Your Rank: Chunin
Ninja Class: Ninjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Fūryoku (Wind Force)
Rank of Jutsu: B
Jutsu's Element: Fūton
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List: No.
Description: Following three handseals, Ieyasu extends his arm outwards producing a spiraling torrent of wind from his palm drilling through the air. Ieyasu created this technique to be used as a preparation for a more powerful Shakuton ability. It has the ability to reach [50] feet in distance before it dissipates. Due to the drilling nature, it has a stronger piercing capability and will rip through even the thickest of metals and trees.
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Your Rank: Chunin
Ninja Class: Ninjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Kogeta Hebi (Scorched Serpent)
Rank of Jutsu: B
Jutsu's Element: Shakuton
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List: No.
Description: Ieyasu invented this technique as one which is triggered by the Fūryoku (Wind Force). Kneading chakra in his belly, Ieyasu will then send out a stream of Shakuton flames in a manner that is identical to the Katon: Ryuuka (Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique). This stream ignites the drilling torrent of wind for a powerful attack capable of 2nd degree burns as well as completely dehydrating any victims it strikes. The already powerful drilling wind will now ignore most armors and cut through flesh and bone. While it is ideal to first cast Fūryoku (Wind Force), this technique can be used as a stand alone. It has a distance reach of [20] feet.
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Your Rank: Chunin
Ninja Class: Ninjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Kanbatsu (Drought)
Rank of Jutsu: C
Jutsu's Element: Shakuton
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List: No.
Description: Ieyasu had invented this jutsu to make up for his general weakness against taijutsu or bukijutsu techniques. Kanbatsu is essentially a variation of the Nekki (Hot Air) technique, although a more potent version. Following a kneading of the chakra, the air is released from the mouth in a blowing motion. What gives away the danger is the fact that this cloud of air is a very dark cloud. Instead of sending forth a cloud of trajectory controllable heated air, this ability super heats the air around him. In a radius of [10] feet around Ieyasu, the air is dried out instantly those unfortunate enough to escape. Anyone other than Ieyasu himself will suffer second degree burns and feel dehydrated. Furthermore, this is a cheaper chakra cost alternative to the Hijō Mushi Satsujin (Extremely Burning Murder) technique in terms of defensive purpose.
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