Please read provided list of rps then PM me with your pick. I'm also willing to see your ideas too. Hope to hear from you soon.

RPG #1: Three kids are kidnapped and have gone missing for ten years the day of a special law is passed. This three kids are taken to an underground military camp and given special drugs and training to be the ultamite fight forces for mercanaries. Now ten years after the drug law was passed, an explosion has happened in the oddest of places as the three children (now adults) try to flee from the government. Now they are being hunted down as the drug results have been released to the public as the drug and training have been tested on the children as the first successful result of the drug the mercaneries have made. Now the children meet a male or female adult who wants to protect the rights of the children and help them fight off the government and let them live a normal life of an adult.

RPG #2: A young boy is transfered a new school with a dark past he doesnt want anyone to find out. But when a young girl befriends the boy, he learns there is always people who accept you for who you are regardless of the past. This girl falls for the boy and learns his daark past. (Need a female RPG partner for this)

RPG #3: In the city of Paris, there is a par tof the city that was cut off based on the outlaws and drug lords who have taken over that part of the city. Clans have formed all over the distract know as B-13. A young boy follows the Leader of his clan in to battles that have affected his way of life. But when his leader is killed, he must lead his clan in to a battle against his rival and his past lover who leads a clan of thiefs.

RPG #4: A man living in Paris holds a dark career that resulted in his family getting killed. Now he is on tthe run from the government to redemp himself by finishing an assassination he failed to do. But when a woman enters his life with a similar past of running, he learns that redempnation comes from forgiving yourself and the people involved and accepting the past is the past. But with one fine act of judgement about the man, he leads the woman to help him redemp himself.

RPG #5: A young adult lives the life of a criminal life of breaking laws and messing with cops, a young female rebel wants to life the same life. With her real mother in the hospital and her foster parents getting on her nervous, she sets out to learn to ways of living on the streets from the man who saves her life from a gang fight. Now with a new friend, the boy learns about the girl's past with her real mother as the girl learns about the boy's dark past of being a ex-gangsta.

RPG #6:Without sacrifice in life, where would we be? What dreams do we have that seem to be so far away. In the dark days of the world, it is said that life can not be lived without sacrifice. How many times would you sacrifice your life to earn a wish?

It is said that in your time of need and pain, a man will appear in front of you holding his hand to you. Its your choice to either take that hand and see where he takes you or reject the hand and never find out why he approached you.

Some say he is God. Others say he is Satan. Most.....say he's just a man trying to help a friend in need. This man is named John. No one knows where John lives or what he does for a living. Most say he's the type of person to be kind-hearted, caring and loving. But his methods are quite different.

It is said that when a man appears to you holding out his hand, you must choose. Accepting his hand will be the hardest thing anyone can do. In another world similar to the one we live in know, is a test. A test to help people learn that without sacrifice in life, there is nothing to live for. In a war against other blood clans, teams of 12 are gived challenges that will put their lives in danger. In this world, life is unlimited to the poitn where death does not exist. Each challenge is rewared with a blood badge. In order to earn a wish, you must complete 5 team challenges and 5 single challenges. After all 10 challenges are done, you and your team move to the next level. There are 10 levels of clans with each level are more difficult challenges. With each level completed comes a reward. You may have a wish granted. But if you really wish to receive your life back, you must save all 10 wishes in order to return to a living state. This is a life bond by blood. Will you make the ultimate sacrifice?

RPG#7: While attending a new school, a young boy befriends a girl who is just like him in everyway. Quiet, shy, observant, and always alone. Someone who sounds just like his type of girl. But when he begins to fall for her, things turn for the worst. His lover is actually a vampire that hunts down students from the school. With his heart broken and his life in danger, John does what he can to avoid falling for this vampire. But since the first day the vampire met John, He has been all she ever thinks about. Will John be able to avoid getting caught by this girl or will her lust to make him one with her drive her mad with desire?