Lu didn't like to think he was a brawns over brains jock, but he did like going to the gym. The equipment at the new base was much, much better than the first base he'd been in, so he spent a good portion of his time in it. After he'd gotten injured in the mission, he'd slacked off a lot, but now he'd gotten back into the swing of his routine.

Said routine? Minimum one hour running, then crunches, push-ups, and pull-ups, and then he would spend some quality time of the weight machines. All after stretching appropriately, of course. How much he worked out and what things he used varied, since he knew doing the same thing stopped doing your body any good after a few weeks, but now he was only about half way through rotation. The brunet wore a pair of gym shorts and a plain black shirt, with a small iPod clipped to the waist of his pants and earbuds stuck in his ears for some easy listening. He'd finished his warm up and, already sweaty, was heading for the weight machines.