Name of weapon: Poison: Wilting Flower
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon: Mayumi Kaguya
Where it was found/Who made it: Harvested from a rare spider which resides near Kirigakure.
Users Class: Assassin
The Range of the weapon: Delivery system.
Weakness: (Can be cured by ingesting large quantities of alcohol)
Description: The poison begins taking affect 2 minutes after delivered, its over all effectiveness is determined by delivery system.
-Entering the bloodstream via a cut or wound: After 2 minutes the victim begins feeling noxious. After 5 minutes the victim begins losing balance. They will regain their balance, but will lose it again 2-6 posts between each incident. After 24 hours the victim will begin having vivid hallucinations. After 36 hours the victims will begin having seizures until they die.
Ingestion: After 2 minutes, the victim will become noxious. After an hour they will begin having spurts of vivid hallucinations every 2-8 posts. The victim will be unable to sleep, and after 12 hours will start having panic attacks. After 24 hours the victim will become susceptible to heart attacks and will die before hour 28.
Gas: The victim will begin hallucinating after 2 minutes. After 10 minutes of not being exposed to the gas the hallucinations will subside. After 30 minutes, the Hallucinations will resurface more vivid, and will last 3-9 posts and will occur every 5 minutes until treated, or they die from lack of sleep, or 2 days.