Feat: Silent Night, Deep Water Fears

Silent Night had heard other kin speak of a buck with a tail like a fish. A handsome buck, one had said; a younger doe, of course. A buck as magnificent as the ocean he belongs in, said another- nodding her head vigorously. Their words had seemed to Silent Night as so genuine, they'd made the pale-colored kimeti's thoughts wander to a place of imagination, of child-like fancy...

And thus, Silent made it her duty to seek out this fish-tailed buck; intent on discovering not only his appearance, but the ocean too... for, if he was as magnificent as an entire ocean... surely he had been there? Perhaps she kept her hopes too high, perhaps she was too much a creature so easily swayed by her own whims. Perhaps she'd find him, and be unable to speak- petrified by her own shyness. Whichever the path her own fate might take, she was determined to see it through, for she was adventurous despite her hesitance. And what spoke more of an adventure than a journey to somewhere she had not been?

When she found him, sunbathing near a large pond, Silent had almost danced with glee. He was, of course, just as handsome as described and his tail... well, his tail was one of many curiosities, though it didn't look as unusual as she had expected. In fact, it suited him. Ducking behind a bushel of tall, swamp grass; Silent Night gave a soft huff, intent on actually speaking to this merbuck but... still... so... afraid. What if he was unkind? What if he thought her foolish, for seeking him out? The very idea of confrontation made Silent's heart throb. Perhaps she'd be better off if she just returned to where she came from- or if she went and found the ocean alone...

She took a step back, but was forced to make a shrill noise when her back left hoof sunk down into muck. "Oh- oh, no..." Realizing that she'd, most likely, made her presence known to the blue kimeti she'd just been spying on; the small doe quickly tugs her hoof from the muck, a soft frown and worried frown on her face as she then tries to pinpoint where, exactly, the buck was now. Had he heard her?

HOPE THIS IS OKAY whee crying

Don't worry about matching the word count if you don't want to; I just ramble a lot.