Skype Log of Adam and Izaya. Comes after the news of Izaya losing his strikes.

Adam: *sighs* That's the first issue.. You can't 'fix' people. It's not possible. And if she had been as close to you as she thought she was, then she should know better than anyone how wrong she went about this. It's way too obvious...

Iza: What do you MEAN it's obvious?!

Adam: *looks at Iza* She got upset cause you broke their trust, right? Did she ask you why?

Iza: Why I broke her trust? She said she didn't care. It's been too many times, though, so I guess I can't really blame her. I just can't get over the fact that this essentially means she's SENTENCING ME TO DEATH.

Adam: But that's the thing, dude. *frowns* I just met you, but I know you don't do s**t without thinking. You just don't. There was a reason there and it was big enough for you to hurt someone. *shrugs gently* She's taking it too personally without stepping back and realizing stuff in context. *runs a hand through his hair*
Adam: So really sentencing you to death is... It's not going to change anything. I think she wants it to, but... Again. She doesn't understand. It won't change anything.

Iza: Whoop-de-do for you. You have me all figured out, don't you? *clearly not happy about it*
Iza: She's probably just re-living that time with the other guy who betrayed her trust.

Adam: *smiles* Yeah, I do. *just saying it to piss him off. Quiet* You're not that guy. I don't get it, but I guess that's why I don't really get people in general. *shrugs* Normal people, that is. Now weirdos, like you, I seem to understand. *grins*

Iza: Takes one to know one.

Adam: Touche, Koibito~ *stands up* So... Guess this means we gotta get serious about getting you some freedom, huh?

Iza: *flicks his head* Calm your tits. This is about me, not you. Don't worry your pretty little head about it~

Adam: *winces and then blinks* ... Did you... Really just... Tell me to calm... my tits? |: Woah. I hadn't expected that. *rolls his eyes* Dude, you can't keep me from worrying about it OR you. And I already agreed well before to help.

Iza: *smirks, but smirk soon disappears* You can't help. It's in the elite's hands now.
Iza: Just leave it alone.

Adam: *shakes his head* You told me you had two strikes left. This brings you to one, if they decide that what Faleen says requires another strike. So it's not over.

Iza: They decided that what Faleen says is I have no chances left because she thinks I plan to use them as chances to misbehave. So it's all or nothing, now. Don't worry about things you can't change. You're just a grunt.
Iza: It's not like I don't deserve it, anyway.

Adam: ... What a ******** b***h. *seriously unhappy* I can't ******** believe that. I seriously can't ******** believe that.

Iza: *stares at him* Calm down, you. It's not like you're the one in this mess. And I'm not as innocent as I'd like to be.

Adam: *shakes his head* You don't snitch on your own. I don't care if you stabbed her and tried to take her ******** kidney. glares at Iza That's bullshit.

Iza: Well, she -was- assigned to me to keep an eye on me. And I deceived her, so she has every right to report it, don't you think?
Iza: ...Kidney? Where are you getting this from?

Adam: No. *says that solemnly* Even more so that you were her responsibility. She got pissed off cause she couldn't fix you. And she didn't even stop to think about YOU. GOD. Vruffles his own hair and just flops on the bed, clearly annoyedV Why the ******** are people so STUPID IZAYA? SERIOUSLY. Does she think this is gonna change ANYTHING for you? ******** shitball. It won't change a DAMN thing. You could like... GAH. *fumes and stares at the ceiling* She has every right to report it, but that sure as ******** doesn't make it the right thing to do. Nor does it even make it the SMART thing to do. It was vindictive and a tactic to try and get you to conform. I ********, that god forbid you DO get killed, she'll ******** be devastated.

Iza: *stares blankly at Adam, never having had someone on -his- side before* ... I don't think I've actually seen you this angry before. Close, but not quite.

Adam: *looks over at Iza and snorts grumpily* You're lucky. I'm usually pretty pissy. But it's normally at s**t like this or dumb a** computers. Or people being dumb WITH dumb a** computers.

Iza: ...Are you having withdrawals?

Adam: *gives him this what the ******** Izaya look* What?

Iza: Well, you're acting like you're PMSing, fuming about problems that aren't yours and jumping to random topics like computers. It's starting to worry me.

Adam: *shakes his head and just closes his eyes. Takes a breather to calm down and opens his eyes again to look at the ceiling* No... I'm not withdrawing. I mentioned comps cause you said I was not usually this angry. So I told you when I normally get angry. As for not my problem...*quiet, rubbing his face before nibbling on his right thumb. Speaks slowly* I don't... know how to explain it. I don't think I can explain it properly. At least... Not right now... *looks at Iza again* You're my friend. And I KNOW. Don't start your s**t. I know. But it doesn't change what you are to me. *frowns* further more, I really can't stand people who are so weak as to push someone that far into a corner.
Adam: What she's doing... what she's done... She's a moron.
Adam: *smiles bitterly* And that's putting it lightly.

Iza: *regards him for a while in silence* So what does that make you, investing so much time, energy, and emotion in someone you've known for a few weeks? At least Faleen had had three years to build up her attitude toward me, whatever it may be.

Adam: *grins widely* Oh. I never said I wasn't an idiot too. I'm an idiot. But I know what I'm getting into. Faleen saw you as a project. At least... That's what I'm getting. From what you said and her final reaction.

Iza: ...Yes. That's what I thought. *frowns at Adam* That's what I said to that elite. Have you been spying on me?

Adam: No. I've been around people who had the same thought process. Who saw... Who saw someone as a way to redeem themselves. By fixing that person, they could become better. frowns It doesn't work, and if it's been three years, Faleen had a LOT staked in this. Failure isn't an option for her, Koibito. She's just shoving you as far into a corner as she can so she can grab you by the balls and make you jump when she says jump.

Iza: What people were these, now? Not your foster parents?

Adam: *thinking* If you let me help you, I'll tell you.

Iza: *frowns at him* Why you little - how do you think you can help, anyway?

Adam: No clue, not yet at least, but two heads are better than one. We can figure something up.

Iza: *shakes his head* You certainly are a strange one, Addi-chii.

Adam: *grins wickedly* Take ones to know one~ *smile tempers and then becomes somber* I like you dude. You're fun and enjoyable to be around. I kinda thought my life as a rocket would suck big time. A bunch of shitty people who tried to be edgy or hardcore or whatever.. and honestly out of the ones I've met I really like you the most. You're a blast and you make... this decision to be a rocket... Really worthwhile.

Iza: *Sticks out his tongue and goes back to typing on his computer, not looking at Adam as he listens* ...I was wrong. You're not strange. You're insane.

Adam: *gets up and sits behind Iza on his bed, getting comfortable, but making no motion to watch what he is typing or spy on him. Just relaxing there* Maybe... Probably. Here I am constantly bugging some guy who has made it abundantly clear he couldn't care less about me. But that hasn't changed anything. Either I'm insane or very oblivious. Either way... It doesn't change how I feel. Or why I feel it.

Iza: *glances at Adam out the corner of his eye* Do you even know what that feeling is? Sure it isn't just a joy of pestering me?

Adam: *hums very softly, giving himself a few moments to think before he responds* Nah.. It's fun to pester you. But you pester me too. It's more than that.

Iza: Oh, good. I'm glad you're not so insane that I can't annoy you~ *smirks as he types*

Adam: *only smiles and lays down on the bed beside him, eyes closed* So... can I help you then~?

Iza: *turns his head to look at him, still typing without looking at his monitor* As it turns out, there's nothing to help with. I've been told I'm 'not on thin ice anymore, but treading water'. I guess that means they're not going to drown me just yet.

Adam: *gasps in surprise, eyes opening sharply and looking at Iza. Looks genuinely relieved and happy* Seriously? Thank god! That's good... I mean, you're still in deep s**t, but... It's not over yet. *rubs his face, thinking* What do you have to do to get in their good graces again?

Iza: *blinks twice* You're really happy about this, aren't you?

Adam: It's not like I want you dead. ;

Iza: Well maybe not, which is odd enough, but you seem more pleased than I am. *cocks his head* Ne~ Will you tell me, now? About what people you've been around who saw someone as a way to redeem themselves?

Adam: ... I will on one condition.

Iza: *frowns* What?

Adam: If a chance arises and you need help, you let me help.

Iza: *grits his teeth and sighs* What 'chance'? Like if I fall down and you help me up?

Adam: I guess so. Or you need someone to talk to or you want to vent.
Adam: Maybe I'm not making sense. *murmurs that, playing with his lip ring with his tongue*

Iza: *giggles* Need someone to talk to? Thanks, Addi-chii, but I'm not exactly the shy type. *pats him*

Adam: -amused- Bad choice of words. -shakes his head and stretches- Everyone... Everyone saw me as a way to redeem themselves. Counselor a wanted to prove they were good at their jobs. Teachers wanted to be lauded as the one who could tame the bad kid. Friends... They wanted to either fix me or they wanted to have me there to make themselves feel or look better. My foster parents.... -smile becomes pained. Whispers- Rather not talk about them right now...
Adam: -blows out roughly- All of then wanted to fix me.

Iza: *raises a brow* Were you so sure they weren't actually trying to help?
Iza: ...*watches him*

Adam: -looks at Iza- How do you know that Faleen wasn't trying to help you?

Iza: I'm pretty sure she was.
Iza: I just don't think I need help.

Adam: -nods and hums- see? That's it. -sighs- they never stopped to see what I wanted. Just like Faleen didn't stop to see how you felt about all of this. -shrugs- she had an agenda. A mission.
Adam: They'd become mad when I didn't change. Sometimes fight with me... Sometimes they'd just drop me and leave. It depended on the person. But it was always because I wouldn't be what they wanted me to be. And they'd take it personally.

Iza: I see. So you never thought to just play along until you were free to go about your own way?

Adam: I did, but it made it worse in some cases. But like with counselors I perfected the art of acting like I was different completely.

Iza: *chuckles* And what? They didn't buy it?

Adam: -grins- They bought it. I'm a damn good actor when I decide to be.

Iza: So how did it make things worse?

Adam: Before I did selective faking, I faked for everyone but it made it harder. Once I learned who I needed to fake it for stuff became a little easier.

Iza: But it was difficult for you, even if everyone else was buying it, mm?

Adam: -nods- but you do what you gotta do to survive. -shrugs weakly-

Iza: *sneers* True~ But you're on your own now, right? Why go right back under someone's thumb by joining Team Rocket?

Adam: -winks- Secrets~

Iza: Fair. *smiles and goes back to his typing* And it keeps things interesting.

Adam: -grins- don't it? Hey... When you told me you learned parkour out of necessity before.. What happened? Did you have a rough childhood or something!

Iza: *snickers* Not really~ It started in high school when I met Shizu-chan. I made a playmate out of him and he used to chase me, so I had to learn parkour to get away from him fast enough. Of course, then that neanderthal taught -himself- parkour to chase -me-.

Adam: -laughs at that- Sounds like you had fun. How did you get into info brokering then?

Iza: Well after high school, Shizu-chan's attention made me keep a low profile. And I already had s good deal of connections from middle and high school, so I watched people and learned things. *grins* Then I sold that information and traded it for more. And, in that way, pretty much made money from almost nothing except doing my favorite hobby~

Adam: -shakes his head, smiling in amazement- you're something else. That's cool, though. Earning money from your hobby. I did that for a little bit, but mine wasn't as lucrative.

Iza: What was yours, then?

Adam: I made techno tracks for clubs.

Iza: Oh? *chuckles* You like music, then?

Adam: -grins- yeah. I love music. I used to be in a club of a bunch of guys who would put on concerts and stuff for the school. It was super fun. -quiet- I almost tried to get into the business but I just... Couldn't do it.
Adam: Oh, is Shizu-chan another evil ex?

Iza: -casts him a dangerous look- Not even close.
Iza: -goes back to typing- Hm. Music club, then?

Adam: Ohh? Someone you hate? And yeah. It was unofficial. But fun while it lasted.

Iza: More like some 'thing'. Can we change the subject, please~?

Adam: All right all right. No more talk about that. -smiles- We should celebrate the fact you're not going to be killed!

Iza: -dull voice- By what? Going to do something that -will- get me killed?

Adam: -shakes his head- we could get a cake and some tea? Maybe watch a movie or I could finally get you to drink!

Iza: -closes his laptop with an incredulous face, accepting the fact he's not going to get any work done- I feel like we've already had this conversation before. Are you practicing on me to ask some girl out on a date?

Adam: -blinks, looks slightly confused- Why would I ask some girl on a date?

Iza: ... -stares at him- Do you not swing that way?

Adam: -frowns a little- Didn't we have that discussion?

Iza: ... -sighs- All I remember is you're a virgin.

Adam: Oh? Huh. -chuckles a little- is that gonna be an issue?

Iza: No, but the -rest- might. Just so I can sleep well at night, what was it?

Adam: What was what?
Adam: I'm not being an a** -holds his hands up in a sign of surrender- I don't follow what you're asking.

Iza: The discussion we supposedly had. What was it about?

Adam: Oh! Just that I was a virgin. Apparently we didn't discuss sexuality then too. I thought we had.

Iza: If we had, I might have tuned you out. I remember you being exposed to porn painfully clearly, though.

Adam: -amused- I'm glad I left a mark on you. -yawns- but yeah... I don't swing that way.

Iza: -just stares- Did you mean that the way I think you did?
Iza: WHICH way? You've been beating around the bush so much, I don't know what way is what, now!

Adam: -laughs now, becoming amused- No! I'm not. I'm not attracted to girls.

Iza: ...So you're gay, then?

Adam: Yeah. That's what I meant when I asked if it was gonna be an issue. I mean, is it?

Iza: -snorts- Not any more than it already is.

Adam: -grins broadly- good. It'd suck to have to punch you. Come on -climbs out if bed- let's go celebrate!

Iza: ...Punch me? How would that solve anything?

Adam: I don't know. But it seems like the right reaction.

Iza: ...............Rather violent, aren't we?

Adam: Says the dude that has thrown a knife at me and threatened me with one? -bemused-

Iza: Not without reason. Or because 'it seemed like the right reaction'. It's more self-defense.

Adam: -sighs- Honestly I probably wouldn't have. I guess it would just depend on how you said it was an issue. Cause if it was an issue that'd be seriously shitty.

Iza: You're telling me. smirks But I can handle myself~ Besides, I don't think you'd have the guts to come over and grope me at night.

Adam: -sticks his tongue out- unlike you I'm not a coward. But I am a decent human... So I wouldn't do that. Mutual intentional gropings only. -heads to the door- We going?

Iza: -pouts- Now, that's just not nice. Who said I was a coward? -registers the rest of his sentence- Now your talk is starting to scare me. -sighs and follows- Where are we going?

Adam: You did yourself. -laughs and leaves- how about... Cake, tea, and then head back to the room to watch a movie? We should get our pokemon a treat too.

Iza: -grumbles- Do what you want. Mine never listen to me, so I don't know why they deserve anything.

Adam: If you were nicer they would listen! Maybe giving them a treat will motivate them to be better?

Iza: Faleen isn't nice to hers and -they- listen. -Frowns- Fine. I'll get one just to show you.

Adam: I'm starting to like Faleen even less. -shakes his head-

Iza: -snickers-
Iza: If I get -you- a treat, will -you- behave better?

Adam: -laughs- depends on the treat~ and I'm well behaved!

Iza: I can't say I agree.

Adam: Alas, to be imperfect is my lot in life!

Iza: -shakes head, smiling- Baka.