Name: Locke Donhom
Nickname: N/A
Age: 24
Race: Human
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Position: Seke
Height: 5'6"
Personality: Locke is a kind, quiet character. He often is alone, people know he is a loner. He prefers it that way, since in his early years he was always alone in a crowd. He doesn't like being around people very much, but isn't mean to them and will talk. Most call him shy, but he just doesn't trust people. He lives alone now, and is a recluse.
Past: His past seems like a good one up until his teenage years. He was happy boy, even though he had few friends. Being an only child with two parents who worked full time jobs, he learned to take care of himself pretty early on. At the age thirteen, he knew how to cook and he could keep his room clean without problem, his mom kept up with the rest of the house. One day near his birthday, his parents were on a plane back to their town when it crashed due to a lightning storm. There were no survivors. Locke was swept away to an orphanage, where his depression worsened. He was left alone in the orphanage, the other kids found him odd. No one ever adopted him, and so he left the place five years later when he hit eighteen. He felt empty and alone, he had no friends, no close family, but they'd never sold his parents house. All the furniture was left alone, and while the place was dusty, it wasn't condemned. He cleaned up the place and threw out anything bad, and when he found his parent's secret stash of money, he paid exterminators to come in. Now he had some money and a good house, and he found himself a job as a waiter at a cafe during the day, a video store cashier at night.

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