I've been very busy lately but now that I find some free time I want to get back into the world of role play. I have a few ideas but at the moment am not willing to post them onto this thread. Please send me a private message or post here if you'd be willing to start a role play with me.

Looking for:
-Interesting, changing role play

-Not based on smutting

-Doesnt last longer than a month, and if it does it should be amazing


NOT looking for
-Straight up S&M, if it's going to be that topic it had better be different.

-More than 6 paragraphs. I'm responding from a tablet primarily so really long replies won't come easily. If need be I will use my computer

-A lot of same tense, boring posts that are filled with actions/talking. Please don't have your character monologue for a post about what she's going to wear to the ball and be obscure about it. Details are nice.

-Smut all the time. Occasionally I find it good for the role play but if it ends up happening every day in the role play I'll probably stop replying.

I'm willing to do about any topic however I won't play as a female character or a homosexual male. I just don't swing that way. Please consider me for a role play, I make a good partner and can present examples if need be.