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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:00 am
The sun was sitting at its highest point in the sky, the untouched blue of its surroundings reflecting almost perfectly over the vast and seemingly unending expanse of clear smooth ocean. The scenery gave little to look at, and the harsh breeze of the sea carrying an extra chill of winter made the experience on the deck very unappealing. The cold was slightly encouraged by the speed in which a large lone boat, carrying a number of passengers from many ports, most of them tucked away in their small cabins to escape the cold. Its next destination was Kodo, after having stopped at a few island along the way to pick up and drop off passengers, though it was this next stop that one of the passengers on the boat was looking forward to with unabashed eagerness.

It would seem he would have to be patient for a while longer, despite knowing in the back of his mind that they had a good days distance to go, he still had the need to mentally keep willing the boat to move a little faster as determined bright eyes stared off into the empty distance of the ocean, waiting for the first sign of land.

This boy however, looking no older then twelve, determined or not, was unable to shake the effects of the cold for very long. while the green jacket he wore was warm enough for him to be able to stand the cold at least a little, it was the boy's shorts that soon exposed him to enough of the wind and salty spray of the water below the bow of the boat that caused the boy to let out a sudden shudder that prompted his arms wrapped around his torso as he buckled forward slightly.
"Aaaaah- its cold, Wailord island never got this cold." His voice was loud and earnest, trembling slightly to add to the effect of finally succumbing to the cold.

A Treecko that had been sitting on the boy's shoulder, also staring out into the ocean blinked a couple of times as the boy he was sitting on moved.
"Tree- Treecko-"
The small grass pokemon moved up from the boy's shoulder, its arms slipping up over a mess of tall spiky black hair that grew in thick and coarse from the boy's head, easily sliding the strands apart as it took as much refuge in his friends hair as he could.
It was about time he was feeling the cold too! Treecko wasn't used to this either, and was certainly not sure how much longer he could keep it up being out here.

Rubbing his arms to try and generate heat on his body, the young green clad trainer perked up one more, his hands clenching into fists, and his young face once again set in determination. "Standing around isn't going to help, Oh- I know, we'll warm up if we keep moving." the large light brown eyes of the boy tilted upward to find the Treecko leaning forward to peer back down at him, "Lets go!"

Treecko threw a fist into the air, though remained burred in the boy's hair. Letting out a small yelp and clinging back to the head he was draped over as its friend bent down, quickly gathering an orange back pack that had been placed on the ground, a fishing pole strapped to its side.
quickly shrugging the back's straps back over his shoulders, the boy took off in an energetic jog down the port side of the boat where the sun was shining brighter, his pole swaying, and tall hair bobbing.
"cold cold cold." He gasped as he jogged, all the while wearing a wide bright smile that spread comfortably across his face.  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:32 pm
With most of their plans thwarted by Purrito, Drayce found themselves at a loss of what to do.
They were still stuck on this boat for hours!

"We're gonna die on this boat!" Drayce exclaimed, flailing their arms in a most dramatic fashion before crumpling to the polished wood of the deck. Of course they were just being dramatic and Purrito made it a point to inform them as much. "Es-Espurr." The little physic type muttered, reaching past his trainer's gangly limbs to pat their face comfortingly. The redhead cracked. "Ahaha, you're right Purrito." They cackled as they untangled themselves and scooped up their pokemon. "I might be overreactin'...but then again, I might not be! Dun, dun, duuuuun!" They ignored the Espurr's obvious eye roll with practiced ease as they climbed easily to their feet.

Well that ate up about....
Drayce checked their Pokedex and gave an exasperated wail.
A whole five minutes.

"Alright, Alright! We've gotta do something or I will explode!" The lanky trainer muttered as they took to pacing the deck. Their longs legs carrying them rather quickly and that certainly wasn't help burn off any of the excessive amounts of energy they had managed to store up for the entirety of their trip. Abruptly they came to a stop, their head snapping up to glance around the rather empty deck and a finger held up. "Oh, I know!" They trailed off into ponderous silence for a moment, their finger slowly curling back into their fist before their hand lowered all together. "Wait...no...you said no to that." With a huff they began pacing again, their eyebrows furrowed in intense concentration.

"Espurr?" The soft voice startled Drayce out of their thoughts and wide, green eyes turned down to peer curiously at the pokemon they held cradled in their arms. "You're a genius Purrito. Let's play hide and seek!" They crowed, carefully setting the little fluffball onto the floor before straightening back up and planting their hands on their hips. "I'll count first, you go hide!" Purrito nodded before dutifully turning and scurrying off while Drayce turned to face the expanse of water that surrounded them.



Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:34 pm
"Waaaah! Woh! That was close!" Drayce's counting would be interrupted very suddenly by a yelp of surprise, and a collection of noise that involved a pokemon crying out, the thudding of boots on the wood deck, before finally the ending THMOP of heels against a hard surface and a young boys voice exclaiming in surprise and relief.

It wasn't very often that someone came out of their room willingly on this boat ride, and as Gon could tell not many of them had pokemon with them. It was a good thing he had been paying attention to where he was running, and the quickness of the boy's feet made it possible to stagger into a long leap over the small pokemon's head when he had suddenly found the Espurr scattering right in his path.

With both hands gripping the straps of his backpack the boy straightened up, thin angular eyebrows arched high over large bright eyes and a now small mouth opening slightly in curiosity before he crouched down by the pokemon.
He was quite happy to see a pokemon on deck with them, it looked like a really nice one too, one he hadn't seen in person before on Wailord Island,
"Are you alright? I almost ran into you." He gave a laugh, a hand moving to the back of his head where Treecko still sat, wide yellow eyes blinking down at the other pokemon. "Sorry about that."  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:34 pm
Purrito, being used to avoiding Drayce's feet, crouched down and covered his head to protect himself. Only once they heard whoever had almost stepped on him go past did he straighten up and turn wide, purple eyes towards the young trainer. "Espurr." Said pokemon said lightly, reaching out to gently pap the dark haired boy's nose in reassurance before his attention was drawn upward.

Drayce, having been distracted from their counting, had immediately wandered toward the source of the noise. "Waaaah, Purrito! Are you okay?!" The trainer loomed over the tiny, dark haired boy to peer down at their pokemon before simply stepping over said boy and pokemon. Their long legs easily carried them to the other side of the Espurr before they plopped down onto the ground and pulled the pokemon into their lap. "Espurr." Purrito repeated the same reassurance, reaching out to pap Drayce's nose though at the redhead's wide grin he continued to pap all over the freckled face.

Now assured that their pokemon wasn't injured, Drayce raised their gaze up to the boy in front of them. "Hey-o! Whatcha doin' up here?" They asked curiously. Purrito turned in their arms and they both fixed the boy with a curious stare, their heads tilted ever so slightly to the left.  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:34 pm
Widened brown eyes crossed as the pokemon reached its little paw out, and patted the boy's nose, prompting the curious expression to melt away to be replaced with a broader grin "Oh good, I'm glad." He said in relief, acknowledging the pokemon's reassurance.
Before he could say or do anything else, a voice drew the black haired child's attention, being VERY sure that he couldn't make out what the person just said, and barely having time to turn around and see a red haired person standing behind them before Gon found himself being stepped over.

Eyebrows arched even further, looking thoroughly impressed, while Treecko too tilted his head back in astonishment, the surprise of being walked over caused the pokemon to roll from Gon's head, onto his shoulder and down the front of his chest, where Gon abruptly caught the little lizard, hugging him so the breast of his green and red lined jacket.
"You sure are tall." the boy commented, though paused his thought as he watched the other person, a tall red haired boy it seemed, they looked really thin and lanky, but he moved pretty easily as he took a seat just opposite of Gon to look over his pokemon.
"I think I gave your pokemon a scare." He admitted honestly "Sorry about that!"

Things seemed to be okay though, as the boy didn't dwell on it anymore once he noticed his pokemon was uninjured, so Gon didn't dwell on it either, instead the boy widened his eyes a little at the question, before he took let himself fall backwards to sit down on the wooden deck. "Me? Treecko and I were waiting for when the land shows up." He explained, letting go of Treecko with one hand to point out toward to bow of the ship. "We're going to be the first one to see it!"  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:35 pm
Yes...they sure were tall.
That was more or less the reaction they got whenever they met someone new.

"Naaah, Purrito is used to dodgin' legs, ya know?" Drayce drawled, grin growing even wider at the nod of affirmation from the Espurr. "He's a tough lil' guy~" With that, he promptly (but carefully) squished the pokemon to his chest for a hug. The pokemon meeped and squirmed a bit, but otherwise showed no particular interest in what his trainer was doing.

"Ehh, land?" The redhead squinted off in the direction the boy was pointing before sighing dramatically. "We're never gonna reach the land." Their accented voice became even more so at the dramatics but they didn't really stop to think much about whether or not the boy would be able to understand them. "We've been on this boat for ages, ain't that right Purrito?" Again, the pokemon nodded in agreement. "Mmn but seein' it first, that'd be...ah..." They trailed off, unsure of what the word they were looking for was.

They knew they should have brought the English to French dictionary on deck with them!

"Frais...I dunno the English word for it. But ya know..." They made a vague hand motion before shaking their head. "I'm Drayce! Drayce Bissett, nice to meetcha!"  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:35 pm
The young boy's face lit up with pleasant understanding as Drayce explained how the pokemon he was carrying was used to dodging legs, he supposed that would be true!

"What? Never reach it?" Gon asked sounding taken aback by the older boy's despaired claim. lowering his hand to press it on the floor between his legs, allowing his to shift forward a little.
Treecko, who was still against the young boy's chest positioned himself to that he was perched on Gon's arm, one hand clinging to the breast of the boy's jacket, while the other held onto the neck.
Gon's eyes flashed in determination, sharing a momentary glance with his Treecko right before a more subtle smile creased his lips and his focus returned to Drayce, though small his whole demeanor seemed to rise.
"We'll reach Kodo soon, really soon, you'll see!"
Treecko too- spurred on by his friend's words pushed himself up so that he was standing on Gon's arm, and gave a thumbs up to the other human and the Espurr.

"Uh- um...." Whatever strong intent Gon had had a moment ago vanished when he caught himself realizing that he wasn't at all sure what the other boy was trying to say, He was having a bit of a hard time understanding his accent to begin with, but there was no way he knew what he was talking about now.
"h- heh- What was it again?" He asked with an apologetic sheepish grin.

Oh! Names! Names he knew "I'm Gon!" He burst out, pulling himself up a little higher and crossing his legs in front of him. "Gon Freecss! And this is Treecko! Nice to meet you Drayce!" the smaller child reached his hand out to offer a shake to Drayce "Are you going to Kodo too?"  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:59 pm
Drayce liked this kid, he was pretty great!

"Doesn't feel like we're ever gonna get to Kodo...but Father told me the ride from Kalos would be long." They gave a small sigh. "'Spose I shoulda listened to him a bit more when he told me to bring stuff to keep me busy." Their father had given them multiple books to bring along...but the redhead just couldn't stand the thought of them possibly getting ripped or even worse, lost. They valued every little thing that their parents gave to them and did their best to keep it safe.

When the trainer realized that the other boy wasn't sure what word they were trying to say either they flailed a long arm. "Ahh...it's like...cold?" Their eyebrows furrowed and a small frown pushed at their lips. "But not for the weather...when something is very awesome." They scratched idly at the buzzed side of their head. "Espurr?" They shook their head, "No, no...Pourquoi ai-je pas apporter mon dictionnaire avec moi?!" They gave a frustrated huff before shrugging helplessly. "I'm sorry, my English isn't very good." They said sheepishly.

Though they didn't seem to dwell on it for long.
"Gon...Goooon." They repeated, trying to get a feel for the name. "Gon Freecss..." They rolled the 'r' with a dramatic flair. "That is a good name. I like it! Gon Freecss." They reached out and took the smaller boy's hand in a firm grip and shook it happily. "Espurr!" The redhead looked down at their pouting pokemon before laughing. "Right, yes. And this is Purrito, just in case ya missed it. We're glad to meetcha." They chirped, flashing a large, toothy grin. "Yup, we're headin' to Kodo for our very first quest!"  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:36 pm
Gon's eyes widened as he leaned forward "Your father huh? So you're from Kalos? Hey Drayce, whats it like there? Are there lots of pokemon?"
He didn't know where Kalos was exactly, but he knew it was a place, that was about it.

"Cold... but awesome... Hmmmm." Gon crossed his arms, hunching in his shoulders a little as he gave it a moment's though, "It is pretty cold out though." It wasn't long before his thoughts were completely derailed when Drayce started speaking in that language Gon had head earlier. "Ah- COOL!" He burst out "What's that you were speaking just then?" He asked, leaning forward and pointing toward Drayce.

"Heh heh heh" Gon chuckled giving Drayce a wide cheeky grin "Thanks! Drayce is a really cool name too, kind of makes me think of a dragon."
Gon returning his own firm handshake before pulling back and placing his hands onto his knees
"Are you going there to get your League License too?"  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:05 pm
"It's real great there!" Drayce said immediately, flailing their arms in excitement. "Real pretty, ya know? Lots of trees to climb and plenty of things to do when ya go into town. I live in the forest with my Mum and Father though, live in a caravan in this big group of dancers and whatnot." They explained with a nod, though they cocked their head slightly as Gon asked what language they were speaking. "Ahhh, French. It's my ah..." They muttered incoherent French under their breath as they tried to find the right word. "Mother language? It's what we speak in most places on Kalos. There are people that speak English and other languages too though. It's real 'cool'." They grinned, pleased that they managed to find the right word.

At the mention of dragons, Drayce kicked their legs excitedly (though carefully so they didn't accidentally kick Gon and his pokemon). "Yesssss! Je adore les dragons! Dragons are my favourite!" They explained, practically vibrating with excitement. "In Mum's mother language it means dragon child." Their head bobbed like a bobble head with how much they were nodding. They reeled in the excitement though to really think about the question. "Mmn...what does a League License do?" They asked curiously.  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:49 pm
As Drayce explained where he was from, Gon's face just grew more and more delighted "that sounds like a great place to live. I live around a jungle and swamp by the coast. I love spending time in the forest."

Gon made a long noise of aknoledgment and understanding as Drayce explained about his home."Sometimes people visit the island and they speak a different language, but its not very often, I've never heard French before."It sounds really cool in Kalos, but I bet you have a pretty big reason for leaving home. huh?"

He couldn't help but laugh at the other boy's reactions, leaning back and putting his arms on the ground behind him as long legs went flailing.
"Hey! Drayce! Have you ever seen one before?" He asked, with genuine interest. "I've never seen one, but I hope to!"

At the question about the League License, Gon paused, "Hmmm..." He hummed thoughtfully, crossing his arms over his chest. "I know they give you the right to train pokemon, and thats what I'm after!"  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:34 pm
"I've never left the island before, so my parents thought it would be good for me to go out and see the world, ya know? Broaden my horizons or somethin' like that." They nodded solemnly before bursting into a fit of giggles. "A swamp and a jungle, eh? That sounds so cool! I bet there are tons and tons of really super amazing pokemon there!" They took a moment to imagine all of the different types of pokemon that could be lurking about in a swamp before shaking their head. "Naah, I ain't ever seen one before." They said sadly with a small pout. "I've got my Smaug though and he's just as cool as any dragon!"

"Oooooh, I didn't know you had'ta have a license for that..." They said thoughtfully as they ran a hand through their hair. "Sounds real complicated."  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:09 pm
"Your parents wanted you to go out and have an adventure. Luckyyyy. I had to beg Mito a lot before she finally let me go."
Gon nodded once happily perking forward again "Its really cool, and there are a lot of animals, and some pokemon around, Its where I met Treecko, we've always explored together." Gon said, putting an arm around the smaller pokemon.
"Do you think Kodo will have any dragons?"

"yeah, that's what I was." Gon replied "My dad is a trainer, so he has a License to be able to do that. Once I get to the island I'm going to learn as much as i can, and earn my very own license!"

A breeze gushed over the deck of the ship, and sent a shiver through the boy's entire body, starting from his mostly bare legs.
"Waaaah its so cold!" He complained, the small green clad child rolling onto his back and sticking both legs in the air.
"I didn't know it would get this cold." his hands thumped at his knees to try and chase away the cold.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:35 pm
"Aaaaaah, I see." Drayce nodded in understanding, though they had really only managed to pick up on the fact that Gon met his pokemon from the swamps. At least...they were pretty sure that's what they had been saying.
As they had said...their English wasn't the best.
"Oh man, I bet they have dragons everywhere!" They exclaimed, rocking back until they nearly toppled backwards onto the deck.

"Hrm...I should prolly get on of those licenses then. It'll be my first big adventure on Kodo!" They said excitedly, their thoughts immediately drifting off to what it must be like to have a trainer license. It involved a lot of explosions, dragon riding, and cake. "Eeeeh, so cool~" They murmured, their expression a little awestruck.

They only came out of their thoughts when the smaller male began to complain about the cold. "It is pretty cold, ain't it?" They rubbed their bare arms and gave a dramatic shiver. "I didn't notice until you said somethin', guess I was runnin' 'round too much." They said thoughtfully as they absently bent to rub their cheek against the top of Purrito's head.  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:20 pm
Gon had no reason to doubt Drayce's expectation of a lot of dragons, swinging his legs back down with enough momentum to swing his lower body back up into a sitting position, Gon widened his bright brown eyes "Wooooh- Are you going to catch one of them?" He asked, leaning forward eagerly "That sounds exciting!"

The small child met Drayce with a broad grin "I'm going to try and get mine too! I'm going to become the best trainer there is, and find my dad!" He explained with a great deal of confidence behind his words, it was clear that he had no doubt about what he was saying, even if it did seem somewhat naive.

"running around huh?" Gon repeated, looking thoughtful for a moment before he was now leaping back up onto his feet. "Thats probably a better idea then sitting around. Hey! Drayce- We should go find the highest point of the ship." He said, holding his hand up and pointing toward the sky. "And see if we can spot Kodo from up there!"  

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