Analise looked around herself. The giant pillars were ones she had grown with and still, they looked just as large as they had when she was younger. She fell to her knees in front of her father, King Adrian of Brownings. He was a ruthless leader, bordering on tyrannical and disastrous. On either side of her stood guards, their faces forlorn with the events that were starting to take place. Her mother sat by her father's side, gaze averted to the side. She refused to look at her daughter after what she had done. Tears stained her mother's face and if she didn't have to sit by her husband and abide by the law, she was sure to have excused herself. Still, she remained loyal to her husband, despite the amount of wrong doings.

"Analise, for treason of the highest, you are now stripped of your title. You are not Princess of Brownings, but simply Analise, peasant. You are exiled from the kingdom and must leave the town by nightfall tomorrow. No one will help you. You will have no aid. Any villagers that aid you will be thrown in jail and are to serve our a sentence there. Now get out of my sight." The king spat at his daughter. He waved his hand in dismissal and before she knew it, she was thrown from the doors of the kingdom. Shock coursed through her body as she sat on the steps. Her cloak was dirty from her earlier activities. Luckily it hid her great sword. What was she going to do now?

She stood then and started down the steps and pulled her hood up to cover her face. The last thing she needed was to be recognized by the village people. She had come so close. So close and now she was forced far away. It was then she resolved to kill the king. She would end his life once and for all. For now she would have to head to the next town. Before getting too far, the woman went around the castle to the stables. The hands there bowed to her and she just waved her hand to dismiss them. Obviously word hadn't traveled to terribly fast if they had so willingly stepped away. She went to her horse, a beautiful brown Shire. She mounted him and took off, her robe billowing behind her. If she had to leave, she was taking her horse.

Analise wasn't sure how far she had traveled, she did know that she was lost. Hopelessly lost. She had followed a road that she has gotten from a stranger just outside of town and she must have went down the wrong path. The road had long since vanished and she hadn't seen another being in what seemed like miles. She sighed, pushing her dirty blonde hair from her face. Green eyes scanned the trees, fearful of bandits and thieves. Why had she been so stupid as to travel alone?

(( I hope this is okay! I'm terrible with introductory posts xD))

Dat Herbal Remedy