Shift over Aulus stripped off his sweaty uniform, showered, changed into jeans and a black t-shirt, and headed back out the door within the space of ten minutes; tonight was game night and by Gods did he feel in need of it. One of the things he did like about this new base was being on the same floor as Alex; it meant that after a long day of running around shouting at grunts and trainees he didn't have to haul his lazy arse upstairs to find his friend anymore.

Less than fifteen minutes after the end of his shift Aulus fired off a text reading 'Bing bong!' to Alex's dex just as he turned onto the corridor the elite's suite was located on.

Tortie padded along behind her trainer contentedly, the occasional yawn speaking of a long satisfying day of fighting a wide variety of other pokemon. They always trained hard - training was what Aulus did while other people were techy and such - but the upcoming raid had seen Aulus turn things up a notch with himself and his pokemon, even moreso than he usually would before a big mission. Given where they were going nothing less than their very best form would be acceptable; that fact had been firmly impressed upon all of them. Very firmly.