual Halloween party isn't for months." Still... he had left the door open for a reason. "Alright though," he gave a sharp nod, "you can train with me if you want to. What's your name Grunt?"  
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 3:18 pm
Sissy looked to the Rapidash and she glanced to Kailee who was looking at her in interest, probably thinking some silly thought about being able to understand. /Stupid human thinks she is the boss of me.../ She nodded on that and then deflated enough to try and wiggle out of the sheet. It wasn't working so well.

Kailee turned redder and pushed her hair out of her face. "Sorry... I didnt... I mean... " she held up her hands accidentally dropping her hold on the sheet that was holding her pokemon. And Sissy took full advantage, running out of reach. Kai flushed. "Oh! Oh no!" She lunged after it jumping and grabbing the sheet. She once again stood up.

She pushed the hair out of her face once more. "Yes,sir... they do... But the door was open." She glanced tot the tied up wigglytuff. She needed training... and this was the place to do it. She saw him looking her over and so she stood straighter.

And then she laughed uncomfortably. "She... uh... " She looked at the pokemon absently. "She likes to be fashionable... This is all i had that fit her." She nodded and then sighed. "Actually... Uh... Sissy doesn't like to listen and wouldn't get in her ball... so this was the next best thing." She looked uncomfortable.

But he had said she could train with him. "Oh! Im Kailee and this is sissy..." She tugged the sheet slightly " Its nice to meet you." She smiled a sweet smile.




Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 3:30 pm
Oooooh boy. Aulus sighed and shook his head. "Are you serious?... That was a rhetorical question, don't answer." Right then, seemed like he'd found himself a project. Helping people to improve their skills was part of being a responsible Agent, right? Responsible Agents were more likely to get promoted.... "Alright," he gave a decisive nod, "name's Aulus. Rapidash is Phaeth, Charizard is Char, Absol is Tortie, Spinarak is Paul, and Sylveon is Killer. I don't expect you to remember them all, species name will do.

"So let's make a start shall we? How long have you had Sissy, and do you have any other pokemon?"

Phaethon wuffled softly, watching the pink pokemon's bid for freedom with interest. Not that he would ever incite mischief, not him! Totally innocent of all crimes forever.

said Char with disapproval as he lumbered past; Charizards were not really designed for running.  
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 4:18 pm
She opened her mouth to answer but it shut when he didn't want an answer. He out ranked her... that meant that she had to respect him. Not just because of rules... but she wanted to work her way up. She looked to each of them as they were introduced. "They all look in such fine condition!" She really was a pokemon enthusiast. She glanced to Aulus. She would remember their names. Afterall... they were loved enough to have been given them... so at least until she left she would try very hard... Char would be easy... And So would killer because it seemed so out of place. The Absol kind of resembled a tortoiseshell cat... and Paul... She mentally frowned trying to find a way to remember... but then she moved to the Rapidash and just repeated the name about 12 times.

She glanced up. Oh! they were just going to go. "Um... Ive had her... a few weeks... She was the pokemon assigned to me when i got here... So... training... and things like that." She bit he bottom lip. And then she smiled. "I do!" She pulled the other ball, a friend ball. "Come on out Munchy~" And the pokemon popped out. "Munchy... " The munchlax glanced to sissy and then literally fell over laughing.

She frowned. "Munchy thats not nice..." Sissy huffed and puffed herself up at the muchlax. She twitched her ears though. /Good idea/She thought about it and her little nubby hands moved to work the knot. It wasn't working at all well. And then the idea came. With an unpracticed attack she sent a flamethrower attack, one of the moves that Kailee had decided to teach her, straight for the sheet. All it did, because of how weak it was from lack of use, was set the sheet on fire. She let out an exclamation and set to run away. In a way she and kailee were perfect for each other. /Hot! Hot! Hot!/ Sissy had taken off fast enough to pull away from Kailee. She caught up to Char easily in her panic of being on fire.

Kailee let out a surprised sound at the flamethrower. "Sissy no!" And then it was too late. She couldn't just let her pokemon burn so she started after her her heeled boots. "Sissy wait ill take it off... come back!" Munchy just kept laughing. This group was like a circus.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 4:36 pm
For a moment or two Aulus just stared, wondering if perhaps this was all just an especially vivid dream. Nnnnnope, didn't seem like it.

Oh hell.

Luckily the commotion and the flames had already called his team's attention, and with a sharp whistle he soon had it focused on him instead. "Tortie, cut it free with Night Slash!"

The patched Absol didn't even pause to acknowledge the order; teeth bared she charged towards the Wigglytuff and its weird burning attire. As she drew close she gathered up power and sprang forward, horn glowing (or anti-glowing?) with dark energy. The attack sliced neatly through the knots, theoretically Sissy from the sheet's confines, and Tortie skidded to a halt, turning to face Aulus for further instructions.

Aulus puffed out a breath and turned to look at Kailee. "Okay. I... think I see part of your problem." Yeeeep.  
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 5:20 pm
Sissy was in a full state of terror at burning to death. She played the better then you roll fairly well but inside she was still a sweet pokemon... somewhere, and she had fears just like anyone else. Sadly this wasn't a dream. This was Kailee's life.

So they were getting their laps in at least... So they would be all warmed up? She kept running and then there was an absol, Tortie... like tortoiseshell, was there and the sheets fell away. Sissy stumbled, startled and then Kailee tripped over her. She landed on the wigglytuff and was bounced as sissy took in air. So once again she landed on the floor. She contemplated for a moment staying there. She was so embarrassed. This man had 5 cool well behaved pokemon. She had two pokemon that could give or take listening to her.

She got up though. Standing she glanced to Aulus. Her face was turning red and she put some hair behind her ear. He could see her problem... But..."Can you help fix it?"

She needed a miracle... because one more mix up like last time and she was sure she would be out... and out... was never good.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:27 am
No more fire? No more fire; Char was stamping deliberately on the smouldering remains of the sheet.

Relaxing a little again Aulus folded his arms back over his chest and sucked his teeth in the manner a builder usually did as a prefex to 'it's going to cost you'. "Yes," he said after a pause, "anything is fixable, but you have to be prepared to put the time and effort required in." Where the hell did he start though? He'd never exactly trained anyone like this before, he'd helped other people get their teams stronger but.... Well he'd just have to try to work with what he'd done to bring Discord under his control, pass that on to Kailee and hope that was sort of how you were meant to teach people.

"Alright," Aulus continued, scowling and rubbing a stiff muscle down the back of his neck as he thought of how to begin. "So you've only had her since you joined, two compulsory months in basic training... How long have you been out of red uniform?" He didn't recognise her so he doubted she'd been a grunt all that long and what she'd said about Sissy backed that up.  
PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 9:02 am
No there was no more fire thanks to Char. Munchy had ceased his laughter and was waddling over to join the... fun?

She bit her lip. She saw and recognized that look and it worried her. She was on the bottom over here, and while her family was relatively well off they weren't exactly happy when she left. So she was pretty much on her own. But then there was a yes and she perked up a bit looking to him with a semi-grateful look. She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes of course." She wasn't against putting in the hours. It was just those hours many times, didn't all get used for training because she had to fix things... or go to the medical bay.

She smiled as they continued. She put a hand on the munchlax's head as she waited. "Yeah thats right... I got her back when i started... so its been about a week since i moved to grunt...." She frowned thinking. "yeah not that long.. but my munchlax listens... " She wrinkled her brow a bit concerned why one would listen and the other wouldnt. But Aulus was going to help so she would have cool pokemon that would listen to her and she was going to be an awesome Rocket!

"So what do i have to do? Im willing to try anything!" She glanced to Sissy who sighed crossed her little arms



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 9:20 am
Errrr.... Okay this was this bit where he pretended he knew what he was doing, right? Right.

Allowing his arms to drop loosely by his sides Aulus walked over to Tortie, raising one hand to rest on her shoulders. "The first thing you need, or at least your first important goal is mutual trust and respect with your team. If they don't respect you they won't listen in the first place and if they don't trust you they won't stick with you when the going gets tough. How to get there though is... more difficult, not denying that, and it's different with every pokemon. It's easiest to do with pokemon you hatch yourself, they're a blank slate if you will; you teach them everything, and you're in control of the experiences they have. The two you have," Aulus gestured lightly at the two normal types, "have probably come from very different backgrounds that will have given them different attitude quite apart from their innate personalities. Were you told whether they're clones, or if they were stolen?"

While the humans talked Phaeth figured he might as well too - they hadn't been told to go back to laps after all - and clopped over to Munchy and Sissy. he asked with interest; since being reunited with his trainer and coming here it seemed like every pokemon had a different story to tell, some of them not very nice but... well that was life, wasn't it? When you were dealt a bad blow you just had to try to deal with it and carry on, looking for a way to make tomorrow better.  
PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:06 am
Well if he pretended then there would be at least one of them that looked like they knew what they were doing. She watched him and nodded along. She had heard this before. She didn't deny that there needed to be a bond... the question was how. She pushed her hair back. "I didn't hatch either of these i'm sorry to say... " He was right... if they were hatched this wouldn't be a problem. But as it stood she actually didn't know off the top of her head. She would have to ask someone. Though when Aulus asked she turned red again. "No uh... there wasn't... time to ask..."

That statement brought to mind pictures of that first day. She had gone to pick up he pokemon and the person in the lab had greeted her well enough. They had brought her back and there had been a large amount of poke balls. She was told to pick one and she had... But in that moment she knocked the wall and the balls all started to fall and there was yelling and so she took the one she had grabbed and headed out. So she wasn't sure on back history... all she knew was she was told not to touch anything when she went into that section of the lab. At least that was sissy. "Munchy was a steal... but he was super low level when they stole him... so has generally taken well to me." She just needed to remember to use him.

Sissy looked to the Rapidash. Where had they come from. She frowned and answered. /Outside...I had an owner... and he was awful... but at least he knew what he was doing./ Sissy's owner had been a tough guy that had thrown a pokeball and caught her as a jigglypuff... but though he could see her potential she was pink... and so he wanted her to be even tougher. And so he beat her and she got angry so she would be stronger in the battles. But then she was stolen by rockets. In general she refused to trust people... Refused to believe that there was good in any of them. So she was always angry... she always did the opposite of what she was told... because she would know better than a human any day.

Munchy blinked and looked to sissy. /I had a different owner too... / He glanced to Phaeth. /She was great though.. she fed me all the time... and she was super nice./ He glanced to Kailee. /She means well... I can tell.../ He nodded. /Did you have a different trainer before?/



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:28 am
Aulus shrugged; "That's the norm around here, there isn't the time to hatch every single pokemon everyone needs fresh and then wait for it to be old enough to use in battle. It doesn't really matter where they came from... I don't think it'll change anything about training that much but it might help you to understand Sissy better. What you've said about Muchy makes sense though; Char was a steal of mine and he was quite low level, I suspect he'd only just evolved to Charmeleon back then." Okay so.... So now what? Ugh, crap, he wished he had some time to prepare rather than trying to just do this off the cuff!

"Right," scowling again Aulus combed his fingers back through his hair, "so.... Why don't we start with the easier one? If Munchy will listen to you at least a bit already, and you treat him well for it, perhaps Sissy will feel a little more open to you." With this said Aulus turned to look at the pair of normal types, who seemed to be making friends with Phaeth. Well that was... a start? He wasn't honestly sure.

That didn't sound good. Phaeth gave a nod to Sissy, serious and sympathetic. very I suppose but a bit. Aulus hatched me when he was quite young, and we were together until a few years ago; somebody attacked him and stole me, and I was stuck with him for years. He wasn't nice.> Not nice at all. But he had, and they were not going to get split up again. the Rapidash concluded with a smile to Sissy and Munchy.  
PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 11:03 am
She nodded. She was coming to see that it was the norm to have stolen pokemon. Which was fine. If the pokemon trainers let their pokemon be stolen... then they didn't deserve those pokemon... especially if they were abusive. She nodded agreeing for the moment. She smiled at the munchlax though with fondness and then looked to Aulus. "Thats cool... " She looked back to the three talking pokemon while Aulus was thinking.

She snapped back to attention with a smile, excited that there may be some help. But she lost her smile when she saw the scowl. She made a determination. This person needed to smile more... Sissy listened and seemed to laugh at Aulus's statement but looked back to Phaeth. The rapidash seemed to understand and for that Sissy just gave a similar look in reply.

Munchy frowned giving the amount of exclamation that story needed. But then he nodded. Yes. There was potential. But Sissy wasn't so sure. She was pretty sure it was only a mater of time before the girl would screw up bad enough and then she would be taken away again.

Sissy glanced to Munchy. "Aulus, do you mean in a battle? Because i try to be nice to both of them." Minus the tying her pokemon in bed sheet to drag her to training... But that really was sissy's fault. She glanced over Aulus' pokemon. There was no way... All of his pokemon seemed super strong... she would lose for sure.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 11:54 am
"You can call me Agent or Agent Aulus, Grunt. I'm not here to be your buddy, I'm here because apparently basic training isn't doing it's job," Aulus replied, his never especially stable patience fraying a bit at the familiar term of address; sure he hadn't told her not to use his name, but exactly zero damns were given about that. She should know better than to get pally with a superior within two minutes.

"Anyway," he continued, scowling deeper than ever, "we are Team Rocket. Did you miss that memo? Team. Sodding. Rocket. We're not Team Fluffy Cuties. We're not Team the Power of Friendship. Team Rocket. Being nice is going to get you nowhere and frankly is going to do them no favours. You should be kind, yes, but don't be bloody 'nice' and coddling. They're going to have to fight and so are you, you all may as well get used to it."

Bloody hell what had he signed himself up for?

"If we're got that clear, you can start just by having Munchy demonstrate his attacks on...." Humm. "Char." Char would behave himself and not bite back like Killer would, or resent being used as a punching bag like Tortie would.

Phaeth murmured to Munchy and Sissy, Most was a good word to be able to use, he was glad Aulus had at least a couple of friends amongst his own kind now.  

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