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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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[Reaper] Kailey's Perch

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Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:03 pm

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[.....................................................something eventually shhhh.....................................................]
PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:04 pm

                      User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.AMITYVILLE ACADEMY ENROLLMENT FORM

                      Name: Kailey Delcorvia
                      Nicknames: Kae
                      Gender: Female
                      Age: 16

                      Faction: Reaper
                      Race: Corvid Psychopomp
                      Height: 5'


                        xxEver a Laughxxxxx{ + }
                        xxxxxxxOne look at the reaper, and someone would easily call her a very chipper ghoul. Rarely is she without a smile or a smirk on her face, always some mischievous or mocking glint in her eyes. She walks with the easy gate and hop of someone seemingly without a care in the world. She isn't the happiest being out there, but she knows how to put on a smile, knows how to laugh and not make it a fake, brittle sound. Genuine smiles are a bit rarer, but laughter comes easy to her no matter the situation. Her sense of humor is a constant one, laughing at rather inappropriate moments and when the rest of the crowd is getting a kick out of something. She might be the only one laughing, but she will laugh. The upbeat nature is all for her, finding comfort and ease in being as chipper as possible, regardless of if she's actually feeling the mood or not. By pure power of will, maybe pretending she's as happy as she acts will make some good come along her way. Or maybe she'll actually find something to laugh about. She's not terribly picky. Anyone in a somber mood around her will be met with jokes or chipper minor chit-chat. While not a very hands-on ghoul, she does believe in at least attempting to spread the good vibes around. Not her problem if they don't catch, though. Other person's loss~

                        xxFrugal is the new Chicxxxxx{ + }
                        xxxxxxxDon't go looking to her for extra cash. Or expect her to ask you for any, either. If there's a will, there's a way, and if it means she's got to use the bare minimum of a scrap of whatever to get by, then hey. So be it. Her clothing is as hand-me-down as they get, and she'll patch them up however possible to keep wearing them for probably longer than any'd recommend. Notebooks and other supplies are used to full capacity, her notes tiny and meticulous in occupying every ounce of their respective pages as possible. Knickknacks? Bones? Feathers? Scraps of leather or cloth? Reused into her accessories and clothing most likely. Or bedding. Or random decorating. There's nothing that's not used with her, though it might take her a moment to figure out how to use them. Which means woe to whomever's dealing with her at the time. She's not about to bound off into a new topic or project till she finishes what she's trying to do with her first issue. She's a shopaholic's worst nightmare and best friend combined, combing stores for only the best deals to get the best sale for her seeds. Not that she'll buy much though, only as much as she actually needs for the moment, or might need in a moment or two after. Planning ahead somewhat comes into play, but the grand summary of her frugal lifestyle is Kailey basic sense to adapt. If she can't make one set of supplies work, the gears will turn till she's got another way to apply the goods, or try and figure out the minimal amount of new additions she might need to make her current set work. Bare minimum is key to her. No such thing as extras when you've got a place for everything... Though she does have to keep a rather organized space to make sure there's no possible extras.

                        xxGuiding's in the Genesxxxxx{ + }
                        xxxxxxxShe's a reluctant helper. Coming around Kailey with a problem of any variety--or even so much as hinting to have an issue--will kick-start this near ingrained sense to assist. Much to her ever annoyance. The reaper will groan, she'll huff, she'll whine... but she will help, despite herself. Always her aid comes with the belief nothing will come of it to assist her in turn. No favors, no payback, nothing. It is purely done out of the need to give advice, offer directions, lend a helping hand. Regardless of if someone actually asks her or not. Open your mouth around her at your own risk. Her opinion and actions will follow through on this single requirement of hers without any thought or consideration to the person with the actual problem. Not to say she has any ill intent, though. She does like helping people, and a small part of her would like to think it'll always change things for the better.... but hard to trust that. Should she speak or act out of turn and the recipient of her unwanted assistance, she'll pretty quickly clam up and put on a laughing facade to the whole ordeal, but it won't keep her mouth or hands in check the next time the same person opens their mouth around her with a problem.

                        xxCynical to the Corexxxxx{ - }
                        xxxxxxxJust because she's laughing about something, rarely does it mean she's doing it to laugh with someone. Not with this ghoul. Kailey herself has a very low view of the world around her, always waiting for jaws to snap and claws to lash. In her mind, laughter and smirks are a barrier between her and the rest, keeping the far less trustworthy world at arm's length. Her faith is kept only in her own abilities and her familiar. Even when it seems like things are going her way, and the people around her might be trustworthy... she's holding back her cards, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Long-time exposure to those that rattle this sense for her are taken in reluctant stride. Even after knowing someone else for years, knowing they keep their promises, their appointments, always there as a shoulder, a barrier is still there on some degree. She never fully relaxes around someone else, always expecting she'll still need to be on her own when things crash at last. The world is only as good as she makes it herself. Be that through playing an ever cheerful scareling or helping others with whatever she can, it's her own assist to the world. Unfortunately, she just doesn't expect anything to fully rid the world of its fangs and claws.

                        xxGuiding, not Scaresittingxxxxx{ - }
                        xxxxxxx"Sugar coating" is not a phrase in her vocabulary. Unless she's laughing at you for expecting it out of her. Any words out of her mouth, though laced with laughter, will be as blunt as stone. Facts as she knows them, white lies, and the required cryptic wording are all delivered with the same "stating the obvious" tones. Step-by-step instructions? What does she look like? A scaresitter? Her advice and assistance is given, wanted or not, but it is always done at face-value. In her book, you've got to be able to help yourself first and foremost. Additional help'll come after. Maybe. Hand-holding is near a capital crime in her book, despite the years of watching her family tend so carefully to the new souls they've lead from the human world to theirs. A guide is a guide. The guide-ee needs to figure out the path for themselves, far as she's concerned. The moment she feels someone is whining, dragging their feet, or any other showing any other "weak" behavior, she'll laugh herself right on out of the situation. Even if it means leaving her guide-ee in a rather uncomfortable situation. Her need to help does, in this sense, only go so far. She'll have the need to help them out of the original circumstance that might have gotten the ball rolling, but if she begins to believe they aren't capable of getting themselves out through the "path" her advice or assistance would offer--in as far as she believes, anyways, which is a far, far cry from absolute--then she'll call the situation as she sees it. Not her fault they're not strong enough, smart enough, or quick enough to make it out. She tried~ To say this could land her in a great deal of blame and heat is an understatement, and any resulting backfire to her own antics will become only more fuel to her cynic fire. Her? At fault? Nah never. The other creep was just too weak to make it through.

                        xxReckless Endangermentxxxxx{ - }
                        xxxxxxxFollowing the leader doesn't go well when the leader's too willing to jump barriers and hop ledges without much regard for her own safety. Never mind anyone she might be trying to guide. "No don't do that" is just another way of saying, "But you can't," in her ears. There's a reason she's got her scars. Though Cras often remarks Kailey does not, in fact, have wings of her own, it seems inevitable she'll aim for only the direct routes in situations. Even if it means trying to barge her way through every obstacle in her path. Be it dealing with creeple or the environment around her, blunt and direct are the only methods she really seems to deal in. Oh she'll be laughing, mocking, and cryptic without fail, but her overarching methods rare change. She'll collect scars like trophies, more evidence that she can do it, or at least survive it. Those who don't respond well to her antics are left with a laugh and continued belief that it's yet another example of why she can't trust the rest of the world. Very much a self-fulfilling prophecy more often than not as she grows older. It's not an uncommon case for her to be forced to fall back on her familiar for advice or whatever assistance he can give. She's about as used to patching up her clothing as she is to patching up herself. Injuries are a common place thing for her, and though she's no fan of pain and takes note of how to try to not end up with massive scars or broken bones again... Those lessons only seem to come into play when she's trying to adapt to a less than ideal situation she'd already barreled into. As opposed to trying to find an alternative route around the obstacle. That option only seems viable to her only after she's tested every other way she can think of to get through with the direct path.



                        xxxxxxxThough named for the harsh sound crows make, he's a bit more cuddly than his partner. A bit. More willing to be of assistance and usually clarifying his mistress' vague instructions, he's the lesser of two evils. Unless you consider his expectancy of payment to be worse than her expecting no good to come of helping. Nothing is done for free to Cras, and he'll be quick to remind everyone who deals with him. More importantly, he'll be quick to tell them what they owe him. He keeps tallies. Bird's a banker with a beak. He does have a large tendency to swipe bobbles, cloth, and fur he finds appealing, bringing them all back to his nest. With it comes a tendency to harass others who have things he wants. He can come off as a bit of a joker with his aerial bombings and cackling. But make no mistake, he's at least more willing to hear someone out... unlike his lady.

                      Physical Description:
                      Eye Colour: Bright cyan. Heavily marked with kohl and thick lashes.
                      Hair Colour/Style: Black and long, down to her mid-back when not caught up in her hood. Red bangs frame her face and fall well past her chin in spots.
                      Skin Colour: Dark tan leaning in a golden base.
                      Clothing Style/Colours: She'd call it "tribal" when she likely more means, "threw on what was nearby and was cheap to get." A preference for baggy, hooded tops over fitted pieces--or more often, bandages wrapped around her chest and upper arms--she pairs them up with tighter bottoms. Leggings are the norm, with or without feet, though she rarely wears shoes herself. Shorts or skirts over them, but nearly always guaranteed to see a belt wrapped around her hips with a skirt of feathers hanging from it. Her only other constant would be an amethyst wired to a strap of leather around her neck. Fingerless gloves and bandages other them are necessary for her more hand-to-hand preferences in life. Other accessories vary along the line of bird skulls, feathers, and random beads.
                      Extra: She has burn scars across her forearms and the backs of her hands. They're worse along her outer arms, but wrap somewhat around her entire forearms. She also has wings tattooed from her shoulder bones down the backs of her upper arms. Similar to these.



Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:06 pm

                      Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? While her old school was fine enough in her book, even this cynic is willing to see the potential benefits to attending a higher ranked institution. Her family was a bit baffled why she'd chose to attend a school so far away, but some supported the choice. After she made it clear their opinions weren't really amount much to change hers, anyways.

                      Natural Ability: Guiding Wings
                      xxxxxxComing from a line that, in part, view themselves as "guides" to FEAR as opposed to calling it reaping due to this ability, Kailey is one of those in her family to possess a keen sense of direction. For escape routes, would be their particular brand. Put her in a structure, and her awareness quickly travels to the nearest exit. She'll know perfectly the straight-path direction is, regardless of distance. As it is, don't ask her what to do if there're a few obstacles in the way. Like say, walls or barred doors. She won't have any detour routes for you, only that the way out is straight that way. She got you that far, you better be smart enough to figure out the rest.

                      FEAR Ability: [T H ExxB I T E]
                        xxMurder's Lead
                        xxxxxxxKeeping at a distance from her target, Kailey is able to focus her FEAR on a single individual, holding out a hand palm up towards the intended target... and call a fraction of their very essence, their own FEAR, to her to heal herself. Someone watching the exchange might just see a faint tendril of something coming from the target to the reaper.


                        __Tier One__
                        Dice: 2d4
                        First Dice: Indicates how many turns the effect will last, starting with your next regular attack.
                        xxxxx 1-2: 1 Turn
                        xxxxx 3-4: 2 Turns
                        Second Dice: Represents how much health you steal per hit.
                        xxxxx 1: 0% (Absorb no health)
                        xxxxx 2-3: 25% (divide your damage by 4)
                        xxxxx 4: 50% (divide your damage by 2)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:07 pm

                      {xxxxxxHang Your Head and break the maskxxxxxx}
                      xxxxxxxxxxxx{ Room }

                      User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
                      Pin given to . . .

                      ? ? ? . . .
                      xxxxx? ? ?

                      The Room . . .



Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:09 pm

                      {xxxxxxSmile before they Knowxxxxxx}
                      xxxxxxxxxxxx{ Relationships }

                      . . .
                      xxxx. . .

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:10 pm

                      {xxxxxxPut on a Showxxxxxx}
                      xxxxxxxxxxxx{ Art }



Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:13 pm

                      {xxxxxxSweet Recollectionxxxxxx}
                      xxxxxxxxxxxx{ Rp Log }

                      {xxxx[~*~] || [TITLE] || [___ Event] || [PARTICIPANT(s)] || Incomplete/Completexxxx}
                      {xxxx[~*~] || [TITLE] || [___ Event] || [PARTICIPANT(s)] || Incomplete/Completexxxx}
                      {xxxx[~*~] || [Broken Doesn't Mean Shattered] || [Reg] || [Hamika] || Incompletexxxx}
                      {xxxx[~*~] || [Order Up.] || [Reg] || [Zaire] || Incompletexxxx}
                      {xxxx[~*~] || [[MAD SCIENCE PARTY] Date auctions!!] || [ORP] || [Kane, Lass] || Completexxxx}

                      [b]{[/b][color=white]xxxx[/color][url=][~*~][/url] || [TITLE] || [NAME] || [PARTICIPANT(s)] || [i]Incomplete/Complete[/i][color=white]xxxx[/color][b]}[/b]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:15 pm

                      {xxxxxxFeather for Your Thoughtsxxxxxx}
                      xxxxxxxxxxxx{ Requirements }

                      _______Year One
                      xxxxxxxxx2 /50
                      xxxxxxxxxExam (pass / fail)

                      xx1 Point

                      xx2 Points
                      • Battle (filled out Rp actions) - 800 WC
                      • Character 'plot assistance'

                      xxGM Appointed Points



Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:17 pm

                      {xxxxxxBow to the Forces that Bexxxxxx}
                      xxxxxxxxxxxx{ Credits }

                      xxxxTHIS IS HALLOWEEN
                      Lizbot, Marushii, Chibizoo

                      xxxxKailey Year 1

                      xxxxKailey Delcorvia

                      xxxxOther Art
                      Respective Artists

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