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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:34 am
Welcome guests! And thank you so much for coming to this exciting day for us, it’s been a long time coming, so before we get started we’re going to go over a few ground rules.

~Please do not play unless your character was sent an invitation, or is accompanying a person who received an invitation as their “date” This is reserved for characters who have ICly formed a relationship with the bride and groom.

~Please respect the basics of wedding etiquette, though most importantly, no drama in this RP. There will be no big surprise plot points in this RP, no invading Rockets and no emotional drama. This is literally just a celebration.

~Pokemon are all welcome! All the Pokemon! <3

And that’s it, let’s get started!

Also on another note, I forgot to put this on the invitation, but the Bride and Groom did not register for wedding gifts, if you want to give a gift, the couple had placed the information of a local charity that helps provide surgery for children who are born with heart defects.

The Wedding will take place in Sandalwood, a block is reserved at a local hotel for guests who wish to stay the night before in the city, instead of taking a several hour commute to the wedding the day of.
Carpool is provided for the guests, who will be taken to the forest to the NorthEast of the city.
Once away from busier city areas guests will be let out at the front of a large reception home, built in with the forest around it, it’s built much like a cabin, with glossed wood and large clear windows and a spacious deck.
Once inside, the guests would be greeted by staff, who offer to collect items that do not wish to held onto during the ceremony for safe keeping, before the guest is lead through the building to the back doors.

It is a bright and warm summer day, birds and other bugs rustle about the forest area with a quiet and charming feel to life in the scenery. Thankfully, due to the vast collection of trees, most of the outside of covered in shade, protecting the guests, for the most part, from the hot sun.
Another large patio, decorated in flowers of orange and pink, and various engagement pictures of the bride and groom along with a table of refreshments.

Already to greet each guest as they come through onto the patio, Three men stand by the doors, the first, and clearly oldest, is a man with a shaved head and a nearly trimmed blond beard, he stands at least a head taller over the other two, and has a fun kind of air about him, and a liveliness in his blue eyes.
The other two, though looking identical in most ways, looked to be in their mid-twenties, one with glasses and longer hair that was pulled back into a loose ponytail, standing next to his brother whose broad shoulders gave him a thicker and broader muscular appearance then both the other men.

Each was wearing a tan suit, with pink ties, the two younger mean wearing a vest in place of a jacket, with their sleeves rolled up, while the elder of the two had a full jacket on.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:43 pm
Andre took a deep breath as he gracefully slid from the car.
He hated nature.

It was hard to be anything but incredibly happy at the moment though. What with Vincent (happy and holding his arm out for him to take) and Zacharie (grumbling quietly about his clothes and climbing out of the car behind him) both within arm's reach. There was nothing that was going to ruin his absolutely stunning mood. He hadn't felt this good since...

He didn't want to think about.

"Vincent remember, best behavior." He warned, reaching out to loop his arm through the blond's and wrapping his other arm around Zacharie's shoulders. The smaller Dubois fidgeted but otherwise didn't seem particularly bothered by the contact. He felt another swell of happiness and couldn't help the wide smile that spread across his face. "Let's go in, hm?" He pulled both of his boys against his sides and started to lead them to where the three men were standing near the entrance of the reception home. "It's a lovely location."  


Bashful Bunny

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:02 pm
Nicolette had opted to spend the night in Sandalwood City, both so she could arrive early, and also because she hadn't spent too much time in Sandalwood compared to Camphoreon, where she still lived. Thus, the young girl arrived, gratefully gave her purse to the staff waiting just inside, and with their guidance, moved to the area proper. The dress she wore was obviously from Grande Ile, given its style, though she had specifically chosen a more simple one out of respect for the bride, even if the foreign country's style of dress wasn't exactly considered 'simple' by Kodo's standards.

Practically all of her pokemon accompanied her: Epona moved to linger near the outskirts of the area, while Pascal, newly evolved into a lopunny and wearing a pink bow tie around his neck, Lulu, Angeline, and Clarisse followed along closer to her. Most of them seemed various levels of excited - or at least content and curious, in Epona's and Lulu's cases - with Nicolette perhaps being the most excited, walking along with a spring in every step and a bright grin on her face that barely contained her glee and excitement for her friends and their special day.

Speaking of, she didn't see either of them immediately - but then, why would she? They were both still probably getting ready or something somewhere - and she paused to glance around before continuing on to address Bruce and his sons, her expression still bright as she gave them a brief curtsy to be polite. "Hello! The weather is perfect today, isn't it?"
PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:12 pm
While Abel would've very much liked to avoid the commute the day of the wedding, his late shift the day before prevented him from coming out earlier, so he just had to suck it up and shrug it off with an 'oh well.' The drive had been uneventful, and had ended in him fixing and adjusting his suit - the same gray one he'd worn on the boat during their engagement announcement, minus the coat given the weather, which just left a gray vest over a light purple shirt and gray slacks - before passing through the area. He couldn't help but look around him curiously, studying various objects or building architecture as he passed. When he arrived in Kodo, he'd docked in Camphoreon, and pretty much hadn't ever really left the city, so Sandalwood was pretty new, despite how long he'd been in the region now.

It was similarly new for the two pokemon he had in tow, though the espeon riding on his shoulders appeared much more subdued and mild compared to the rambunctious and eager charmeleon that followed in the blonde's wake. He'd instructed her to be on her best behavior though, and he felt pretty confident she wouldn't cause any trouble. As he walked in, he passed by two purple-haired men and another blonde, but only two of the three looked sort of familiar. The third looked close enough to be the younger brother of one of them, and so passing him off as such he offered the group a smile and a wave to Andre, Zacharie, and Vincent, "Hey. Were you guys at the announcement party back in January?" He was fairly certain at least two of them were... But then again, he could be mistaken. Oh, well - no harm, no foul.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:18 pm
Zacharie didn't entirely know why he was here and he hated his outfit.
It was stuffy and not anything like what he was used to wearing but...Andre had looked so happy when he'd held up the ensemble that he just couldn't say no.
And really, how could he say no to attending the wedding when Rosie had specifically asked Andre if he could invite him? She had been so sweet to him at the graveyard and she'd been the one to bring Andre into his life....

He peered up at his older brother, taking in his obviously happy demeanor. So very different from when he'd first met him. Andre, having caught him staring, turned and gave him a fond smile as his fiddled absently with the large, dark brown bow that held his creme coloured cloak closed at his neck. "I'm afraid you won't know anyone here aside from Rosie, Zacharie." The elder Dubois said softly, his pale gaze roaming over him. The constant attention would be unnerving if it didn't make him feel so...happy. The teen simply shrugged and tugged at the brown vest that lay beneath his cloak, "I wasn't expecting to see anyone I knew." He said lightly, though he actually felt quite nervous about it. Andre simply hugged him closer to his side as a blonde haired man grey suit approached them.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 12:06 am
Best behavior, psh. Implying Vincent wasn't always on his best behavior! He hadn't even argued with Andre about the dark brown and creme ensemble he'd been put it. Now, having his hair left in curls and tidied up... he'd complained a bit. A little. A lot. But now he was here, and despite his earlier complaining, Vincent planned to be the most well behaved he'd ever been in his life. He'd stayed quiet, aside for a few remarks in French to Andre during the ride into Sandalwood. He wasn't sure how to talk with Zacharie, and the kid wasn't all that chatty either; Andre was happy, and that's what mattered.

"Wouldn't consider anything less," Vincent assured Andre with a grin. He kept his arm up for Andre to hold onto, head held high as he glanced around to scout the area. He didn't see his Ronnie anywhere, which was disappointing; where was his wedding girl? He hoped she'd pop up soon. Seeing her was the whole reason he was here! ...Well, that and because she was getting married. Duh.

Vincent looked over at Abel when he spoke to them. He extended his free arm to the man in an offer of a handshake. "My cohort and I had the pleasure of attending," Vincent said, in the most proper speech he could, accompanied with a nod to Andre. It felt weird on his tongue, and he'd rather speak in French if he was going to be proper, but it'd do for now. "This little lad over here wasn't. Andre Dubois, Zacharie Dubois," He loosed his arm from Andre and gave each Dubois a pat on the head as he introduced them. "And I'm Vincent St. Amour. I assume you were at the party too, Mister...?" He asked with an award-winning smile; wow, he felt like a butler.  

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

9,600 Points
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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 12:18 am
Andre smiled wryly at Vincent's formal speech, hardly noticing the pat on the head. "I recall seeing you but I'm not sure I caught your name." He told Abel with a hint of regret. He gently caught Zacharie's hands (Which were swatting at Vincent's, it was obvious that the shorter male did not appreciate being patted on the head.) and settled them back down with a quick pat to his wrists. It took a lot of his will power just to resist the urge to hug Zacharie tight and keep him there for the duration of his visit. He didn't think his little brother would like that though and so he refrained...just barely.


Zacharie did a double take at Vincent. What the hell? That was not how he'd been speaking about an hour ago while Andre had gotten them primped and polished. His confusion over the blonde's sudden change didn't distract him from what was being said though and he promptly began swatting at Vincent's hand when it came down to pat against his slicked back hair. "I'm not a 'little lad'." He groused, scowling as Andre lowered his arms back down and gave them what seemed to him to be a condescending pat. "I'm nineteen years old." He muttered, crossing his arms beneath his cloak and tapping his polished, dark brown shoes against the ground.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:25 am
After learning that she'd be attending a wedding, there had been quite a back and forth between Henrietta and her parents over just what she should wear.
They had insisted that what she'd taken with her was out (well, for one, most of it was getting worn thin, torn or seemed perpetually dirty) but they had also, reluctantly, agreed that she didn't /have/ to wear a dress.

A few video calls later, and a compromise had been reached, and an outfit sent.
With her hair as neatly combed as it would allow itself to be, Henrietta wore blue mary jane flats, black 3/4 length tights, a short blue skirt, black top, with a bolera-waistcoat on top; long blue sleeves, yellow waistcoat section, fastened at her chest with a neat blue bow.
She had, it seemed, insisted on what colours she got to wear.

Gummy accompanied her. She'd decided, if she had to wear a different outfit, then so should he, though she'd inflicted no more than a light yellow ribbon, tied in a bow, around his tail.

She carried the Totodile in her arms, from the accommodation, through the car ride (which she thoroughly enjoyed and tried to question the driver every aspect about the car), all the way until reaching the venue, and grinning wide with a 'HI!' for those already upon the patio.  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:54 am
So the big day was finally here! Whatever had delayed it clearly wasn't an issue anymore, a fact that Dith was extremely grateful for. He was also grateful for the opportunity to stay in Sandalwood the night before; it had meant he didn't have get up early and that he had plenty of time to tame his wild hair into neat glossy curls.

The suit he had chosen for the day was dark blue with a pink shirt and a tie to match the suit, it was newly made for the occasion because apparently his parents didn't think it would be right to wear the suit he'd worn to his birthday party. Dith had long ago given up arguing such small points with them; picking which battles to fight was key, for example the battle over his Star Trek cufflinks. The large man adjusted them with a small triumphant smirk and climbed out of the car, soon spotting Hen. "Hi, Hen!" he waved, reaching down to find Viktor's pokeball by touch and releasing the psychic type beside him.

Dith was closely followed by Il'ya, who was followed by Konstantin. The tall slight pair wore paired double breasted suits, Il'ya's was a deep rich wine red while Konstantin wore white. Each of them had opted for a black shirt with a cravat matching the colour of their suit and a pair of black stiletto heels brought Il'ya up to precisely the same height as her husband. The couple looked around at their surroundings with expert eyes and judging by Konstantin's smile and Il'ya's slight nod they approved.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:24 am
A navy blue vest and slacks with a pale blue shirt, an orange tie, and a pinned flower to match - Luke never really took an interest in what it meant to 'dress well,' but it wasn't difficult to put together something suitable on the suggestions of various professionals. Compared to what he had been made to wear on the day of his unexpected engagement, this was practically casual, and he found mercifully comfortable and easy to move in. Nonetheless, he still found himself a bit nervous, plagued with minor anxieties over this or that that he might mess up in some way, though he supposed it really didn't do him much good to start worrying over anything now. Besides, what could really go that wrong? (Knock on wood.)

"Don't go running off somewhere, right? Stay in this area," he warned the little Zorua before which he was crouched. He turned to address the two nearby eeveelutions, "Rem, that goes for your too. Tenebrae, I know it's a lot of trouble, but keep an eye on them for me?"

The Umbreon gave an excessive, though insincere, sigh and nodded his understanding, and the other dark-type and her Jolteon companion pouted slightly.

Leste and Tartarus were far less of a concern compared to the team's younger pokemon, but Luke still spared a little time to make sure they were happy where they were settled - as the largest of his pokemon, they often had the hardest time finding a comfortable place to accommodate them. Fortunately, the venue couldn't be called restricting; the open area allowed the Aggron ample room to move around, and the surrounding trees offered no shortage of perches for the Pidgeot.

And Lorelei... Well, it was difficult to keep tabs on a shy pokemon with the ability to conceal itself at will, but he wasn't terribly worried about the Mew. It would make itself comfortable wherever it was happiest.

With his pokemon taken care of, Luke was fairly certain that he didn't have anything else to do for the time being, which was just as well seeing as there were people arriving. Thus far it looked about half and half for people he knew versus people he mostly only knew of. He knew that the group they had invited was smaller than what attended most weddings, but it still felt like a lot of people.  

Vice Captain



Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:25 am
A number of guests had already arrived, friends that Rosie and Luke had made during their time training, or at work. as well as a few nurses that had gotten to know Luke very well during his visits.
Though the number of guests showing up seemed to have slowed, if not stopped.
It was looking to be a small, but comfortable occasion

Bruce had to look down when he was spoken to, as the tiny form of Nicolette had approached him.
"Yeah it is huh? Though from what Rosie I'm hearing trainers say, its nothing a "Sunny sun" ... I think its called, can't fix."
He gave a light shrug, showing he didn't really understand the trainer life style before he held a hand out to greet the guest.
"Whats your name miss?"

Vahy'n, who had been sitting next to Bruce smiled softly in greeting of the young girl, her tail swaying lightly.
As the Vaporeon usually looked quite fancy with the jewelry she was outfitted with, her accessories were a little more varied this time, and matching the theme of her trainer in that most of her jewelry now, was pink.

"How are you doing?" Rodney asked casually to the near by red head, as guests started to continue to enter the expansive back patio.

Dith and Parents.
As Rodney started speaking to Luke, Evan, the larger of the brothers grinned with a handsome charm and looked to greet a man and two elder guests who's size made even Bruce look tiny.
"You must be the Vladamirin family, thank you for coming today." He said, holding his hand out in greeting, it was hard to miss the description of someone this huge.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:40 am
The trip from Sagestone to Sandelwood was not nearly as long as it was from Camphoreon, it helped Ray out a lot since her lack of funds due to a dwindling job would have made the hotel room cost a little inaccessible.
None the less, Ray showed up on time, and wearing what... could definitely be seen as formal, but certainly of the odd kind of style that Ray was always seen in.

Her pants were gray, loose fitting dress formal, that fell over nicely polished and form fitting green boots with a matching green dress shift who's sleeves were rolled up show off what Ray would possibly just associate as Jewelry. a thing silver chain wrapped tightly and intricately together, starting from her wrist to the middle of her forearm.
Over that she wore a form fitting suit dress with a folded collar, though traditionally warn by men, her masculine physique helped make it fit.
Her hair was done up with more body, thus removing the side of her hair out of her eyes, that were heavy with makeup for the occasion, at least, made to look much more done up then she usually did it.

"Pretty nice open area for a wedding huh?" Ray commented, stepping up next to the smaller trainer and reaching out to pat Gummy on the head,
As she did, Double Stripe slithered up next to the tall women, flicking his tongue out in greeting to the younger trainer.
"Bet you anything they had pokemon in mind for this one."  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:31 pm
"All right," Luke replied with a mild shrug. "Just killing time at this point, I think."  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:36 pm
Rodney gave a light half smile at the response he got from Luke, reaching a hand up to put it on the shoulder of the shorter man, while looking down at his watch for the time.
"Well it looks like you don't have that much longer to kill" He pointed out.

It had been a long morning of getting things ready, on the boys end at least, from what Alex and Grandmother Genevieve had told them, the girls had a lot more to prepare when it came to simply getting made up and dressed.  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:11 pm
Abel gave a bright smile and a nod to the trio as the blonde introduced them - it seemed the younger brother hadn't appreciated the gesture - before offering his hand to shake one of theirs, if any of them obliged to take it. "Abel Gray," he supplied helpfully, "nice to meet you all. Yep, I was at the party, though unfortunately I didn't meet too many people while I was there," the blonde admitted, similarly with a tinge of regret. He hummed lightly for a moment, debating what to say next, before turning his gaze to Zacharie in particular, "Only nineteen, huh? You look like you'd be a little older than that. Maybe around twenty one'd be my guess," he added with a little half-shrug and another smile.  

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