Hi, everyone! I'm here to ask for some donations even if it's just like 50 gold or something. I'm just trying to save up to get the items I've been wanting or questing for awhile. It'll be even more great if any of you have any of these items to donate or gift me. Although, I'm not quite sure of how I should thank any of you in return if any of you do choose to help me out... *sighs* redface This is optional, so it's alright if you don't want to do it. As long as you took the time to read this and try to pass on the message. ^^ But here's the list of my wanted items.

[ Wanted ] Items

Embarrassed Dream
Ancient Katana
Lumiere Noire
Mouton Twins
Oppa Style!
Angelic & Demonic Manner
Literary Luxury
Astra: Aqua Winking Purity Eyes

Stoic Princess Eyes
Scarlet Mist
Restful Reverie
Hellion Gaze
Cupcake Darling
Heartful Punch
Raging Loathing Style
Tender Loving Manner

Cherry Blossom
Smiling Lips
Polar Tear
La Mort Rouge
Astra: Rose Breeze
Devil's Spice
Cherubim's Ruby Wings
Beyond Brown
Across Blush

Alruna's Rose ( Any gen. )
All My Feels
Paramour's Break
Little Lucie ( Any gen. )
Band of Bremen ( Any gen. )

asdfghjkl-- I'm sorry that it seems so much to ask for!! BUT... the bold ones that I've marked are the ones that I REALLY want at the moment. Gahhh, so sorry again to ask for such a HUGE favor!! ;__; *hugs you all* Thank you so much again for taking your time to read this!! heart