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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:35 am
Despite the chill in the air it was a beautiful day, and Nicolette, glad for the wonderful albeit cold weather, had packed up Epona's saddlebags with food and had taken all of her pokemon to the park. She worked on training a number of them for a while first, but after finishing she sat herself on a bench with almost all of her pokemon scattered around her. A Sylveon sat beneath the bench with one ribbon snaked up and wrapped around her trainer's wrist, while a Vaporeon tried (and mostly failed) to chase after a much faster, energetic Jolteon. Her Rapidash stood quietly nearby, while her Lopunny, a small Luvdisc under its arm, tried very hard to explain to a hungry looking Feraligatr that their teammates weren't for eating. Nicolette was, thankfully, ignorant to this discussion.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:50 pm
Despite it being one of the very reasons for Pili's creation, it still surprised Tambrey when the relatively young Caterpie evolved to become a Metapod. No other pokémon she owned had been able to evolve so soon after creation, but then, bug types tended to be somewhat known for it and she had been training Pili quite often.

The evolution had sparked something in Tambrey that reminded her she'd enjoyed her previous excursion off-base, for leisure, and she resolved to take Pili, and a few of her others, out to have some play time in a park in Camphoreon.
The cold felt somewhat welcome- refreshing after the underground of the base- though she added a blue scarf to her casual outfit.

Pili, despite her now more restricted body, seemed fairly happy atop the back of a Growlithe, while Jubilee sat upon Pakhet's head, clinging to her small mane.
Tarana, the Chingling, seemed to have decided to use Tambrey's ponytail for transport; he jingled happily, talking to the other pokémon walking alongside his trainer as she walked into the park, a take-away coffee in her gloved left hand, and a satchel over her shoulder.

Pygi's, and Ella's pokéballs sat upon her belt.

Pakhet wuffed happily, and wagged her tail, catching sight of some other pokémon, and, most interesting to her, a couple of Eeveelutions playing together.  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:36 pm
Angeline saw the other pokemon first, her ears perking up in curiosity, and before her mother could say a word the Jolteon was off like a shot, tearing across the grass towards the unfamiliar pokemon. She raced past them, looped back, and ended up on their other side after an almost complete circle then stood before them, her ears perked up again. she greeted cheerfully, looking at all of them curiously. There certainly were a lot of them around, weren't there?

Lulu caught up shortly after, trailing behind the Jolteon at a much slower pace, though she didn't even consider circling like her daughter had, and gave the strangers a wary glance. The Jolteon looked to her briefly in silence before looking to the other pokemon again.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:21 am
Pakhet was very keen to meet other pokémon and play with them, so as the Jolteon raced over, she tried to run and follow and meet her face-to-face each time, but found herself just too slow.

She panted happily and wagged her tail at the other pokémon while Pili and Jubilee peeked through the fur, almost shyly.
Jubilee had become a -lot- more aware of Pili's safety since her evolution... Her fellow bug-type friend could barely move anymore, since evolving, after all.

<> Pakhet wuffed happily <>

Tarana waved gleefully from his position in his trainer's hair, as Tambrey crouched to greet the Jolteon, amused at Pakhet's 'wuffing' at the electric type.

"Hello there... You're very speedy, huh?"  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:18 pm
Oh, she liked this Growlithe already. She seemed to want to--oh, yep, she did. she said eagerly as she dropped down into a more playful stance, her head near the ground while her rump remained up in the air. But then there was a human there too, and even more pokemon. There was one in the human's hair, and some in the Growlithe's fur - how many pokemon were there? Angeline gave a short bark to the human as she straightened back up, leaning close to sniff at her.

The fins along Lulu's head lowered as she moved a bit closer to the electric-type, watching all of them silently, uncertain about them.

Roused by her Jolteon's cry, Nicolette looked around to see where Angeline - and Lulu too, of course - had gone, but didn't have to look too hard before spotting them. Oh, there was someone else there! Interest piqued, Nicolette rose and moved to meet them, her Sylveon hastily scrambling to her feet so she could stay by the girl's side the whole time. "Hello there," the girl said cheerily, one hand lifting in a polite greeting. The Sylveon at her feet wrapped one feeler around a small tophat, which she tipped politely at them with practiced eased. Nicolette's raised hand turned into a gesture to the Jolteon and Vaporeon, her expression preemptively turning apologetic, "They haven't bothered you, have they? I'm sorry if they have."
PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:38 am
<> Pakhet declared, then turned in a bouncy circle. <>

"Aw. Two of you. You're cute." Tambrey smiled at the Vaporeon, who'd come to join the Jolteon. Tarana jingled and hopped down once he deemed Tambrey's hair was close enough to the ground.
The little bell gave a big grin, waved a stubby arm, and jingled cheerfully.
The bugs watched warily, clinging onto the Growlithe as she bounced around, momentarily alarmed.

"Huh?" The scientist looked up, and over to Nicolette as she came across with yet another eeveelution and... "Wha... By Votan, that's -adorable-!" She'd probably be embarrassed that she'd squeaked a little, later, but the hat, and the gesture was so cute...
"Um. Um, no, not at all. I think Pakhet there might be bothering them to play though..." She looked apologetic.  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:09 am
Angeline exclaimed, despite the fact she'd just said barely a few seconds ago that it was her favorite activity. An Arcanine, huh? She'd seen one or two of those. The Jolteon gave her a skeptical glance out of the corner of one eye though and asked slowly, almost warily, Since evolving, she had slowly grown to be quite proud of her speed, given she could outpace most of Nicolette's pokemon - except Epona, of course. Were Arcanine faster than Rapidash? The other pokemon and human barely registered at this point, so caught up was she about racing and speed.

Lulu was not too caught up to notice them, and her fins lowered again to display her discomfort. Nicolette was nearby, though, she'd make sure nothing happened to her dear daughter...

Ah, yep, there it was. Clarisse beamed quite happily, if a bit smugly, at the human's response. Such a reaction had been one reason why she'd practiced the gesture so much; that, and the subsequent response she herself gave, which was as cute a trill as she could manage. "Vrrreon~" Adorableness achieved, appropriate response received - that meant she'd receive food from this unfamiliar human now, yes? Yes, that was how it worked.

Nicolette was temporarily thrown a little off-guard by the two different reactions, and wasn't sure what to respond to first, but figured after a moment that she'd better go in order. "Isn't she? She does it on her own, I never taught it to her," she said happily as she looked down at her Sylveon, who seemed quite expectant now, before switching her glance to the other pair of eeveelutions and the Growlithe. "Ah, no, I don't think she's bothering them at all. Or, at least she isn't bothering Angeline," she amended with a slightly apologetic look. "Lulu tends to worry quite often anyway, even when no one else is around."
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:24 pm
Pakhet's tail wagged, and Tambrey, catching the movement from the corner of her eye, and realising what was likely about to happen, deftly plucked the Metapod from her fur. Jubilee took the opportunity to climb onto the back of the same hand.


If Tambrey had a treat to give to Clarisse, and if she was sure the trainer wouldn't mind, she might have happily offered one.
Instead, she only really had praise to offer.
"Well she is incredibly cute and clever then." The woman beamed, and was accompanied by a jingling of agreement from the little bell pokémon, who was now approaching and looking up at Clarisse with a rather dopey grin.

"Aw. Um, well, I promise we're nothing to worry about, though Pakhet will keep anyone playing for hours if she thinks she can get away with it..."  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:53 pm
Angeline all but ignored the human's actions towards the bugs in favor of dropping down into a play stance. The thought was an enticing one, though she had no idea how she could get such a thought across to Nicolette.

It slowly dawned on Clarisse that she would not, in fact, be receiving any treats this time, and the realization left her feeling mildly put out. She had the gall to pout about it for moment or two before shrugging it off; Nicolette had treats, she was sure, since she always had treats. Still, praise was better than nothing at all, so she trilled cutely at the other human in response before she extended a ribbon towards the Chingling.

"Ah, I don't know that that would help," Nicolette said in apologetic tones, lifting a hand to one cheek. "Though, I think Angeline would love to play for hours too, if she could get away with it."
PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 5:23 pm
<> The Growlithe wuffed and growled happily.

Tarana beamed and moved to take the ribbon, and kiss it in the same way he'd seen people kiss the back of another's hand when they met, in films that he'd happened to have seen.

Jubilee, watching from Tambrey now, gave a little bzzt of amusement.

"Oh, is she young too? Pahket is just a hyper little puppy in a lot of ways, I think." Tambrey asked; she did like when her pokémon found a playmate.  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:53 pm
To be honest, Angeline was tired of talking about speed and being fast - tired of talking about it instead of doing it - so to fix this dilemma, she wiggled her behind a bit before darting forward to sprint in wide circles around the group.

Clarisse was somewhat impressed by the gesture - mostly that the other pokemon could replicate a human gesture, more than anything - and moved another ribbon to her cheek and turned her head to the side in a sort of shy expression, another she had learned to do based on reactions from humans.

"Um," Nicolette said with a slightly pouty frown as she thought. "She isn't terribly young anymore, I don't think, though I don't remember the exact date her egg hatched. It's been at least a year though, I think, though by now it may be closer to two. She's gotten much more energetic since evolving," the girl noted as she watched her electric-type literally run circles around them.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:51 pm
Pahket gave a delighted wuff, before, somewhat clumsily, launching her decidedly nonathletic (compared to the Jolteon) body after the electric type, happy to give chase and run after, and sometimes trying to double back to catch up with, with other pokémon.

It wasn't the most graceful 'kiss'. Tarana didn't really have the flexibility, and his bend to perform it tilted his entire, round, little body.
He was delighted with the reaction he got though; his slit-like mouth was curved into a giant grin. He couldn't help himself, and the bell found himself, again, dipping his round form to mimic a bow, to the limit he could.

"Ah. Right." Tambrey nodded, smiling at the Jolteon's antics. "That makes sense. A Jolteon's cells each produce small amounts of electricity, excess to what they actually need to function; collectively, that leads to quite an energy build up inside them... Honestly, I'd be surprised if she ever sleeps?" The woman half-joked, mentally reviewing what else she could remember about Jolteons in particular. She found herself particularly pleased that she was feeling a -lot- less unnerved than she might have been, even a year ago, by the electric Eeveelution; even finding the playful, very fast, antics 'cute'. There was an underlying wariness she couldn't quite shake, but not enough to prevent her from enjoying herself.  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:33 pm
Delighted by Pahket running too, Angeline added a bit of zigzagging to her movements, though had some difficulty trying to zigzag in circles.

At Tarana's bow, Clarisse again tipped her little hat using her ribbon. She could do that all day if need be, but really, she probably wouldn't do it more than a couple times for another pokemon that didn't have any food with them.

"Oh! Do they?" Nicolette asked with sudden interest, and looked to Tambrey with wide eyes. That sounded like the sort of thing she could read from a book. "That does make a lot of sense though... She's always full of energy now, and sometimes she... Actually, I don't know that she sleeps as much as my other pokemon..." A few things suddenly seemed to make a lot more sense than they had before.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:53 pm
Pahket tried to put a spurt of speed on, but didn't actually manage to speed up all that much, trying to match the zigzagging with hops to either side, drawing what were neither circles or neat zigzags at all if her path could have been visualised from above. She didn't mind though; this was fun.

At this point, Tarana supposed he should speak... and yet, he'd never done so. The words always caught on his tongue, and he always ended up just giving out a much easier jingle instead. It wasn't that he couldn't talk; the little bell was simply rather shy about his own 'voice' when it wasn't the jingling tones he made without trying. Applause was also rather difficult with stubby arms and a round body, so he showed his appreciation, unfortunately, by showing off his grin again.

Well, that reaction was nearly as adorable as the pokémon... Especially as it was interest regarding something scientific; that was rather nice.
"Um, yes. They also increase the power using static electricity in their fur, or my drawing negatively charged ions from the atmosphere around them; it's really cool- also means they don't, er, 'run out of juice' so fast just because they used an attack or something." Tam' smiled "That sounds right- this little girl," she raised a finger to gently tickle Jubilee "is kind of the opposite. She's got a little pouch to store electricity that she gathers, 'cuz she's way too little for her cells to generate like a Jolteon's can." It was a slight, but related, tangent, but from the reaction to the fact before, Tambrey felt that the girl might find it interesting anyway...  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:20 pm
After continuing in the same direction for a number of circles, Angeline suddenly stopped, turned around to face Pahket, dropped into a play stance, then began running circles in the opposite direction.

Though she was more interested in food, Clarisse didn't exactly want to be rude to the Chingling, so she offered him a polite smile. Still, it would've been nice if the unfamiliar human had food...

"Ohh," the girl said - breathed it, practically - as she turned wide eyes towards the Jolteon running around them. Her gaze shifted from Angeline to Jubilee when Tam indicated the little bug, and she gasped a bit; she hadn't seen it before! "Ohhh, it's so cute! Can it really?" It could store electricity - now where had she heard that before...? "Is that similar to what Pikachu do? Oh, but, will she be able to make her own electricity once she evolves? ...can she evolve?"

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