Time line will come eventually, but this is definitely before the Christmas rp between them. Jokes turn to a serious conversation

I was trying to think of what type of gram to send to you, like color wise and then adam muse was like
no adam. no.
[2:38:00 PM] Kitomyx: ROFL
[2:38:30 PM | Edited 2:38:41 PM] Kitomyx: Iza says does that mean you've finally given up on being my friend
[2:39:29 PM] Sey: Adam: What? No. d**k plushies are things friends give to each other. :C
[2:40:10 PM] Kitomyx: LOL
[2:40:18 PM] Kitomyx: Iza says on what planet
[2:40:33 PM] Kitomyx: ...
[2:40:41 PM] Sey: Adam: -cuddles around Iza and nuzzles- - u- My planet
[2:40:53 PM] Kitomyx: Iza says it must be a perverted planet indeed
[2:41:03 PM] Sey: XD what as the
[2:41:04 PM] Sey: ...
[2:41:05 PM] Sey: for?
[2:41:32 PM] Kitomyx: LOL I/he was thinking
[2:42:00 PM | Edited 2:42:15 PM] Kitomyx: Iza says it must be because d**k plushies are cheaper than dildos
[2:42:21 PM] Kitomyx: ...
[2:42:23 PM] Kitomyx: I
[2:42:28 PM] Kitomyx: want him to shut up
[2:42:33 PM] Kitomyx: I have no idea where that came from.

Adam: ... Dude how do you know about d**k plushies and dildos? -laughs- I think you're more perverted than you let on

Iza: ...Do you remember how much older I am than you? And just because I know about them doesn't mean I think about them all the time. Or sending them to people. gives him a pointed look

Adam: You're older than me? -seems slightly puzzled and surprised-

Iza: ......I thought we'd established this ages ago.
Iza: No pun intended.

Adam: Nah, I don't think we talked about ages, actually.

Iza: Hm. Perhaps I thought it came up when you were talking about foster homes and tattoos and piercings and siblings.

Adam: -thinking- Not that I remember... I mean I figured you were a little older, but not a lot older than me. Maybe a year or two, three tops.

Iza: All you need to know is that you're 17 and I'm forever 21.

Adam: You're a clothing store?

Iza: smiles politely Yes, Adam. I am a clothing store.

Adam: ; -sighs- Take a joke, dude. How old are you?

Iza: 21, Addi-chii~ I just told you. Pay attention, please.
Iza: That's still more than one or two years, you know.

Adam: Mmm... True. -amused by that- Then when is your birthday?

Iza: I charge people for this information, you realize, don't you?

Adam: But we're friends. Plus what use would money have for you in here?

Iza: No, we are NOT friends, and that's all the more reason to not tell you because you're starting to sound like a stalker. -_- Regarding what I charge people, you're right. Money's not much use to me in here. But I didn't say I'd ask for money as payment. There are other things - favors, secrets, more information, etc.

Adam: -rolls his eyes at the stalker bit- Uh-huh. I'm a stalker~~ Come off it dude. -thinks- Ah, I guess that's right. Okay.. Favor or information? What do you want?
Adam: Birthday for birthday?

Iza: You could be. razz And no. I already know yours. Internet.
Iza: How about you're not allowed to drink from now until New Years?

Adam: -thinking about that seriously- How about... only one beer every three days?

Iza: No, because it takes at least three days for the smell of alcohol to fade from the room.

Adam: Are like part blood hound? How can you smell ONE beer for three days? o_O

Iza: Because you reek of it! It's on your clothes, in your hair, and on your breath. Probably comes from bars you hang out at, too!

Adam: -huffs, closing his eyes. Arms crossed over his chest as he squirms- hrrrmg..... Well... Okay. -opens his eyes and grins- I won't drink until New Years if you tell me your birthdate AND you let me sleep In your bed with you for Christmas~~

Iza: -eyes widen- What?! Why? If you're so desperately needing someone to molest, can't you cuddle your stupid pokemon instead?

Adam: A-ah!? -blushing- WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT MOLESTING. I'm not gonna do that you weirdo! Jeeze.

Iza: -raises a brow at him- It doesn't always refer to the sexual kind, baka. It can just mean to pester or harass someone. In this case, me. So if you're in my bed and touching me, that would count.

Adam: But if you told me it's okay then is it still harassing you? -raises an eyebrow-
Adam: And its not like I'm blackmailing you into it. We're striking a deal here.

Iza: If you sleep in my bed and promise not to touch me, then that would be fine.

Adam: How can I sleep in your bed and NOT touch you? -frowns- Cuddling is nessecary for proper sleepytimes!

Iza: Where are you getting this from?! Do you often sleep with others in their beds?

Adam: No. But when I do snuggling happens.

Iza: -sighs- Not happening. I think we were close enough for more than enough time the first day we met.

Adam: Eh, but it was nice. :c

Iza: It was NICE? Being paralyzed and on the ground stuck together was nice?

Adam: Well the paralyzed part no, but being stuck to you wasn't bad.

Iza: You seemed kind of annoyed at me.

Adam: -bemused- Well I mean I was on the bottom of a dude paralyzed. I had just met you. But in retrospect it wasn't that bad.

Iza: -rolls eyes- Sometimes I don't know what to make of you.

Adam: Oh? How so?

Iza: Why do you like cuddling so much?

Adam: Dunno... Always felt nice to just snuggle and cuddle with people.

Iza: And you do that often?

Adam: Hmm? Not too often. I have to be comfortable enough with the person and the person has to be willing.

Iza: Why does it have to be a person? A pokemon or stuffed animal or pilllow won't do?

Adam: Well... I guess a pokemon would do. Pillows suck. People are the best.

Iza: But -why-?

Adam: Because they're living, breathing, human beings... They want to be close to me to, and in my life that hasn't been a lot. That and I want to be close to someone. That also doesn't happen a lot. Plus people are.. people. They're warm and you can talk to them and they're just better for cuddles.

Iza: Definitely sounds like you need to find yourself a girlfriend. Or boyfriend in your case, I suppose~

Adam: - 3- Nah I got Koibito

Iza: That better not mean me~

Adam: -grins- You know it does
Adam: I don't mean as a boyfriend. I just meant in general. As my friend. -shrugs-

Iza: Then don't -call- me that, because that's reserved for lovers. And also, we're not even friends in general.
Iza: The most we are is teammates and roommates.

Adam: Ah, but it's a cute name. I like it a lot. Plus you called me it first.

Iza: I didn't mean it and you know it!

Adam: -laughs- Who says I mean the meaning behind it either?

Iza: I didn't say you did, but I mean - you don't seem to be being sarcastic, either.
Iza: -shakes head- Nevermind.

Adam: I'm not fully sarcastic, no. I think the sentiment is kinda cute and sweet. It doesn't mean you and I are lovers by any stretch of the means. But I kinda like having a unique name to call you. Plus it ruffles your feathers and that makes it even better. -grins wickedly-

Iza: -goes up to and shoves- -_-

Adam: -laughs and stumbles. Grabs onto Iza's hands and spins in a circle-

Iza: Ack - what are you - !

Adam: -draws him closer, moving still in that circular pattern. Grins- Dancing! Can't you tell?

Iza: -gives him a deadpan stare- Are you drunk?

Adam: I can't have fun without being boozed?

Iza: Not with me, you can't. -yanks his hands away-
Iza: Why don't you go into town and find some club or something? I need to work.

Adam: So if I was drunk you'd let me....? -blinks and sighs- Come on, you've been working a lot already.

Iza: Of course not. If you were drunk, I'd kick you out without a second thought.
Iza: You're acting like a wife who complains that her husband works too much! What do you want from me, anyway?
Iza: And don't say cuddling, or I'll sic Kid on you.

Adam: -snorts- Cruel cruel cruel! -shrugs- I just want to play with you and have fun. Is that so weird? -gently pokes Iza's nose- You're just not used to having a friend.

Iza: -Yes-, because that's what -I- do with people, not the other way around! -flicks Adam's forehead in retaliation- I don't -need- friends!

Adam: -winces and rubs his forehead- Just cause you don't need 'em doesn't mean you can't make 'em. -bemused- I see... So you're finally getting a taste of your own medicine and hate it, huh? Is that why you get angry at me? Cause I act and play too much like you?

Iza: I don't want them. They're a detriment to my performance as an info broker and a Rocket. -glares at Adam- People like me don't usually get along with those similar to them because we know how each other works. And people like me don't generally like to be seen through. Our modus operandi depends on being unpredictable and unreadable. That's one reason I joined up with Team Rocket in the first place - too many people in Camphoreon already knew me too well and how I worked.

Adam: I see.... Well you've got two things wrong. -holds up one finger- First off, I don't intend to be a detriment to your performance as an info broker OR a Rocket. As a matter of fact, if you recall, I even offered to help you anyway I could. -holds up his second finger- That's boring as s**t and lame as ********, and you totally know it. Modus Operandi my a**. Wouldn't you just take that to be a bigger challenge? You said you joined the rockets to learn more about it and to expand your work, which makes sense. Not to run from people who knew you too well. -puts his fingers down- You're still pretty unpredictable and unreadable. I'm not even a threat. Maybe that's it? Cause I'm not a threat. I should see you as threatening or dangerous to me since we're similar, but instead I'm trying to be your friend.. -murmurs the last part, starting to nibble on his right thumb- It's confusing.... I wonder. Have you ever had a friend? Like an honest friend. -looks back at Iza-

Iza: ... -stares at for a bit with a straight line for a mouth- ...Of course you don't intend to be a detriment, but that doesn't mean you aren't. You want to help? Just go about your business and treat me the same as any other Rocket. -crosses his arms across his chest- Yes, those are other reasons I joined, but not the only ones. And I didn't say I was running from people. Sure, the extra security and option to lay low is nice, but it's annoying when people know you so well that they can guess that you're up to something no matter how hard you attempt to distance yourself from it. Not as much fun, either.
Iza: And another thing. You -are- a threat and dangerous to me. Why do you think I'm so wary of you? Friends are dangerous. As someone who turned friends on other friends to see what they would do, I would know.

Adam: Are you a believer in karma then? That someone would magically turn me on you? Abruptly I'll be the enemy? How out of ******** character would THAT be dude? Come on. That's such a lame a** fear. -frowns- I've never stopped you from plotting or scheming. I don't intend to. And since you told me you've been locked in the rocket HQ I've been offering to help you figure an escape plan. -sighs- Not that it matters much now since we're on such a tight leash. -chuckles a little- It's weird you think I'd turn on you. How many times have you tricked me now? You've attacked me with Kid. Threatened me with a knife twice? Tackled me more than one... Almost knocked me out from a wrestling move. Had me almost mauled by a pokemon. -groans- Jesus, yeah you've been a right s**t. -stares at him pointedly- but that doesn't change anything for me. Maybe it's cause I see something in you that intrigues me. You're fun, and unique. You're a blast to talk with and when you finally relax it's nice. -shakes his head- You think with the good I see and the bad you've done already that somehow I'm just gonna decide to turn on you? -frowns deeper- YOU of all people should know that's bs.

Iza: -waves a hand dismissively- It doesn't take magic. It just takes the right words. An implication. A seed of doubt. It's a lot easier than an innocent-minded teenager like you would think. In fact, you and your peers are the sort I had the most fun with before joining.

-looks at the ceiling- Remember Jerry-kun? We were, for all intents and purposes, 'friends' too. All it took was something dredged up from the past to make him upset and flip his view of me. And you've met him; you know he's not the sort to take things lightly. He's generally very patient, but I seem to have a knack for pushing people too far. Just to see how far that is.

-slaps his palm down on a table- There IS no 'good' or bad'. There's only life and death. You want to live? Stay the hell away from me. -pushes past him to leave the room-

Adam: -smiles mirthlessly- I'm a Rocket. Who says I want to keep living?
Adam: -turns around and waves at him, flopping out on his own bed- So funny... I can't believe you think I'm "innocent". Hah.

Iza: -stops and turns- No? Have you seen someone die?

Adam: -lying on his tummy, head sideways on his pillow staring off to Izaya's bed- Does myself count?

Iza: I don't mean metaphorically, idiot. -mouth twitches- What are you going on about?

Adam: Sometimes a metaphorical death is worse. -closes his eyes and sighs- Tell me your birthday and I'll tell you the information.

Iza: -hisses through his teeth- I should have known that you forgetting would have been too much to hope for.

Adam: -giggles- Oops. Sorry.

Iza: No you're not. -takes a pillow from his own bed and throws it at him before sitting down on the edge of it-

Adam: -laughs harder at the throw. Grabs it and hugs it, rolling on his side to see him better- Yeah, sorry. That was a lie. I'm not.

Iza: -levels him with a blank stare- It's May 4th. Your turn.

Adam: -quiet, and the nods- Thanks. I was in a club shooting before. Some stranger died. -quiet for a moment- I was raised in a foster family. Most of the kids were the ones that were hard to handle or just were undesirable. A good portion had terminal diseases. I was never in the room, but yeah. I've experienced loss of someone close and true death.

Iza: Hold on, hold on. Are any of those sentences you just said connected?
Iza: Are you talking about most of the kids in your foster family? That they were hard to handle or undesirable?

Adam: Yeah. I mean there were good kids, but they had problems. Terminal diseases, hard to handle illness, stuff like that. Kids that most likely wouldn't be adopted. Then there were a few like me who had been bounced around so often that we ended there as a sort of 'final straw' method.

Iza: ...By 'foster family' you mean the foster system, right? Not the family you were adopted by? -tilts head- What method was that?

Adam: Hmm? No I mean the family I was in had a lot of those types of kids. -shakes his head- Not all foster families are the same. There are some that end like that because kids with more needs get more money and services. I'm not saying they're bad people. The money barely covers the costs that each kid needs. They tend to be amazing families.
Adam: You gotta be to take care of someone you know will die in your home.

Iza: -face is expressionless, processing the information- So what about the club shooting?

Adam: Two rival gangs were in the club. Just a couple guys boozing and dancing. They caught sight of each other. One side decided it was a good time. They left and when they came back, they opened fire on them. It was chaos. I hid under a table. I watched one of the dudes get shot. -chuckles weakly- It scared the s**t out of me.

Iza: Ah, gangs. Always resorting to violence.
Iza: So imagine if you were the target rather than a bystander. Why did you join Team Rocket with a chance of that?

Adam: -thinking about answering that. Chuckles and shakes his head- I'm sorry... I'm not up to telling you that right now

Iza: -blows a rasberry at him-

Adam: -smiles and blows one back at him-

Iza: So you're suicidal, then.

Adam: -shakes his head- No. I'm not.

Iza: Well, that much is a relief.

Adam: Oooh? Would you care if I wound up dead~? -teasing him-

Iza: -sticks out his tongue- More like I'm glad to know I can still threaten to kill you~

Adam: -laughs at that and throws the pillow back at Iza. Sits up on his bed- So... I'm not as innocent as you think.

Iza: No, you're even more so~

Adam: Ehh? How so?

Iza: You still go to clubs despite that shooting and you still joined this organization while knowing there's a large possibility you could die. That just goes along with the concept teens your age have that they're invincible.

Adam: Heh, maybe.. I have my own reasons too, y'know. Maybe not being invincible. -shakes his head- You hungry?

Iza: Still, you've never been responsible for a person's death, have you? -raises a brow- Maybe a little.

Adam: Wanna grab a snack then? -thinking- No. Not that I know of.

Iza: Sure, why not? -gets up to go-

Adam: -stands up, thinking about how not long ago Iza was going to storm out of here in a huff, but now is fine getting something to eat with him- Mm, where to? The café or the cafeteria?

Iza: So many choices. However shall I pick? -shakes his head- You lead the way.

Adam: -amused by that- Café it is! I'm starting to like tea now. It's not half bad, you know?

Iza: Mmm. Too bad it's not good enough you'd give up alcohol for it~

Adam: Hey! I've been doing pretty good, dude. Give me a LITTLE merit.

Iza: I will when you give it up entirely~

Adam: Such a stickler. -sighs- Eyyyyy hey. -smirks- Would you give me a kiss if I quit entirely? -teasing him-

Iza: -smirks- Maybe. But you'd have to take out those stupid lip rings first; I wouldn't want to get caught on them.

Adam: Hmm... -nods- Fair enough!

Iza: -chuckles lightly-