Here's a special little review spot I'll call the Bargain Bin Reviews. You know how you go into Gamestop and find a dozen games that are essentially dirt cheap? Well I got a good number of them and can say plenty to help make up your minds!

Dark Void : Roughly 2 dollars, 1/30 of how much a new game costs
Dark Void is a strange little piece. I heard that while it isn't a bad game in general, it simply came out during the hype for other big names so this newcomer had no chance in hell.

Dark Void is basically a 3rd person shooter with Jetpack gameplay. You and a friend crash land on a strange world and have to blah blah blah. You heard this story a billion times, here's a Jetpack go nuts! The concept is cool but the rare glitches can actually cripple the game and even make achievements impossible because of it. I dub this one a 6 out of 10. It truly isn't BAD, just slightly above average and still enjoyable.

ANARCHY REIGNS: About 5 bucks and it's like SEGA All Star between 2 games and some originals.
Anarchy everything is a 3rd person pov open world fighting game where the world is a mutated wasteland and all the badasses fight off such mutations through cybernetics. The All Star bit I mentioned comes from Jack, the protagonist from a previous SEGA game called Mad World, as well as a few others. Jack is a constantly angry bounty hunter hired to go after a shell shocked veteran who killed Jacks daughter while a pretty boy officer is after him because he was the young lads mentor.

Jack makes his gorefest for us with a double bladed Chainsaw and even has Bayonetta in the mix. That's right people, Bayonetta vs Jack is officially possible now and it is as awesome as it sounds!

I give this sucker an 8 out of 10. It's really crazy in a fun way, has good underground rap music that shows honest to god effort and is just impressive in general. Advancing the plot of the story however is weak as you MUST clear these "Optional" missions to get by and usually by doing them by being a total badass!

Time and Eternity: Probably still 20 bucks...
Okay really pricy for a bargain bin game but lemme tell you abit of it's story. TaE is a strange...experiment NISA played apart of that expected us to pay somewhere between 50-60 bucks for on release. The game takes forever to start and the artstyle is just odd. I can't really describe it except that it looks...photoshopped.

You, generic man is with generic magic anime girl and get killed at your own wedding by ninja assassins. Generic Magic Anime Girl reveals she has a split personality and magically travels back in time, forcing your spirit into her pet dragon somehow while she works to prevent your death.

Combat is incredibly stale and repetitive, and the generic girlfriend has really drawn out conversations with her girlfriends which made me want to just slit their throats but the command to do so never popped up! So the game suffered such a heavy hype backlash before it was EVEN RELEASED that the fairly new game went crashing down in price even faster then Duke Nukem Forever but somehow not as hard. What's even funnier is the clerk told me the game was actually returned 4 times because players hated it so much and tried to convince me to just skip the burden. It really happened but I kept it all the same. As bland and ugly as it kind of looks, the plot alone was interesting to me and kept my attention. I give it a 3 out of 10. It's incredibly weak but the concept drew me to it so...I guess there's that.