((Will properly format this when I have the time...))

[12/24/2014 10:47:59 PM] Sey: Adam: o wo -wrapped around Iza as he works, reading a book-
[12/24/2014 10:50:47 PM] Iza: ...What are you doing?
[12/24/2014 10:50:49 PM] Sey: Adam: Ah, reading and relaxing~ It's Christmas Eve after all. I should be able to snuggle you. Peace on earth and all that jazz. -flips a page-
[12/27/2014 12:32:53 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: smirks lightly Says the teen pursuing a life-long career in criminal activity in one of the most infamous criminal organizations in the world. Cheers.
[12/27/2014 12:35:19 AM] Sey: Adam: All the more reason to have more peace on Earth and here in our room!

Manny: -smiles at the gifts he created. Mostly just simply toys- ouo
[12/27/2014 12:37:56 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: Peace is boring~ That's not why -I- joined.
[12/27/2014 12:38:18 AM] Kitomyx: Celty: -admires all of the gifts-
[12/27/2014 12:45:49 AM] Sey: Adam: Awww come on. Just for tonight?

Manny: Celty! Happy Christmas Eve~! -swirls around her friendly-
[12/27/2014 12:47:06 AM] Kitomyx: Celty: -looks up- Oh! Hello, Manny! How are you? -smiles- Merry Christmas Eve!
[12/27/2014 12:47:49 AM] Kitomyx: Izaya: ...Maybe if you get off me. Otherwise I don't know how long I'll be able to surpress the urge to hit you.
[12/27/2014 12:51:29 AM] Sey: Adam: -sighs and pulls away, flopping further away from him but still on his bed- Is that better?

Manny: I'm excuted! I can't wait until tomorrow morning! How about you?
[12/27/2014 12:54:16 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: -looks up from his papers and peers over his reading glasses at Adam- Much. What are you reading?

Celty: -whirrs happily- I'm glad Christmas seems to make everyone so happy. I'm still not quite sure why to be honest, though.
[12/27/2014 12:57:30 AM] Sey: Adam: Shipbreaker. It's really good. -looks over at him- ... you look really adorable with those glasses on.

Manny: I dunno either, but Adam said it's a good day and Maki even likes it! And Maki likes nothing. So it has to be good!
[12/27/2014 12:58:50 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: -gives him a deadpan look- Flattery won't get you anywhere with me, Addi-chi. -sticks out his tongue and looks back at his papers- I already know I look adorable.
[12/27/2014 12:59:19 AM] Kitomyx: Celty: Ohh. Did you maybe ask Maki why?
[12/27/2014 1:00:42 AM] Sey: Adam: -chuckles- Well at least you know it and own it. What are you working on?

Manny: he said they gave him more food and sometimes a treat. It was one of the only breaks he had.
[12/27/2014 1:17:21 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: Oh, just looking through newspapers since I'm not allowed on the internet. That and making notes that might be useful to someone eventually.
[12/27/2014 1:17:52 AM] Kitomyx: Celty: 'They'? The bad people? -looks surprised- but he's not with them anymore, right? Did Adam do anything for him?
[12/27/2014 1:21:22 AM] Sey: Adam: useful for someone eventually? Who is that someone?

Manny: The bad people. They've been working together! And getting closer every time... Maki still doesn't like him, but I guess that's to be expected. -frowns- Adam says that and I don't understand what he means...
[12/27/2014 1:23:30 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: Potential or past clients. Or even fellow Rockets~ One never knows. -smiles slightly- Sometimes it's just fun keeping it to myself.

Celty: Says what? 'that's to be expected'? -looks at the trainers- I wonder if Adam will give him a treat this time.
[12/27/2014 1:30:00 AM] Sey: Adam: -smiles a little- You really do like your job... -sets down the book- What did you want to be as a kid?

Manny: I'm sure he will! Does Izaya give you treats?
[12/27/2014 1:36:54 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: It's more a hobby than a job, remember~? I just happen to be lucky enough to make a living off of it. -looks at him- Eh? Hmm...I don't think I had any real aspirations. I just liked watching people from afar. Why, what did you want to be?

Celty: -smiles- Not usually. But I don't need any because I'm a ghost. I don't really taste like other pokemon do, anyway, so I don't mind.
[12/31/2014 11:36:30 PM] Sey: Adam: Really? Ah I'm surprised. Mmm.. I wanted to be a doctor. I thought bring a doctor would be super great.

Manny: I'm a ghost too! But I can taste..... can't I?
[12/31/2014 11:39:37 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: And then you didn't?

Celty: -grins- Probably because you have an actual tounge. I'm just spirit energy.
[12/31/2014 11:45:55 PM] Sey: Adam: nope. But can you imagine me as a doctor? -laughs-

Manny: DB but Celty what if I just THINK I CAN TASTE BUT I CAN'T
[12/31/2014 11:55:02 PM | Edited 11:55:15 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -smirks- Knowing that my friend Shinra is a doctor makes me believe almost anyone can be one.

Celty: -whirrs and hums in amusement- Shouldn't that be enough? To think that you can.
[12/31/2014 11:58:47 PM] Sey: Adam: /friend/ Shinra? Oh hoooo. Who is this?

Manny: qnq but Celty what if it's a lie how can I ever know?
[1/1/2015 12:36:49 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: -hesitates- Closest thing I might have to what society considers a friend, anyway. And he probably wouldn't be mine anymore if he knew I stole his pokemon. Haven't been in contact with him since. -shrugs- He's an underground doctor, though, so I don't know if he counts. Knew him from middle school, that's all.
[1/1/2015 12:37:39 AM] Kitomyx: Celty: -croons comfortingly- If there's no way to tell, why worry about whether or not it's true? If you believe it, that should be enough to deem it true.
[1/8/2015 8:04:07 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Mmm...I guess that might be okay. Maybe. If I'm allowed to even leave this building.
[1/8/2015 8:27:27 PM] Sey: Adam: You.. Stole his pokemon? Jeeze. What pokemon did you even steal? -amused a little- An underground doctor. That sounds interesting. I met another guy here who is a doctor. Why would someone who knows medicine go into this field? Or into the underworld? It feels weird to squander your skills in such a way. -ponders that-

Manny: -calms down a little and nods, gently brushing his form against hers in a form of a hug- I.. I guess you're right.. I suppose. But... Celty do you eat at all? Can you eat?
[1/8/2015 8:39:58 PM | Edited 8:40:09 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -grins and jabs a thumb over at Celty- My first pokemon. I wanted to study ghost-types and how their existance related to the existance of the afterlife. -tilts his head- Oh? And who would that be? If it's a guy...that wouldn't be Kirk? -smiles- Underground doctors get paid more to do illegal procedures that people can't go to anyone else to do
[1/8/2015 8:44:21 PM] Kitomyx: Celty: I can; I just don't, ususally. It's a little tricky for ectoplasm to digest solids. -whirrs musingly- But it's good because that means more for you!
[1/8/2015 9:32:48 PM] Sey: Adam: Illegal procedures? Like what? -confused- What sort of procedure can you not get from a normal doc. OH. Nah, not that dude. Never met a Kirk. I guess he wasn't exactly a doctor. He had wanted to be one and studied to be one. I consider that a doctor. His name is Zacharie. Nice dude. Kinda wimpy. But nice.
[1/8/2015 9:33:03 PM] Sey: Manny: -frowns and speaks suspiciously- If you say so...
[1/8/2015 9:38:26 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Ah, Zachie-chan. Jerry-kun's new favorite. -smiles sweetly- I think he loves mold more than people. He's like a little Frosty-chan. -glances at the plushie Zacharie left him for Christmas, which is propped next to the plushie Adam gave him- And really? You really can't think of any procedures?

Celty: Don't worry so much! You should enjoy your holiday!
[1/8/2015 9:40:10 PM] Sey: Adam: ... Uh.. Sex change? I guess if we're going weird and Science Fiction, identity changes? A new face? New eyes? A black market liver?
[1/8/2015 9:40:37 PM | Edited 9:41:02 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -smiles and nods approvingly- There you go.
[1/8/2015 9:41:54 PM] Sey: Manny: -licks her fondly- You should enjoy it too!

Adam: WAIT they can give you a new identity? -surprised. Didn't miss that comment about Jerry-kun. So Iza is jealous of Zach-
[1/8/2015 9:44:49 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -nods as he analyzes some pokemon statistics- I know quite a few people whose faces he's changed. One of them changed his face to take on a new identity he hoped he could avoid me with. Didn't work.
[1/8/2015 9:45:14 PM] Sey: Adam: Really? Did your friend tell you? Or did you just figure it out?
[1/8/2015 9:46:25 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Oh, no, I was watching him. He stabbed that very friend of mine in middle school, as it happened, so I promised I would make him regret it for the rest of his days. -looks up- Why~? Planning to get a make-over?
[1/8/2015 9:48:44 PM | Edited 9:52:03 PM] Sey: Adam: And ruin my beauty. Gosh no. -chuckles- Nah, I'm just surprised... It seems so farfetched an idea. Like it shouldn't work. -blinks- He stabbed the underground doctor and the underground doctor still fixed his face? -honestly a bit surprised that Izaya would be willing to hold a grudge against someone- He really was your friend.

Iza: -laughs- No; well, not in your typical manner. In middle school, the person who attacked him actually meant to stab me. The future underground doctor, Shinra, stepped between us and, as a result, got stabbed instead. His attacker, panicing, ran off. When I asked Shinra why he took a knife wound for me, though, you know what he said?
[1/8/2015 10:23:48 PM] Sey: Adam: I can only imagine... Did he confess his undying love for you? -teasing-
[1/8/2015 10:41:18 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -sneers- Actually, he did it because he thought his precious 'Celty' wouldn't have approved if he let me get stabbed without doing anything.
[1/8/2015 10:41:30 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: So, it -was- an act of love~
[1/8/2015 10:42:14 PM] Sey: Adam: .. Was Celty his girlfriend? -totally thinking about someone else named Celty. And then puts two and to together and gets a gross out look- Oh s**t. No way. He was one of those guys? Ew.
[1/8/2015 10:43:22 PM | Edited 10:43:33 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -laughs- He's not into beastiality, if that's what you're thinking. It's the humanity of the human souls Celty possesses as a Spiritomb.
[1/8/2015 10:48:22 PM] Sey: Adam: And did he pierce her humanity of the human souls she possesses with his p***s? -sighs and shakes his head, putting his hands up- Don't answer that. Poor Celty. I'm kinda glad you stole her.
[1/8/2015 10:55:57 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -chuckles and shakes his head- He's loved her since he was a child. It's not just lust.
[1/8/2015 10:58:39 PM] Sey: Adam: Hmm... -frowns skeptically at that- I wonder why. I mean, Celty IS cool. She's pretty sweet for a spiritomb. So I get liking her.
[1/8/2015 11:06:27 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -shrugs- I couldn't tell you. Might be something about her being a supernatural being.
[1/8/2015 11:07:01 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: His father originally caught her to learn more about the possibility of immortality and the afterlife just like me.
[1/8/2015 11:07:43 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -grins- maybe she used 'attract' on him.
[1/8/2015 11:08:23 PM] Sey: Adam: -laughs a little- Oh? So that's why you were studying ghosts... I see. -looks at Manny, curious now- Do you think all Spiritombs have human souls inside them?
[1/8/2015 11:37:57 PM | Edited 11:38:14 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: I -did- say I wanted to observe humans forever, didn't I? That includes after death. -follows his gaze to the ghosts- Well supposedly Spiritomb are made up of many souls, which makes them different. But it's anyone's guess if ghost-types are made of human or pokemon or any souls at all. It -is- said that a pokemon called 'Yamask' wears a mask of the face it had as a human, so there's that.
[1/8/2015 11:39:01 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -waves a hand- That may just be a rumor, though, of course.
[1/9/2015 3:25:02 AM] Sey: Adam: I've heard of that, actually. I'm not sure either. -wonders what a Yamask with izaya face would be.... terrible thought- Imagine seeing your passed love one? Ta be sad and creepy guh.
[1/13/2015 5:57:26 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -looks at Adam wryly- Loved one? Really?
[1/13/2015 5:58:42 PM] Sey: Adam: What? You don't think I have anyone I've cared for that's passed away? -raises an eyebrow-
[1/13/2015 5:59:41 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Oh, I know -you- have. But you were telling -me- to. -grins-
[1/13/2015 6:05:18 PM] Sey: Adam: -blinks and then laughs- oh it would be a mashup of all humans faces!
[1/13/2015 6:05:42 PM] Sey: Adam: that'd drive anyone mad.
[1/13/2015 6:11:16 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -starts laughing aloud- They can't embody the human race~ They'd still be pokemon and I'd cease to love them. The closest would still be Celty, who is made up of a bunch of souls.
[1/13/2015 8:11:50 PM] Sey: Adam: -shakes his head and smiles- the closest human non human Pokemon huh?
[1/13/2015 8:22:19 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Don't be silly. Not by a longshot.
[1/13/2015 9:08:46 PM] Sey: Adam: -nods a little and looks up at the two plushies. Brings his right hand up and starts to nibble on his thumb. Slowly puts his hand down- Erm... Hey. When do you think you'll be done with your work tonight? Er... Hobby work stuff.

Manny: -had overheard the conversation, curiously thinking about what they said- Do you think we were human? -tilts his body- Is that possible?
[1/13/2015 10:50:24 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -looks at Adam curiously- Perhaps around 6. Why?
[1/13/2015 10:51:04 PM] Kitomyx: Celty: -looks at Manny- Perhaps. But the way I see it, what does it matter what we were, as long as we enjoy what we have now?
[1/13/2015 11:16:09 PM] Sey: Adam: I'm thinking about getting dinner and I figured we could let the pokemon out and give 'em stuff too.

Manny: -stares at her, not blankly, but not rudely. A little puzzled and curious- That... I get it I think. You're really smart, Celty. Do you think about this stuff? Or did you before..?
[1/13/2015 11:16:48 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: You care too much about these things. -sighs- Why do they have to eat with us?
[1/13/2015 11:17:51 PM] Kitomyx: Celty: -smiles at Manny fondly- I have in the past. The boy who used to talk to me asked me about it and I wondered for some time. But he also told me he liked me just the way I was, so I decided that was enough for me, too.
[1/13/2015 11:21:52 PM] Sey: Manny: -smiles warmly- That sounds nice... To get told something like that. -curious now about the boy and wanting to ask questions, but putting two and two together to realize it might be the guy Iza stole her from. Nuzzles against her- I like you just like you too!

Adam: Eh, why not? I mean we could leave them locked in the room and go eat elsewhere... Er that's a bad idea.
[1/13/2015 11:30:51 PM] Kitomyx: Celty: -nuzzles back as best she can- You're so gentle and kind, Manny. I hope you stay the same even if you evolve.

Iza: -sneers- Thank you for realizing that.
[1/13/2015 11:31:31 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: I usually feed mine separately. It's kind of a pain, but not as much as if I'd had them all out at once.
[1/13/2015 11:33:47 PM] Sey: Adam: -tempted to whack him with a pillow, resists the urge for now- I guess you got a good point. -put his book to the side and yawns, rubbing his eyes. Opens them and watches the ceiling- You ever talk to your sisters? Like let them know you're alive?
[1/13/2015 11:36:32 PM] Sey: Manny: Do pokemon change when they evolve? Will I be a totally different pokemon? o: Will I even be me anymore?
[1/13/2015 11:36:57 PM] Sey: ((manny "lemme worry about extenstential issues" the ghost ))
[1/13/2015 11:39:22 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: You're learning! I'm so PROUD of you, Addi-chii! -applauds with false enthusiasm- ... -smile fixes in place and clapping stops- ...I spoke too soon. Why do you ask the most stupid questions, Addi-chii?
[1/13/2015 11:42:02 PM] Kitomyx: Celty: I hear that some do. Perhaps it's the additional power they gain that makes them change, or maybe it's simply a physiological thing, like hormones. I suppose it depends. But I think with enough willpower, you could overcome any of those. -beams at him gently- I think you'll still be you no matter what. I hear even Dark Balls can be resisted by pokemon if their willpower and their hearts and minds are strong enough.
[1/14/2015 4:04:09 PM] Sey: Adam: -looks over at him and raises his eyebrows- Isn't that obvious dude? I'm curious. About you, about your life and stuff. -smiles crookedly- it's kinda funny when I think about it. You're interested about everyone and love all humans and I can hardly stand humans and only become interested in a handful.
[1/14/2015 4:05:06 PM] Sey: Manny: -considers what she's saying and nods slowly, feeling that he understands- Oh... okay. Then if I believe enough I-I can still be me. That.... That makes me happy.
[1/14/2015 4:09:56 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: But that's not fair! I'm curious about you and you don't tell me about -your- life. -whines- Plus the things you ask me don't even mean much anyway. My sisters don't care if I'm alive. Heck, they told Shizu-chan they'd throw me in front of a truck for him if he introduced them to his celebrity of a younger brother. -pauses- Why -ME- then? Why can't you be interested in someone who WANTS you to be interested in them?
[1/14/2015 4:10:44 PM] Kitomyx: Celty: -whirrs happily and nods- Oh, Manny, we should battle some time for fun. I want to see how much you've improved since I saw you use your abilities last.
[1/14/2015 4:17:51 PM] Sey: Adam: -blinks and is a little stunned at the whining. Then laughs hard, trying to calm down but failing. Speaks between breaths- so you find... My interest... Troublesome... But you... Want to know... About me... But only if... I stop knowing about you?
[1/14/2015 4:18:55 PM | Edited 4:19:20 PM] Sey: Adam: -wipes his eyes, shaking his head- you... Ugh. -smiling as he flops back on the bed, has just been sitting- You're something else, Izaya.
[1/14/2015 4:21:40 PM] Sey: Manny: -perks up- We should! Why don't we now? It'd be fun! Or do you think they'd get angry -looks at the bed and sighs- Adams being weird again...
[1/14/2015 4:36:26 PM | Edited 4:45:53 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -pouts and crosses his arms- It's only fair. I already told you so much about me and you keep telling me I can't ask certain things about you. What about a fair exchange of information?
[1/14/2015 4:36:39 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: ME?! What about YOU?!
[1/14/2015 4:37:41 PM] Kitomyx: Celty: -laughs- At least they have each other to be weird with. Sure, we could do it now, but maybe not here or we might freak them out. Izaya at the very least. What kind of attacks do you want to show me? Maybe we should go to one of the training rooms.
[1/14/2015 4:45:26 PM] Sey: Adam: -looks at him and grins- You might be right... But you should be able to find all my information online. So if you wanted to, couldn't you find it? Or have you found it?
[1/14/2015 4:46:13 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -glaaares- I'm grounded from the net. Remember?
[1/14/2015 4:47:04 PM] Sey: Adam: Ahhh right. I forgot -rubs the back of his neck- Sorry.
[1/14/2015 4:48:23 PM | Edited 4:48:39 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Ne, so you'll tell me, then~?
[1/14/2015 5:22:50 PM] Sey: Adam: .... -hesitates- I... -sighs- there's two things im really not comfortable sharing.
[1/14/2015 5:28:28 PM] Sey: Adam: -quiet- It's not that I'm trying to be difficult.
[1/14/2015 5:43:53 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -peers at him out the corner of his eye and is quiet for a moment before sighing- Like hell you're not. You make my life difficult daily and you know it. What are those two things so I can interrogate you on everything aside from them?
[1/14/2015 5:46:15 PM | Edited 5:49:53 PM] Sey: Adam: -chuckles softly at that, but a little happy that Izaya wasn't too angry- Why I drink and why I'm afraid of the dark.
[1/14/2015 5:48:16 PM | Edited 5:55:33 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: I think one day I'll just tie you up and see how long you can go without drinking. -smirks at the idea- Eh? So Addi-chii -is- afraid of the dark! Hm...interesting to know.
[1/14/2015 5:49:27 PM] Sey: ((Oops sorry made a mistake ))
[1/14/2015 5:55:39 PM | Edited 5:55:43 PM] Kitomyx: ((It's fine!))
[1/14/2015 7:41:27 PM] Sey: Adam: -laughs- I thought the nightlight gave that away, dude. Yeah... I'm not a fan of the dark.
[1/14/2015 7:43:43 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: There could be lots of reasons for a nightlight. Like worrying someone might sneak up on you and slit your throat. Or curl up in your bed and rape you.
[1/14/2015 7:59:14 PM] Sey: Adam: -raises an eyebrow at the last one- Dude, cuddles do not equal rape.
[1/14/2015 8:00:07 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: I didn't say that; you did~
[1/14/2015 8:00:32 PM] Sey: Adam: -rolls his eyes and shakes his head- Fine fine. Yeah, I don't like the dark.
[1/14/2015 8:02:11 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: So did you send Santa a letter for Christmas? -grins- Or have you been a naughty boy?
[1/14/2015 8:24:18 PM] Sey: Adam: -chuckles- I've been naughty, but I did send a letter in~ How about you?
[1/14/2015 8:24:52 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -snorts- Why should I bother sending letters when I have all I want?
[1/14/2015 8:27:55 PM] Sey: Adam: -surprised by that- Oh? I'm shocked.
[1/14/2015 8:40:02 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -raises a brow- Are you really?
[1/14/2015 8:40:18 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Not like I could hope to get anything anyway~ I've been naughty, too, so I've been told.
[1/14/2015 8:41:49 PM] Sey: Adam: Well I think it's normal to want one or two things, isn't it? I've never heard of someone having all they want. -gets up and goes to his closet, rummaging around before returning with a small box wrapped in paper. Hands it to him- Ah, you got lucky. I didn't know you were so naughty.
[1/14/2015 8:44:02 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Well, there's always life after death, but I doubt he would or could get me that. -pauses- ...You did, so. What about the plushie? Wasn't that enough? -looks from the box to Adam-
[1/14/2015 8:51:42 PM] Sey: Adam: Eh. -shrugs- I made a bunch an they're cute but I figured.. This was more personal. It's nothing big or important.
[1/14/2015 8:57:22 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: So...personal to you doesn't equal big or important?
[1/14/2015 9:03:40 PM] Sey: Adam: A-ah.... -chuckles embarrassedly- Guess I worded that wrong. Yeah it's... important to me. And I thought maybe... Maybe you know, you'd like it?
[1/14/2015 9:05:39 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -stares at him- I told you I don't like where this is going, didn't I? This whole 'us being closer than roommates' thing?
[1/14/2015 9:09:45 PM | Edited 9:10:02 PM] Sey: Adam: .. -sighs- That's why I tried to play it down. So you wouldn't get nervous or upset about it.
[1/14/2015 9:14:02 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -sticks out his tounge- It's not -me- who would gen nervous or upset. -You're- the sensitive one. -accepts the box-
[1/14/2015 9:16:10 PM] Sey: Adam: -snorts at that and goes to straight up his closet since he had to do it out. Box only has a CD in it and three different gig sticks. Each has a number on it and a piece of paper at the bottom of the box explains what's on each. Movies, some games, and ebooks-
[1/14/2015 9:17:46 PM | Edited 9:18:06 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -blinks- Nothing big or important, huh? What's all this?
[1/14/2015 9:23:56 PM] Sey: Adam: -looks over his shoulder- Huh? Just stuff I found online... I know your access is limited, but you can use your computer. I figured you might like some of it and what you didn't you could just delete. -looks back and puts his shoes in order-
[1/14/2015 9:25:02 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: What kind of stuff? -looks the movies and games and books over- Random things? Stuff you had on your computer?
[1/14/2015 9:31:04 PM] Sey: Adam: A lot of new things that came out for movies and books. Anything I knew you might have issues accessing on your own without the aide of the internet. Games, stuff I thought you might like. Some puzzle stuff and such. Books were more geared towards recent, or popular, and then anything new that came out like bibliographies and some new series.
[1/14/2015 9:33:58 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -looks them over- I see. -smiles- Not that they compare with my favorite hobby, but anything's better than being bored out of my mind. -gets up and stretches- Are you going to bed, then, or staying up to wait for Santa?
[1/14/2015 9:36:37 PM] Sey: Adam: I was thinking about getting food. What about you? -finished putting his things away and stands, closing the closet door-
[1/14/2015 9:37:12 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -shakes his head- Not really hungry, thanks. -checks his dex- what time is it, anyway?
[1/14/2015 9:37:59 PM] Sey: Adam: Mmm... Dunno. We were reading for so long. It feels later than it probably really is.
[1/14/2015 9:40:42 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -gets up, walks over to Adam, and leans on- I'm cold.
[1/14/2015 9:44:13 PM] Sey: Adam: ...... -had not expected that. Wraps his arms around him and smiles- Well we can't have a cold Iza, now can we?
[1/14/2015 9:49:07 PM | Edited 9:49:37 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Mmmm...-presses his forehead against Adam's chest- Hurry up and go eat so I can steal your body warmth when you get back. You need more meat on you, 'bones'.
[1/14/2015 9:57:55 PM] Sey: Adam: -chest oddly squeezes, but tries to mentally brush it off. Doen't want to pull away just yet or at all. Nope. Ruffles his hair- I probably should, heh. Though I think I've gained a little since joining. Working out more, eating more... Getting a little healthier in general. 'S weird.
[1/14/2015 9:59:58 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Tch, I bet I could beat you in an arm wrestle.
[1/14/2015 10:00:16 PM] Sey: Adam: Oh~ What's the bet?
[1/14/2015 10:05:06 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: ...If I win, no nightlight tonight.
[1/14/2015 10:09:20 PM] Sey: Adam: You are a cruel, cruel person sometimes. -snorts, thinking about it- Fine, you're on. If I win, you have to teach me more parkour. Deal?
[1/14/2015 10:10:20 PM | Edited 10:10:32 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: So glad you finally learned that -laughs- But that's not something I can do indoors!
[1/14/2015 10:15:15 PM] Sey: Adam: Hmm... True. All right, then if I win... you gotta watch a movie with me.
[1/14/2015 10:23:58 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -raises a brow- That's all? That's your final choice?
[1/14/2015 10:25:01 PM] Sey: Adam: ... No, wait. When I go get food, you can't switch yourself with Riviere or that other Zorua.
[1/14/2015 10:25:36 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Fiiine~ You're on. I should have kept my big mouth shut...
[1/14/2015 10:26:22 PM] Sey: Adam: -grins- Thank you~
[1/14/2015 10:28:12 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -sits down at a table and puts out his hand- Let's go.
[1/14/2015 10:29:40 PM] Sey: Adam: -nods and sits, putting his elbow down and clasping his hand. Nods- All right!
[1/14/2015 10:34:17 PM] Kitomyx: ((Sorry, precious, just trying to finish up this letter, be back in a bit))
[1/15/2015 12:04:16 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: Ready? Go. -starts attempting to press Adam's arm down against the tabletop-
[1/15/2015 12:05:45 AM] Sey: Adam: -nodded and pushing back, trying his hardest to not get pushed down-
[1/15/2015 12:08:03 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: ...-opens a pokeball under the table and soon there's something small and furry trying to climb into Adam's shirt from underneath-
[1/15/2015 12:10:00 AM] Sey: Adam: -struggling and then... FUZZY? yells in shock, totally letting his hand get pinned as he gets up and wiggles around- OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD WHATS IN MY SHIRT HIT s**t s**t s**t.
[1/15/2015 12:11:55 AM] Kitomyx: Mairu: Purr? -pops her head out next to Adam's through the hole for his neck-
[1/15/2015 12:12:04 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: Oh, look at that. I win~
[1/15/2015 12:14:58 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: -grinning really hard, trying not to laugh-
[1/15/2015 12:15:08 AM] Sey: Adam: -blinks, mouth still agape at Mairu, and then slowly looks to his hand pinned on the table. And then he loses it with laughter- Ahahahaha OH MY ********. YOU'RE A CHEAT. DAMN IT. USING YOUR ADORABLE CAT AGAINST ME. -pets mairu with his other hand, stomach starting to hurt- A-assshat auugh, ahaha. Damn it.
[1/15/2015 12:17:11 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: -ends up laughing too- Your fault for succubing to her. -I- sure wouldn't.

Mairu: Purrpurrloin? -confused, bats at Adam's ear lightly and purrs as he pets her-
[1/15/2015 12:20:26 AM] Sey: Adam: -calms down and pulls his hand away from Izas, gently putting and now supporting mairu's bottom half with his other arm- Yeah yeah, heh. It was shocking, okay? But clever, and pretty hilarious. -grins-
[1/15/2015 12:23:01 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: -smirks and rests his cheek in his palm- Don't people drink alcohol on Christmas?
[1/15/2015 12:23:22 AM] Kitomyx: Mairu: -still trying to get as close to Adam's body warmth as possible-
[1/15/2015 12:25:44 AM] Sey: Adam: Hm? Yeah I mean, most people don't need an excuse, but the holidays most everyone is drinking. -hugs Mairu close-
[1/15/2015 12:26:06 AM] Sey: Adam: How come? -lifts an eyebrow-
[1/15/2015 12:26:19 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: -shrugs- Just thought you might be drunk by now.
[1/15/2015 12:26:59 AM] Kitomyx: Iza: ...don't keep that thing so close to you. You don't know where it's been. -attempts to withdraw Mairu into her ball-
[1/15/2015 12:30:17 AM] Sey: Adam: -doesn't stop him, since he is her owner- All right, see you later Mairu~ -shakes his head- Nah... I knew my chances of snuggles were doomed if I drank today so I decided not to. -strategy snuggle plan alpha a-
[1/15/2015 12:30:22 AM | Edited 12:30:52 AM] Sey: ((brrrb))
[1/15/2015 12:30:39 AM] Kitomyx: ((alrighty~))
[1/15/2015 12:45:14 AM] Sey: ((Back ouo))
[1/15/2015 12:45:40 AM] Kitomyx: ((welcome back~!))
[1/15/2015 10:03:23 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -laughs and shakes his head- Your 'chances of snuggling'?
[1/15/2015 10:03:32 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Very optimistic, aren't you?
[1/15/2015 10:06:44 PM] Sey: Adam: -winks- Always and forever.
[1/15/2015 10:08:47 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: What a ray of sunshine. No wonder you dislike the cold and dark. -makes shooing motions- go get your dinner, then
[1/15/2015 10:10:19 PM] Sey: Adam: -chuckles and gets up, going to get food. Comes back after he's eaten, humming to himself-
[1/15/2015 10:10:47 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -curled up in Adam's bed-
[1/15/2015 10:14:58 PM] Sey: Adam: -blinks and then smiles a little bit. Gets changed into night clothes and sits on the edge of his bed. Gently pokes his arm- Is that really you?
[1/15/2015 10:15:25 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -turns his head- Mm? Oh, must've dozed off.
[1/15/2015 10:16:01 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Are you done, or did you just wake me to check if it was me?
[1/15/2015 10:17:39 PM] Sey: Adam: -gets in bed and curls around Iza, cuddling him- Just checking.
[1/15/2015 10:17:59 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: ...-snuggles against him-
[1/15/2015 10:21:35 PM] Sey: Adam: -pleasantly surprised, relaxing and feeling comfortable- ~ Night night
[1/15/2015 10:21:52 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Thanks.
[1/15/2015 10:22:08 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: For the present.
[1/15/2015 10:24:14 PM] Sey: Adam: Thanks for my present, too.
[1/15/2015 10:25:11 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -smirks- Well I couldn't disappoint you after you restrained yourself like such a good boy, now, could I?
[1/15/2015 10:27:00 PM] Sey: Adam: -grins- I really ******** did too. -yawns- Definitely worth it, though.
[1/15/2015 10:27:58 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -nudges him with a foot- I know; I'd be able to tell if you hadn't. -snickers- Baka. Such a child.
[1/15/2015 10:28:26 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: Merry Christmas, Addi-chii.
[1/15/2015 10:32:41 PM] Sey: Adam: -murmurs softly- Merry Christmas, Iza. -drifting off- I'm glad... to spend it... with you.
[1/15/2015 10:34:36 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: -mutters, still sneering- Baaakaaa....