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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:45 am

Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū

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The Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shu...otherwise known as the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist is an organization consisting of only the greatest blade-wielding shinobi of their generation that Kirigakure can produce. The tradition of the Seven Swordsmen originated from an old legend that tells of a time before the Great Shinobi Wars when conquer and plunder was common. The Hidden Mist Village was just sprouting when it was attacked by the ancestors of the present Kaguya Clan. Villagers and shinobi alike were being slaughtered and the village run through until a small brave group of sword-carrying ninja banded together and defeated them all, driving them away thus saving what was left of the village. The Mizukage was quite impressed with their skills that he officially made them an organization of Kirigakure and named them the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Since then, they were sworn to protect Kirigakure and the Mizukage with their lives.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:43 pm
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                                                                  The Kubikiribōchō; Literally meaning "Decapitating Carving Knife", is a massive broadsword shaped like a giant butcher knife, earning it the title of "seversword" . Like the other weapons belonging to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, the sword is passed down from generation to generation amongst the group's members. The blade itself has two cut outs, a circle close to the top and a semi-circular one nearer the handle, that aptly fit the sword's purpose of decapitation, as demonstrated through Suigetsu Hōzuki's use.The latter notch allows a strap to be wrapped around the weapon, making it easier for the user to carry. Its extremely long handle is also detachable to further aid transportation and then reattached when required for combat. Kubikiribōchō has gained some abilities over the years, making it a weapon to be feared. The blade itself has two cut outs, a circle close to the top and a semi-circular one nearer the handle, that aptly fit the sword's purpose of decapitation, as demonstrated through Suigetsu Hōzuki's use.The latter notch allows a strap to be wrapped around the weapon, making it easier for the user to carry. Its extremely long handle is also detachable to further aid transportation and then reattached when required for combat.


                                                                  Like the other weapons employed by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, the sword possesses a unique power, this being its ability to reform itself using the iron harvested from the blood of its victims. This regenerative process takes place almost instantaneously and is capable of bringing the weapon back to its original condition no matter how severe the damage is, from a simple chip or nick to a complete separation of over half the blade. Since this sword is so heavy, it requires a great deal of strength.

                                                                  - [Unbreakable: Instant Sword Regeneration]
                                                                  - [Heavy Hitter: + 1 rank to Strength when Wielding]

                                                                  Along with this ability, the swords utilizes it's regenerative properties to crew a new and contemporary ability. If Kubikiribōchō damages an enemy, whether it's just a scratch or as serious as a severed limb, you regenerate wounds that you may have. The level of the wound healed corresponds to the level of the wound inflicted. If you cut off an arm, you may regenerate an arm. If you manage to break bones with Kubikiribōchō, it heals your broken bones, and so on.

                                                                  - [Vamp: Ability to Passively Regenerate when damage is accomplished]

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                                                                  Samehada is a large sentient sword, comparable in size to the Kubikiribōchō. It is described as "the most terrifying of all the Seven Swordsmen's blades" and even earned the title of "greatsword", further adding to its fearsome reputation. Though mostly wrapped in bandages, Samehada's construction is atypical in that its actual blade is comprised from a series of downward facing scales running along the entirety of its length until its hilt, at the base of which is a small skull. Samehada grows larger in proportion to the amount of chakra it absorbs, causing its scales to become so long that they ultimately resemble shark fins and its mouth, located at the tip of the blade, to become even more pronounced. Keeping Samehada wrapped in bandages apparently helps to inhibit this growth to a certain extent. Samehada is unique for being a sentient weapon that gains nourishment from the chakra of others and as such, the blade is at its happiest when engorged with chakra that possesses both a distinctive and pleasant flavor. It apparently greatly enjoys Jinchuuriki chakra since, it enjoys the powerful demon chakra. Being capable of conscious thought, Samehada chooses its own user, an exclusive process that has often resulted in it being thought of as notoriously picky. If someone it disapproves of attempts to wield it, spikes protrude from the handle in order to force them to release their grasp, at which point Samehada will make efforts to return to its chosen owner. Even if it did betray its former owner for a more powerful wielder, the blade was at least close enough to Kisame to mourn his death.


                                                                  As the blade is made up of scales, it inflicts injuries through shredding or shaving what it comes into contact with, rather than just cutting the object in question. This flaying effect is similar to a shark's skin, hence the sword's name. While it ordinarily remains rigid, Samehada's hilt is able to stretch and bend to great extent, allowing the weapon to be used like a flail.

                                                                  Samehada shares a symbiotic relationship with its wielder. Although it continually consumes the chakra of its owner, its largest meals come from fights, wherein it absorbs the chakra of the opposition instead. Such an ability allows Samehada to literally slice through an opponent's techniques, in spite of whether the chakra has been transformed or not, and even prevent them from being performed by absorbing all of the necessary chakra, before preparations can be completed. This is particularly useful when fighting jinchūriki, as Samehada can quickly deplete their large chakra supplies as well as remove their chakra cloaks, illustrated when Killer B was reduced back to Version 1 after initially being in Version 2 In the anime it was even capable of "eating" a "Version Two" Tailed Beast Ball. However, it seems to be unable to automatically absorb ambient chakra, as in all instances where it has absorbed chakra are when either the opponent had a visible aura around them or when direct physical contact had already been established. Due to its voracious appetite, Samehada is drawn to those with large chakra supplies, allowing it to be used as a quasi-sensor.

                                                                  While the ability to absorb chakra is useful in defeating opponents, it is also beneficial to the user as well. Samehada has the ability to transfer the chakra it has absorbed to the wielder by partially fusing with them, wrapping it's handle around the arm or something, so it can be used to either regenerate injuries or replenish their chakra reserves. This makes the user of this sword extremely difficult to defeat, however, a wielder such as Kisame can take this fusion one step further, by completely merging with Samehada. Doing so causes him to become much more shark-like in appearance, growing fins and webbed hands that allow him to move through water with considerable ease. Kisame also receives some of Samehada's abilities while in this form, such as being able to extend spikes from his body for offence, and absorbing chakra when others come into direct contact with him, as well as the ability to track chakra. The merging will vary from person to person, but the abilities will be similar and some will even act as a constant.

                                                                  -[Hunger: Continuous Chakra Consumption: - 5 chakra each post weilded]
                                                                  -[All Seeing: Sensor Ability]
                                                                  -[As One: Merging Ability]
                                                                  -[Feed Me: Regeneration Ability: Chakra/Wounds]

                                                                  *You may only choose two out of the three abilities presented.
                                                                  *Your merged form must be submitted as a custom weapon.

                                                                  Chakra Eating: The amount of chakra you take is ten percent. Twenty if your opponent is a jinchuuriki. The chakra taken is stored in a separate pool than yours. You can add to your pool from that pool, but it takes at least fifty of the Samehada pool to regenerate a wound.

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                                                                  Shibuki is one of the swords of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, wielded by Jinpachi Munashi. The blade utilises various explosive tags, contained within a substantial scroll, in order to incorporate explosions into the user's own swordsmanship, earning it the title of "blastsword". The sword itself features two distinct sides, with a narrow cutting edge located down the entirety of one length and a wide platform section on the other. The aforementioned scroll unrolls along this latter side, sliding downwards and resting atop its surface to form an individual segment comprised from numerous explosive tags, which separates from the remainder upon detonation. Only once the desired opponent comes into contact with the platform, do the explosive tags finally ignite and then detach, providing a small opportunity for the user to escape the devastating blast radius, while simultaneously compensating for any resultant recoil. The sword is seemingly able to reload another segment of tags onto the platform, automatically after each strike.


                                                                  Along with Kubikiribōchō, Shibuki has also adapted to the new times, where shinobi have grown more powerful. Unlike before, the user is now immune to his own explosions. Shibuki was modified after the Shinobi Fourth War. The explosive tags were remastered by a sealer, and by writing the wielder's name on the tags, making him immune to the flames and blast. This now allows a large amount of flexibility, given the fact that you can run into battle explosions midst your mere presence. This sword allows more creativity than it did before.

                                                                  -[Well Stocked: Large supply of tags.]
                                                                  -[Explosive Affinity: Immune to Shibuki's tags]

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                                                                  The Nuibari is one of the swords of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. The blade itself assumes the form of a narrow "longsword" (長刀, chōtō) that greatly resembles a large needle, with a long length of thin wire-mirroring thread, tied through the eye located at the base of its hilt. This sword is said to possess the ability to pierce all and stitch them together, demonstrated through its ability to effortlessly penetrate multiple targets in a single thrust and then quite literally stitched them together in substantial bundles, by simply pulling the attached wire taut. A capable user can even throw the sword with the intent of piercing a line of multiple enemies, before catching the needle at the other side and repeating the process at different angles, in order to create knots of corpses with the wire passing through the entirety, effectively creating bundles of bodies at various points along the length of the thread.


                                                                  The true ability of the needle blade is the fact that the length of the needle is literally infinite. The blade has a supply of needles sealed into it with the intent for it to never run out; it would take several hours of persistent combat in order for that to happen. Because of this never-ending supply, the needle users have developed a special ability to be passed down to future Nuibari users. This ability can only be performed with chakra, but a cheap amount [5]. The chakra helps guide the needles into objects surrounding the area for hundreds of meters; rocks, grass, trees, walls, etc. They will lodge into these and hold extremely tightly, not coming loose. The needle will ricochet hundreds of ways, and eventually create a massive field of needles that are razor-sharp, and can be used as a foothold for the wielder of the Nuibari. The needles are extremely hard to see, especially in deep mist or fog, and have such a thinned amount of chakra in them that even the best sensors can't really notice it.

                                                                  Cutting through the needles can work, but the field can be recreated quite quickly using chakra. It only takes about thirty seconds to make the field, and it can be done while in combat, even, as the needle will continually run along the surrounding area without your assistance.

                                                                  Finally, the needles can be used as chakra strings for puppets. A puppeteer with the needle blade could in fact manipulate many more puppets than a regular one, and with great precision.

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                                                                  The Kabutowari is one of the swords of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. The sword itself consists of a giant axe and hammer, linked end-to-end by a flat thin leather-like rope, which together are referred to as a "bluntsword" (鈍刀, dontō) that is said to be able to break through any defense. Although the length of cord means each weapon can be utilized individually, to cut and crush obstructions respectively, their true strength lies in their capability to be employed in conjunction with one another. When facing a particularly difficult or seemingly impenetrable defense; the wielder can first attack by striking with the axe, before slamming the hammer downwards onto its blunt backside, thus using the blade like a wedge to drive straight through the offending obstacle and into the desired target located behind.


                                                                  The Kabutowari is quite simple. It is unknown how exactly it really manages to do it, but it can quite literally break through any defense. As long as you can drive the axe into it, then follow up with a quick and powerful hammer bash, the defense will shatter. However, this only works on solid physical defenses; it can't break through a wind wall or water that is not hardened. This is, however, literally the only ability of the helm-splitter, though its potency makes it quite a strong tool.

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                                                                  Hiramekarei is the double-handled sword of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. The weapon features a wide, flat blade with two curved indentations near its base, creating a sort of cross-guard. Two handles are connected to one another by a short length of cord, earning it the title of "twinsword". The overall sword looks like a flounder fish in shape and is also apparently very heavy, as the weilder tires easily when carrying it for extended periods of time. When unleashed, it emits chakra from the holes found at the top which coats the entire blade.


                                                                  The sword is capable of storing chakra and the two holes at the tip of the blade emit it on command. This can then be formed into various weapons, including a hammer or a longer sword. The size of the resulting weapon appears to depend upon the amount of chakra stored up beforehand, meaning a larger quantity will be met with a similar increase in the weapon's ultimate size. These weapons are also formed with notable speed. The user unleashes the sword, Hiramekarei, by emitting a large quantity of chakra on either side of the blade, from the two holes located near its tip, before shaping this chakra around it in the form any weapon the user chooses. This results in the bandages that are typically wrapped around the sword, swiftly unravelling due to the rapid discharge. The sword can also be split into two, allowing even more flexibility.

                                                                  -[Extreme Flexibility: Can morph its shape using chakra.]
                                                                  *Almost every morph takes [8] chakra to accomplish. If you pay [40] you can drastically increase the size of your blade, reaching up to a mile.

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                                                                  Kiba is one of the famous swords of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. It is a pair of swords, each with slim and straight double-edged blades. Both blades also have an upward-curved bladed prong near the tip of one side of blade and another one near the base of the blade's other side. They each have been imbued with lightning, displaying enhanced cutting power in a manner similar to the high-frequency vibrations of lightning-based chakra flow. It is this capability that has resulted in these "thunderswords" (雷刀, raitō) being claimed as the sharpest swords in existence.

                                                                  They allow the user to transform and manipulate lightning freely. They also boost the user's attack power to the highest limit, which allows them to perform high-level Lightning Release techniques with a minimal cost of chakra. These blades can channel the user's own respective lightning techniques or conduct natural lightning. As long as there is natural lighting to access, the user can battle continuously without tiring and launch lightning from the sky to strike anywhere within a large area. They can also be connected at the hilts to form a larger double-bladed sword. They are able to perform various long-distance, powerful, and defensive techniques, either lightning-based or imbued with it. Even without lightning, they are very dangerous in battle, able to be used in combination with agile spinning movements, sweeping through the targets while the user also rotates.


                                                                  The Kiba blades are some of the strongest weapons of the mist. The amount of chakra molded into them is intense -- and only samurai and weapon specialists can manage to consistently enchant their blade with the lightning energy. The amount of energy that can be stored into the fangs is fifty [50] chakra (total; not 50 in each sword), which can be replenished outside of battle. With this energy, they may use their own techniques, which are empowered by a rank. Once their pool runs out, you have to draw on your own chakra to use their techniques. Regardless, even when they are without energy, the lightning enhancement remains strong. They are constantly a conduit for amazingly sharp raiton chakra, and can rip through even steel with ease.

                                                                  Now, onto the actual abilities of the Fangs:

                                                                  [Fangs of Lightning] 20 Chakra
                                                                  The wielder of Kiba raises his sword above his head. From the blade rises a static stream, rising high into the clouds in an instant. The stream then connects with the clouds, and as if a divine tool, guides the lightning flowing through the sky to strike a specified location. The whole process takes about fifteen seconds, but when it's done, a lightning strike will nigh-instantaneously descend upon that target. The enemies can tell the general vicinity of the strike, as the clouds above the general area darken. However, they cannot know where exactly it will strike.

                                                                  [Banquet of Lightning] 20 Chakra
                                                                  Stabbing his blade into the ground, the Kiba wielder channels great lightning energy through that sword. The sword then unleashes the lightning into the ground, which will look for hostile chakra signatures and burrow, deep beneath the soil, until it can rise up and shock them viciously. It can follow them for quite a while, and it's a difficult technique to dispose of.

                                                                  [Lightning Dragon Tornado] 30 Chakra
                                                                  Drawing his two swords together, the wielder will raise them into the air and draw lightning down upon his body. The current will be contained within and around the wielder's form. He will then begin to spin in place forming a whirling vortex of wind and electricity. The vortex will take on the form of a dragon's head and will cover the area in front of him. It will then strike out against his opponent and painfully trap them in the vortex. Even if the attack doesn't directly connect with his foe, the lightning can jump from the vortex to hit a nearby target.

                                                                  [Lightning Fang] 10 Chakra
                                                                  Drawing the swords together, the wielder channels their energy to target a specific location. When the energy is successfully harmonized, a bolt of lightning will almost instantaneously arrive at that destination, from between the blades. This technique has a visual indication; there is a light glow of white that appears at the targeted location, about a second before the lightning follows.

                                                                  [Kami's Gate] 20 Chakra
                                                                  Using Kiba, the user first buries the blades into the ground and then sends out an electrical charge towards the sky which in turns causes lightning to fall from the sky and decimates the area around the user (about 70 feet), burning everything to a crisp. The user is immune to this lightning.

                                                                  [Lightning Strike Armor] 30 Chakra
                                                                  The fangs and their energy surround the user. This creates a static armor that covers your entire body, and repels all incoming attacks of its rank and below. Furthermore, the armor can be drawn into the sword almost instantly, which will make for the sharpest slash of any weapon, even capable of slicing through Kaguya bone. This slash will not disperse the lightning energy; it can be used successively and continuously, or reverted back to armor.

                                                                  Current Wielder of Kubikiribōchō: Yami (Chaos_wolf12)
                                                                  Current Wielder of Samehada: Cecil Raiken (Black Fire Lord)
                                                                  Current Wielder of Shibuki: Masako Chiru (No One Hollars Aaron)
                                                                  Current Wielder of Nuibari: Kukishi Terumi (City in Slumber)
                                                                  Current Wielder of Kabutowari: Gabe (malavaes)
                                                                  Current Wielder of Hiramekarei: ??? (Hadou)
                                                                  Current Wielder of Kiba: Sebastian (Jai)

                                                                  Created by: Gavin and Shane



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