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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:45 pm
Kailee had had to work double shifts on the shaymin project. Still nothing... but they still had about 65 hairs to go through... each cell by cell. So she had shown up to the training room she had reserved for Tortie's party an hour later then what she had wanted but there was enough time with the help of her pokemon to get everything set up. She had made berry tarts for humans and non fish loving pokemon.

But in the middle was a large cheesecake that had pink swirls with a greyish blue glaze. There was one large candle beside it that she would have Tortie 'blow' out. There were streamers... and balloons and everything that Aulus hadnt wanted for himself. There was also a small cupcake. Just one, chocolate cake with Vanilla frosting, looking positively normal and way too plain for something that Kailee made. This was Aulus' birthday cake. She had missed his birthday... but they should celebrate. There were party hats that kailee had forced onto all her pokemon. All of them were standing and when Tortie and Aulus had Arrived they all yelled Happy Birthday!, not surprise since the absol already had known about it. Solar had pressed his friendship suit. They sang and passed out slices of tart to everyone... She had given Aulus his little cake smiled and left that conversation For a safer one. And then she watched as solar carried a box and set it in front of Tortie. It was a 'training toy'. He pushed the button to show her how it worked. The Rattata shaped toy ran away. Also there was a small jar of PokeNip.

They, her pokemon and her atleast, had had a good time. Sissy had been on her very best behavior and had said nothing but a brief Happy birthday to the absol and then had gone off out of the way. Kailee keeping away from sensitive prying topics and her pokemon were intermingling with Aulus'. Anura had followed char around like a lost puppy.


She had convinced Aulus to set a time to do some basic training and thats where she was headed now. To the same training room the party had been in. She was the first to arrive. Good. "Come on out guys!" She let everyone out. She looked over her pokemon... Brimstone was taking a Vacation back home and so she was working with Munchy... Which was good because he had learned new moves. She smiled to them all. "Ok... Are we ready for today? We are gonna win this time alright!?" She smiled over them.

"Sissy... i dont care if you get put up against Tortie... You have to listen to me... We do need to start you on learning to work alone... but... i need to know i can trust you to follow my orders." Sissy huffed but nodded. She smiled. "And munchy... Im gonna start with you! Ok?" She grinned and looked over her pokemon. She missed Brimstone and probably after this she would send for him.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:49 am
So, there had been a party.

He had to admit that all the effort Kailee had gone to was sweet.

There had been the cupcake too. It had been a nice cupcake.

There had also been party hats; he and Tortie had not partaken of said but the others had. Asgard's had looked pretty hilarious, tiny thing perched on the Lugia's huge head. He'd nearly smiled. The Rattatta toy had been cute as well, it probably wouldn't last long but Tortie and Killer would have fun with it while until they did destroy it. They'd have fun with the actual destroying bit too. The pokenip... well she'd never had it before but it was harmless stuff and he saw no problem with it.

Overall it had been a good party; most of his pokemon friends had thoroughly enjoyed it. Char had spent most of the time being attentive to Anura, Tortie had eaten almost all of the cheesecake by herself.... Yeah it had been a good party and he'd managed to make conversation with Kailee to some degree at least, even though he hadn't been able to fully relax. He'd thanked her for it afterwards and taken Tortie off to sleep off her bulging cheese-cake belly.


It was another day and he had just been formally released from the infirmary. He would have to return every afternoon for checkups of various natures and to be given various drugs but for the most part he was a free man. He was also nearly as bored as he had been in the infirmary and so when it rolled around to time to go and meet Kailee in one of the training rooms.

With Tortie prowling along beside him Aulus contrived to stalk down the halls with his usual supremely confident, don't ******** with me gait. He felt off balance and glared extra hard at the people he passed to compensate, what did they think they were looking at hu? Nothing? Goooood, keep walking! He'd dressed to match the attitude too; getting into combat trousers - trousers with a zip and a button - had been difficult and his huge buckled boots had been a pain to get on too but the effect was worth it. At least the tank top had been easy to get on but he couldn't help being dissatisfied by the effect of that; his left arm had lost bulk and all definition and, well, he hadn't looked at the other side. If he looked like he didn't give a s**t it was fine thought right? Right.

Aulus pushed the door to the training room open just as Kailee finished speaking to her pokemon and as he took in the occupants of the room his eyebrows rose slightly. "Oh, hello Munchy, how're you? And the rest of you for that matter. And you." This last was directed to Kailee with a nod.

Tortie entered the room after her trainer and looked around with critical eyes. Her gaze lingered on Sissy for a moment but as the pink blob had behaved at her party she was prepared to behave now. Anyway, she didn't want to make any trouble for Aulus today.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:53 pm
Munchy perked and raised a hand to wave. His eyes traveled to tortie and he kinda moved a bit behind Sissy. All her pokemon seemed to wave a bit and she smiled. "Im well! How are you? You look like a free man?" Her eyes glittered hopefully as she looked to him. Was he finally out? She hoped he was...

Kailee smiled to him. "So you ready to do some training?" She was excited and determined to win at least once today.

She smiled at him. "We are gonna win!" It was a challenge good and simple, but it was for fun too.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:03 pm
Kailee seemed as enthusiastic as ever; shame he couldn't absorb some of it by emotion-osmisis.

"Yeah, I'm out," he nodded, waving back to Munchy absently, "and training is what we came here for. What do you want to do today? I have my three less experienced pokemon with me if you want to do a triple battle with them, or your lot can all wail on Char or Asgard." He didn't volunteer Tortie to be a punchbag; he didn't think she would appreciate it very much. "Two of my three newer ones aren't really attack oriented," he added as it occurred to him that more detail might not be a bad thing. "Their movesets aren't designed to work alone, group work is what they're going to be doing so I want to train them in that not in solo fights."


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:14 pm
It really was... Although Kailee was still standing by smiles were contagious.

She threw both her arms up "Woo! Congrats!" She rolled her eyes gently as he said that. Of course it was what they came here for... but he could be excited. Well she knew him well enough that she knew that wouldnt happen. "Sure! Lets Triple Battle!" She shook her head. "So after that then Char can help Anura?" She smiled making note he didnt volunteer Tortie... but that was alright.

She grinned at her pokemon. "Well no worries... I piiiick....Munchy... Solar... annnnnnd Fossil" The three moved forward and she grinned Sissy Anura and Boo moved back to give them room.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:24 pm
"Alright, sure," Aulus nodded, "I'm sure Char would be happy to, he likes her." As he spoke Aulus took three pokeballs from his belt and released their occupants; a Sylveon, a Frogadier and a Gastly. "I think you've met Killer," he said with a nod to the former, "and did you meet Thanatos too?..." He couldn't actually remember but he supposed it was no big deal. "And this here is Puck," he concluded with a nod at the ghost type. With his team introduced his studied Kailee's three, quietly deciding what to prioritize; his own three weren't yet experienced enough to strategise together independently.

"Hang on," Aulus added after a moment, taking an ultra ball from his belt and releasing Asgard. "Down," he waved his hand at the Luiga once he'd finished stretching. "I want to sit on you."

Asgard said with a mental smile, bobbing his head to Kailee and her pokemon and sending them a feeling of greeting.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:37 pm
She grinned. "Awesome! Hear that Anura! Char is gonna help!" Anura smiled and did a little bit of a spin. "Cool!" She looked over his three. "Yep i met Killer...Only briefly though.... and Nope... havent met those two. " She waved good naturedly.

She smiled doing the same as he was. Thanatos was water so Solar should work to take him out... A Fairy type... Well none were really strong against Fairy... But Normal was bad against ghost so Fossil was in charge of that... Or maybe not... She would figure it out... "Read-"

She frowned as she was told to Wait and she crossed her arms. Then she grinned. She waved to Asgard. "Asgard you could come be my pokemon for today~ I wouldnt sit on you!" She smiled clearly joking. Pokemon didnt count as others did they?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:57 pm
Asgard gave a low mental chuckle and clicked his beak at Kailee. he said as he settled down, allowing Aulus to sit on his shoulders.

"Shove it birdie," Aulus replied conversationally, combing his fingers through the Lugia's feathers fondly as he spoke.

"Ready then?" he continued to Kailee with a querying raise of his eyebrows.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:42 pm
She snapped her fingers good naturedly. "Aw shucks then." She grinned and watched with a smile. She loved watching Aulus with his pokemon... it was a very different side to him... Relaxed... she could tell he trusted them unconditionally.

"Ready set go!" She winked. "Solar, Sunny Day!" She pointed and he nodded his eyes glowing red as he shifted his stance. It caused a bright light and And the Lights, luckily sun lamp like, grew brighter. "Munchy! Rock Slide! Fossil, Double Edge!"

Munchy nodded and his body started to glow faintly as Energy rings formed over the three of his pokemon. Rocks would soon Rain down on all three of them. Fossil Launched toward Killer, a gold streak chasing him as he moved to try to slam into the Fairy type with a hard blow. Rock head ability said he wouldnt take recoil damage.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:48 pm
Right then! "Killer, protect yourself; Puck, sleep the Bulba; Tha, water pulse cuebone!" If she had given Solar Sunny Day then he was assuming she had also given him Solarbeam, which she would have him use on Thanatos given half a chance.

Killer chirped cheerfully, deflecting Fossil's assault with a wall of sparkly-pinkness; Puck chuckled and turned Hypnosis on Solar; and Thanatos hopped forward to blast at Fossil with dizzying rings of water.


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:03 pm
Fossil hit that wall and bounced back. He frowned and Kailee grinned. "Pull your head in! Get Ready for a skull bash! Oh! Dodge!" That water pulse would take Fossil out if hit dead on.

Solar Yawned. Rubbed his eye with a Vine and then went down for a nap.

Kailee frowned. "Munchy! Cover him! Do it!" The rocks had rained down on the other team but they seemed to have all dodged it. Munchy held up his hands one finger on each twitching back and forth in time, before they started to glow white. Starting his metronome attack.

Fossil tried to dodge. It was coming too fast. Head in he held up his bone and was blasted back. He hopped back up shaking himself, he teetered a bit before he stood firm. Kailee looked him over. "Good to go?" He nodded. She smiled. "Good... Now then!" Fossil ran toward Killer again This time with a skull bash.

EDIT: Forgot to Random... So did it on Random.org and got 367  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:16 pm
Okay, good. Aulus narrowed his eyes. "Killer, Wish; Puck, curse on Bulba; Tha, again!" No way to tell what was coming out of metronome, far too unpredictable for his tastes; it could be an interesting wild card in a normal battle situation but he wouldn't trust it in the field.

This time the attack aimed by Fossil hit Killer dead on, sending the eeveeloution sprawling. Picking himself up and shaking himself he sent out a flash of pinkish light but the full effects of the attack didn't take effect just yet.

Puck meanwhile.... Yeeeah, Puck. The mist that hung around the Gastly whipped up like a storm and after a couple of moments a large portion of it tore away from the ghost; it looked painful. The detached mist swirled onward regardless, straight towards the sleeping Solar.

Thanatos glanced over his shoulder at his trainer uncertainly but a sharp gesture from the human assured him that he really was supposed to be doing this; he launched another water pulse at Fossil.


Predestined Inquisitor

caffeinecraving generated a random number between 1 and 617 ... 378!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:38 pm
Munchy turned his fingers still white and he pressed gently on Solar, his eyes glowing white as well as he performed an Acupressure. It worked and increased Solar's Special Attack.

Kailee nodded. Ok so it hadnt been anything super special but it would give Solar an upgrade when he awoke. She had him learn it just for in case they were all fighting at once and he wasnt needed for direct attacks... Things like mist and Acupressure just gave the team an extra advantage. And unpredictability was something that Kailee thrived on.

Fossil had moved close to Solar and Munchy and She watched the ghastly as he did his move. "Solar! You need to wake up..." She made a decision. "Munchy!" The pokemon looked to her then Thanatos and then Fossil and dove in front of the attack taking it full on.

"Fossil! Fight back! Double Edge! On Thanatos." Fossil Moved sending the gold light out as he charged the water pokemon leaving him open for a hit. Munchy shook himself spraying water everywhere. She frowned. "Munchy?" He was confused she could see it. Well there was a chance. "Try Metronome again." He blinked and lifted his fingers... She wasnt so sure about this.

Solar woke with a Yawn and was hit by the curse. She cringed as Solar cried out as the ghost attack hit. But he was awake. "Now! Solarbeam." Solar steadied himself and aimed at Killer. Gathering sun as he went he shot the blue white blast.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:14 pm
Aulus' hand curled into a fist as the blast hit Killer; should he have had him use protect again?

The Sylveon staggered clearly near collapse but before he could quite keel over the Wish took effect in another flash of light, restoring his strength. he said with a laugh. very good!>

With all of his team still on their feet for now Aulus planned quickly; Solar would be losing health to that curse nicely but could use another Solarbeam at any time, however Killer could block one neatly when needed.... Okay! "Killer, Helping Hand for Tha; Tha, another water pulse on Cuebone; Puck, confuse Bulba!"

Killer nodded and sprang towards Thanatos, brushing him with glowing feelers and transferring that light into the water type who then blasted out more disorienting rings of water at Fossil. Puck meanwhile - looking a little the worse for wear - sent a wobbling beam of weird energy towards the cursed Solar in order to befuddle him.


Predestined Inquisitor

caffeinecraving generated a random number between 1 and 617 ... 226!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:29 pm
Munchy was to use Wring out! He moved and tripped hurting himself. Kailee frowned. Damn he was out of it. "Try it again!" He nodded and then shook his head snapping from the confusion. His fingers again lit up and he made to do the attack once more, only this time not confused.

Solar took damage and he hissed in pain before he steadied himself again. "Good Job Solar... thats getting so much better." Kailee looked over the situation. Puck was almost down for the count... Killer just recouped. And Thanatos... He was still going strong. "Solarbeam again Solar... Make it count." He blasted the blue white beam, cutting the rings and then turned to try to hit the Ghastly with the rest of the attack. It was a long shot but it kept Solar from being confused... and thats what she needed.

She knew he wouldn't be able to dodge again. "Fossil... Double Edge again! To Thanatos! Straight through... Stay strong." Fossil looked to her. He trusted her and he took of Headed through the damaging water and toward the pokemon. The pokemon would come out shaking and teetering... Before Fossil fell over to the ground, unable to battle.

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