Being a trainee was easy. He just had to follow orders and show his potential. And apparently he did just that. It took him a few months, but he finished training, and was promoted to a grunt. That being said, he didn't like the uniform any more than the trainee one. Though he did look better in black, he guessed. Said uniform was packed up in a bag with the rest of his things. He was moving from the trainee dorms and to the grunt ones. He'd been assigned a room that had just one other grunt in it. What happened to the other one was uncertain and something he didn't care much to ask about. It wasn't his concern, after all. He stretched some, arms over his head and adjusting his clothes as he did. He already had memorized the dorm number, so now it was just to get there.

He wandered down the halls until he found the right door, and then stopped. Well... this was interesting. He breathed out a sigh, setting his bag down by the door and looked around. No one else was around. But what if his room mate was inside? If he just walked in could it freak the other guy out? That was an option, after all... When someone thinks their alone and then suddenly someone is in their space, it generally feels like trespassing. He glanced down to his bag, staring for a moment, before moving to touch the Pokeball in his pocket. Moto wouldn't want to be out at first. It'd take a while before he adjusted to new people, which rather sucked. The Cyndaquil wasn't a fan of moving around or being around people he didn't know and trust. Running his tongue over his bottom lip, Zuberi shrugged. Oh well. He had to get settled in any way, and he would need a place to sleep. He lifted his hand, and tapped his knuckles against the wood.

He could at least be polite about it...

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko