Hello Gaia! My name is tehsecretardor, and I am once again searching for a roleplaying partner! Or even multiple partners, I'm not picky! I am currently 19 years old, a full-time college student, work one job, and just about to get an internship. Even with all of that, though, I find myself with a lot more free time than I really know what to do with, hence the search! Oh, yeah, I've been on and off again on Gaia for quite some time, it seems to change on whether or not I'm in any good roleplays or whatever, but I always try to reply to those that I am involved with!
But, yeah! Looking for a partner!
I don't really have anything in terms of rules or whatever, but I do really just ask that you try to keep everything as realistic as possible. Even in a fantasy-based roleplay with a lot of magic and other stuff! I mean, like, no God-moding or invincibility or anything like that. The only thing I look for in terms of 'literacy' is just that you understand the English language well enough to produce at least a five-sentence paragraph. That's it! Some of my favorite roleplays were single paragraph posts back and forth, and some of my favorite roleplay's had essay-length posts back and forth. I will try to match you for whatever you give me, I promise!

But, yeah! I can't really think of any sort of pairing, but if you are interest and have any ideas/cravings, I would absolutely love to hear them! Just drop me a message or post a reply to the thread, whichever works best for you! c: