((Will properly format this when I have the time...))

[2/4/2015 10:34:03 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -texts Adam one day to ask if he can meet him in the afternoon at a certain ice cream parlor-
[2/4/2015 10:38:03 PM] Sey: Adam: -responded positively, and now on his way to the icecream parlor. Stretches a bit, wearing a pair of jeans and a tshirt with a light coat, nothing too fancy or too wild. Has Manny out, floating beside him-
[2/4/2015 10:48:07 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -stands outside the parlor with Happa by his side wearing some khakis and a polo shirt under a coat- Adam! Hello! -beams at the sight of the Gastly- I remember you. How's it going?
[2/4/2015 10:54:56 PM] Sey: Adam: Hey! -waves, grinning brightly-
Manny: -hides a behind Adam and peeks at Akira. Stares at him- Ghaaastly?
Adam: This is Akira! I told you about him, remember? Plus we met when we fought Kanra.
Manny: ... Ly! -perks up and floats more away from his trainer, bobbing gently in the air merrily-
[2/4/2015 10:59:36 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -laughs- Hello, Manny. Sorry we didn't get to meet properly before. -bows at the waist- Oh! And this is Happa. Happa, you remember Manny, right?
Happa: -barks a happy greeting, sitting near Akira's heels-
Akira: Is everyone in the mood for some ice cream floats? -smiles and opens the door to the parlor-
[2/4/2015 11:01:38 PM | Edited 11:01:46 PM] Sey: Adam: Sounds delicious. I'm buying, though. -steps inside, Manny following behind him-
Manny: H-hello. -nods to Happa-
[2/4/2015 11:05:45 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: What? But I picked the place! How about next time you can?
Happa: -trots after Adam in amusement before beaming at Manny- Hi! Sorry I wasn't much help, before. It was freezing! Us Grass-types don't do so well in the cold.
[2/4/2015 11:11:57 PM] Sey: Adam: -chuckles- I guess that's fair enough. -looking around at the seating- Booth?
Manny: Oh no! U-Uhm I wasn't much help anyway... Ghost and dark type and all... It's nice to talk to you properly.
[2/4/2015 11:13:56 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -looks relieved- Oh, sure! How about we pick what we want first, though? -points to the display at the front- All the ice creams are over here.
Happa: Of course you were! Without your Mean Look, that fiend would have gotten away. Nice to talk to you, too! I figured it was only a matter of time, since my trainer seems to really get along with yours.
[2/4/2015 11:28:59 PM] Sey: Adam: Sure. -grins and moves closer to see the types. Hums- Have you been here before? What flavors are good?

Manny: -flushes and how that's possible fore a ghost is your guess- AH yeah they... Seem to enjoy each other. Adam has only been this friendly with his roommate.
[2/4/2015 11:33:31 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: On occasion. -smiles- It may be kind of weird, but I actually pick the ice cream and soda based on what color they might make together rather than how they might taste. So maybe I'm not the best person to ask about that. Do you have a favorite ice cream flavor?

Happa: -finds Manny's blush to be cute- Really? He seems pretty outgoing. Akira tries, but in the end he prefers to keep to himself. Adam is one of the few people he seems to enjoy spending time with. Akira's roommate is interesting too, but he's usually working.
[2/4/2015 11:37:57 PM] Sey: Adam: -thinking about what flavor- what color they'd make together, huh? I bet you get some weird flavors that way -laughs- peach... And vanilla. Oh and I like choco mint. -thinking- but ******** it, Id try anything once.
[2/4/2015 11:39:57 PM] Sey: Manny: He's very friendly! But usually it's not... Hmm.. Well it's not ingenious, but but... Not genuine either. -shakes his body- What is Akiras roommate like?
[2/4/2015 11:42:38 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -chuckles- Yes. Some taste less pleasant than others. Have you heard of Jones Cane Soda? They have all sorts of soda flavors and colors. They're my favorite sort to use for ice cream floats. -points to a cooler on the wall with the bottles of soda- Hmm...I wonder what might go well with those...
[2/4/2015 11:45:29 PM] Sey: Adam: Maybe.... Did they make the green apple soda? -thinking and then perks- I've got an idea! Let's make our favorite color and see if the mix turns out good or bad. -grins-
[2/4/2015 11:46:23 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -blinks and stares at Adam with a peculiar look- How did you...know?
[2/4/2015 11:46:48 PM] Sey: Adam: -blinks- .... Know...?
[2/4/2015 11:47:10 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: ...About the green apple soda. -goes to get one of the bottles of it-
[2/4/2015 11:49:31 PM] Sey: Adam: A friend in my Highschool was kinda... Hipster? He always raved about off the wall s**t. He talked big about green apple and I remember trying it... But uhm I didn't really recall the brewer until you asked about Jones and it sorta clicked.
[2/4/2015 11:51:19 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: O-oh. That's funny. -grabs a bubble gum blue soda as well- I, uh...actually went a little crazy once and tried making all the combinations of my favorite color that I could. It was an interesting experiment.
[2/5/2015 12:05:31 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: I learned about them from a high school friend, too. -laughs lightly- What's your favorite color, then?
[2/5/2015 12:07:04 AM | Edited 12:07:23 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: Really? It sounds like maybe he's kind of...distant? -tries to think about what Manny means- Akira's roommate? Well he jokes a lot, but he works really hard and doesn't have a lot of freetime. I don't know that much about him, but his name's Nate. I think he just has one pokemon.
[2/5/2015 12:18:47 AM] Sey: Adam: Oh! -chuckles a little, had worried that Akira was upset- Oh I love neon colors and black. Uhmmm but I think Yellow or pink would be cool. -looking at the sodas, seeing the love potion one. Laughs- Do you think it'd work~? -points it out-
[2/5/2015 12:19:57 AM] Sey: Manny: Distant yeah!! -listens to the explanation- Nate.... Huh. -happy ghost- Adams roommate is named Nakura. He's kinda weird... But I think he likes Adam.
[2/5/2015 12:26:15 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -turns to look- E-eh?! I've never seen that one before! -goes to get it- Oh...it's for Valentine's Day... -puts them on the counter - Heh...I guess there's only one way to find out, hm?
[2/5/2015 12:29:57 AM] Sey: Adam: -grins at it and laughs- I guess so. Ahhh but if it does will you be disappointed? That's strong magic, after all. -teasing him-
[2/5/2015 12:31:39 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: It's good for roommates to like roommates. Otherwise they'd be living together with someone they didn't like, right? -tilts head- Or did you mean more than just friends like?
[2/5/2015 12:32:16 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -chuckles- Why would I be disappointed?
[2/5/2015 12:34:26 AM] Sey: Manny: I think as friends.... I don't know if Nakura can even make those feelings. -laughs-

Adam: -cheeks tint as he chuckles softly- JEESH... Guess I walked into that one.
[2/5/2015 12:37:24 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: -laughs too- Oh, one of /those/ humans. Well at least they get along, then.

Akira: -smiles perplexedly- You didn't mean to? But really, how could I be disappointed?
[2/5/2015 12:42:46 AM] Sey: Adam: No no, I meant it I just thought you uh... Wouldn't have answered like that. -bemused- guess I'm not making a lot of sense, huh?
[2/5/2015 12:43:20 AM] Sey: Manny: Are there manny like that! -surprised- Humans are very weird...
[2/5/2015 12:47:34 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -laughs and goes up to him- Well then...how would you have expected me to answer?

Happa: -nods in agreement- Lucky /we're/ not like that. -sighs happily-
[2/5/2015 12:48:38 AM | Edited 12:49:07 AM] Sey: Adam: -thinking- Maybe get weirded out, or blush and flail and tell me you weren't interested, or get nervous and put it back... Or blush and keep it. -nods-
[2/5/2015 12:49:54 AM] Sey: Manny: Seriously... Oh! Adam told me that you have a girlfriend... Is that true?
[2/5/2015 12:53:51 AM] Kitomyx: Akira; -laughs and puts a hand to his head- Do I really seem that easily flustered? Maybe I'm just getting more used to the nature of your flirting so it doesn't freak me out as much.

Happa: Wha!? -fur stands up- N-not exactly, I mean...she's really nice, b-but I don't know if I'd call her that... W-what about you? I thought I heard you liked someone, too!
[2/5/2015 12:57:02 AM] Sey: Adam: -tsks and sighs- Darn... Guess I gotta up my game to get more blushes. -chuckles- mmm, do we make the floats our selves? Or do they do that?

Manny: S-sorry!!! -shrinks back- uhm... I do... -looks down, muttering- I was wonder how you... Impressed... Yours......
[2/5/2015 1:01:32 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: Now that I know you blush almost as easily, you better be on your guard, too. -taps Adam's nose lightly- Yes, we make the floats outselves. But you still have to pick an ice cream flavor, first.
[2/5/2015 1:03:25 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: Oh. -blinks at- Uh...well I...I'm still not really sure why she likes me back, but...I asked her about poffins, because as a wild pokemon, I'd never had some. And she told me about her favorites, so I got Akira to buy them. Then we gave them to her. Oh, and I got some of my friends in the park to help me gather flowers to make a bed of them for her like a picnic blanket.
[2/5/2015 1:07:27 AM] Sey: Manny: that's really sweet! -making mental notes of these things- You sound close to her... That must be nice.

Adam: It's a battle if the blushes, huh? -smiles at the tap- Mmm.. Okay what do you think would be good? I think maybe a strawberry or a banana or a vanilla...
[2/5/2015 1:11:34 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: N-not that close. We're still just kind of getting to know each other. We don't see each other much. -smiles at Manny- At least you probably get to see the one you like more often, right? Since you share a room?

Akira: Hmm...banana might be good with these. I'll get strawberry too, so you can try that also. And strawberry is good with blue soda, since it makes a nice purple. -pays for their order-
[2/5/2015 1:14:20 AM] Sey: Manny: -cheeks warm up again- Oh uhm... Uh... Sometimes. Her trainer doesn't let her out too often and I don't know if she even likes me but she's quite and nice... -nods-
[2/5/2015 1:15:09 AM] Sey: Adam: This is exciting. Like experimentation and s**t. -grins- I'm definitely gonna eat you up~
[2/5/2015 1:18:49 AM | Edited 1:19:00 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: Did you tell her you like her? That's important, especially if you don't get to see her much.

Akira: -brows rise before he covers his face with a hand to try to hide the ruddiness of his face- D-don't say things like that in public! What do you even mean by that, anyway? -brings their soda and ice cream over to the table and booth-
[2/5/2015 1:21:21 AM] Sey: Manny: No... See... -tells Happa what happened with the twins and stuff- I still don't know what bdsm even is...

Adam: -actually oblivious this time- Huh? -follows Akira- The floats! You know eating the flo-- oh. -blinks and the smirks- oooooh~
[2/5/2015 1:23:17 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -staaaares- Are you telling me I just... But you...! GAH! -buries his face in both palms- Stop messing with me! Eat your ice cream! -shoves it toward him-
[2/5/2015 1:24:11 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: That...sounds kind of scary. -watches Manny- Are you sure the quiet one isn't even scarier than the loud one? You can't even know for sure what she's thinking. And it sounds like they at least know the same things...
[2/5/2015 1:26:45 AM] Sey: Adam: -calms down and nods, starting to make the float. Tries it first, having mixed the love potion with strawberry- mmm. -takes a spoonful and offers it to Akira to try- Say ahhh?
[2/5/2015 1:28:54 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -thinks he's just about recovered when he looks up and sees what Adam's up to- Wh-what?! I'm not an infant, you know!
[2/5/2015 6:33:40 PM] Sey: Adam: -laughs- Of course you're not. But it's not weird to feed other people, is it?
[2/5/2015 6:45:01 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Y-yes it is! Who else goes around doing that?
[2/5/2015 6:50:25 PM | Edited 6:50:48 PM] Sey: Adam: -thinking- my roommate, actually. But I was doing it less to tease you and uhm... -rubs the back of his neck with his one hand- well you always see people doing this to people they like. That sorta s**t.
[2/5/2015 7:12:32 PM | Edited 7:12:51 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Your roommate? -face steams with embarassment- Th-that's - ! The reason it can be seen as teasing is because the only other reason people do that besides babies are couples! Jeez, even /I/ know that! -looks away partly out of indignation and partly to keep from looking directly at Adam- Wh...why would your roommate do that, anyway? Are you two a couple?
[2/5/2015 7:19:26 PM | Edited 7:19:33 PM] Sey: Adam: -blinks, surprised at his reaction but understands it. Takes the spoon back- No... Were not. I... My roommate is a jerk and he teases me a lot, but I do the same back. We are playful and he does the whole feeding thing because well. -thinking- I guess to get a reaction like you gave me. Flustered, something he could poke apart and tease. -sips some if his soda- But I didn't do that to you to fluster you. I thought it'd be cute since couples do that and all. -cheeks warm- I might be an a*****e at times but I wouldn't two time someone. -shakes his head-
[2/5/2015 7:23:04 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -pokes at some ice cream with his own spoon- ...Well at least you recognize he's a jerk. Especially if he does things like that. -can't help a partial smile- But...we aren't a couple. Are we...? -takes a spoonful of the ice cream and drops it in Adam's soda as he peers into his face curiously-
[2/5/2015 7:36:20 PM | Edited 7:36:29 PM] Sey: Adam: -cheeks warm a little- I... Don't know... I mean... That depends on what you think. -avoids Akira's gaze as he flushes more-
[2/5/2015 7:42:14 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -stares at him a bit before breaking up into small fits of laughter- If you don't eat some ice cream right now, you're going to give yourself a fever. -takes another spoonful and offers it to him- This is only our third time out, not including our first meeting, but...if, at the end of this...'outing', your feelings haven't changed...I wouldn't be opposed to it. -smiles fondly at him-
[2/5/2015 8:12:22 PM] Sey: Adam: -grins brightly and then laughs- How can I get a fever from not eating ice cream? Oh you mean... Heh... -eats the spoonful. Nods- I see... Well. Then I hope your feelings don't change either.
[2/5/2015 9:44:16 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -presses the back of his hand against Adam's forehead to check his temperature and emphasize his point- Yes, I mean that. -smiles- And I doubt my feelings would. It's how I am around sugar that I worry might turn you off. -rests his chin on his palm- How old are you, again? I know you said you're out of high school, but not old enough to drink... 19? 20?
[2/5/2015 10:36:07 PM | Edited 11:08:23 PM] Sey: Adam: -smiles, eatng more of the icecream. Chuckles- Well I saw you buzzed before and I didn't mind... So I don't know how this would change things. -shakes his head- Oh. 18 yeah.
[2/5/2015 10:41:04 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Ah...that...that wasn't the same. -tugs on his bangs a bit, smiling awkwardly- Maybe it's nothing you're not used to, though. What about age, though? What if I'm secretly 900 years old? That wouldn't bother you?
[2/5/2015 10:42:35 PM] Sey: Adam: You're looking amazingly hot for 900. -grins-
[2/5/2015 10:45:06 PM] Sey: Adam: No... It wouldn't bug me. Age is just a number. And maybe I'm young and stupid for feeling like that. -smiles-
[2/5/2015 11:06:31 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -Rolls his eyes, trying and failing to hide a smile- I turned 24 in December. Capricorn. What are you?
[2/5/2015 11:08:07 PM] Sey: Adam: I'm a cusp, uhm... Pisces and Aries, March 21st.
[2/5/2015 11:09:35 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -raises brows in surprise- Oh. You don't feel like you're more one or the other...? Or do you not believe in zodiac signs?
[2/5/2015 11:10:13 PM] Sey: Adam: I don't know. Honestly it wasn't something I've looked into... Do you know the meanings?
[2/5/2015 11:14:26 PM | Edited 11:14:37 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Kind of...? I know the elements associated with the western zodiac, and personalities are pretty easy to connect to those. Pisces and Aries are water and fire, though, so that might be tricky. I think they're both...emotional? Passionate?
[2/5/2015 11:15:30 PM] Sey: Adam: Water and fire.. Explains what a mess I am. -chuckles and takes another bite of icecream-
[2/5/2015 11:17:06 PM] Sey: Adam: Do you believe in them? You're a Capricorn, right? What type of personality are they supposed to have?
[2/5/2015 11:26:35 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: A beautiful disaster, one might say. -scoops some strawberry ice cream into his blue soda and watches it change color- Hm? Oh, uh...earth. -smiles weakly- Grounded in reason and logic. If only. I let myself get too carried away too often.
[2/5/2015 11:30:48 PM] Sey: Adam: Hmm? Really? You're pretty grounded and mature from what I've seen of you. -smiles softly- I mean... You might get flustered, but its obvious you care about others and want to help people. -mixes his, watching the colors morph- You know, though... Earth seems more... Kind and caring than logical and reasoning. Like farms.
[2/5/2015 11:42:32 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Sure. Of course. That's why you're teasing and flirting with me every five seconds. To watch my grounded and mature reaction. -smiles at his response- Well I thank you. But good intentions aren't always enough. -tilts his head at him- Does it? Maybe. I don't really know many others with earth signs.
[2/5/2015 11:45:32 PM] Sey: Adam: -laughs a little- True, but that's something different. If you were logical and reasoning all the time, you'd be a robot. Unapproachable. -shakes his head- You're better this way. -feels a pang of guilt as he looks at his soda, thinking about what he's doing and realizing how shitty he is-
[2/6/2015 1:06:19 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -sneers- I tried. To be all those things. It would have been easier, anyway. -laughs- My sisters even wrote a play about it called 'The Cold-Hearted Princess and the Dragon Prince'. I think there was a line in there somewhere that said 'a frozen heart doesn't hurt when it breaks' or something like that. -blinks at Adam- Better...? You think so? -frowns and moves a hand to gently tilt Adam's chin up to look at him- Is something the matter, Adam?
[2/6/2015 1:16:09 AM] Sey: Adam: -feels warmed by the touch, smiles softly and shakes his head- mmm... No, not really. You're just great. I feel like I'm crappy. Not the sort of dude you need on your life. -chuckles softly- but I really like you. So I guess I'm conflicted? -takes Akiras hand and holds it- I've had a pretty shitty life and I haven't made a lot of great choices.
[2/6/2015 1:16:52 AM] Sey: Adam: -stares at the hand he's holding and smiles painfully- this must be so creepy sounding. I'm sorry, man.
[2/6/2015 1:21:01 AM | Edited 1:21:26 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -regards him, lips parted, before speaking- Why would you think that? You're amazing. I wish I could be more like you. Maybe if I'd been more like you from the start, I'd have known what I'd wanted and been able to get it sooner. You're a marvel. -holds Adam's hands tightly when his are taken- You must have done something right to be who you are today. -shakes his head- You don't sound creepy at all to me. Hehe, then again, maybe that's because I myself seem to creepy people out when I try to be honest with them... but I appreciate you talking with me about it.
[2/6/2015 1:30:47 AM] Sey: Adam: -heart skips a beat, smiling at Akira genuinely. Eyes burn slightly as he chuckles- JEEZE... I'm gonna cry. -calms down slowly and swallows- No one has ever... Said anything like that to me. Not once. -puffs out his cheeks and sighs- Man I wish I had my own place... I could drag you there and snuggle with you.
[2/6/2015 1:35:51 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -brows furrow in worry before he gets up to set by Adam's side instead of across from him- They must have been keeping it to themselves then. -puts his arms around Adam and gently pulls him close, running a hand through his hair- If you want, we can go to my apartment. Eat the ice cream there.
[2/6/2015 1:40:26 AM] Sey: Adam: -feels comforted when he's pulled closer to Akira, feeling the hand in his hair and relaxing- It's all right. If we did that it'd melt for sure. -wraps an arm around Akira- This is really nice, though... And super comfortable.
[2/6/2015 1:44:10 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -laughs at the melting comment- I guess you're right. -looks at his glass- Hm. Looks interesting. Mind if I have a sip?
[2/6/2015 1:46:46 AM] Sey: Adam: Mmm, sure. -nods and takes the glass, offering it to Akira- It's pretty good, actually. I like it. -grins-
[2/6/2015 2:11:00 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -smiles and sips some- It is. -looks back at the ice creams- I wonder what color it'll turn if you use the other one...
[2/6/2015 2:12:48 AM] Sey: Adam: How about we try? Maybe it'll be good flavored too... -feeling better, trying not to let the guilt get to him. Just wants to enjoy Akira-
[2/6/2015 2:13:43 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -grins- Good idea. Oh, and I wanna try the other soda, too! -grabs his other glass from across the table and gets to work-
[2/6/2015 2:17:10 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -talks as he pours and stirs- So, Adam, mind me asking about those piercings of yours? Are they a fashion statement?
[2/6/2015 2:22:11 AM] Sey: Adam: -watching Akira ork, trying some of the different icecreams they got- Hmm? Oh. I really liked the look, and it was fun getting them. Plus I think they look good. -grins and mixes a plop of icecream into his soda. takes a spoonful and offers it to Akira to try-

Manny: -watching Akira and Adam interact, surprised-
[2/6/2015 2:27:09 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: Fun? It didn't hurt? Or do you find pain fun? -grins back, amused as he delightedly accepts the spoonful- Mmm...even better than the other one. Isn't it weird how the pretty colors don't always have the best flavors, but the not-so-pretty or boring ones can? Of course sometimes they come out as pretty or ugly as they look, but I guess that's the fun...hmm... -mixes a couple of the sodas- Blue, green, and red soda...yellow and pink ice cream...
[2/6/2015 2:29:19 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: -seems confused- <'They' as in neither of them?> -follows his gaze- -looks a little concerned-
[2/6/2015 2:31:36 AM] Sey: Adam: It is. I wish the prettier ones tasted better but hey. That's life, right? -chuckles and takes a bit of the yellow icecream and red soda, mixing it to make an orange- What made you try to do this originally? Just curiousity?
[2/6/2015 2:32:00 AM] Sey: Manny: -looks wearily at them-
[2/6/2015 2:36:47 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -laughs- But sometimes they do! Like...if you were a soda, I bet you would be one of them. Maybe all fire-colored - like that! -points to the one he just made- But nice and unexpectedly cool and refreshing. Banana and Love potion, huh? -takes a sip- Not bad. -looks at Adam- Why? Oh...a friend of mine told me about ice cream floats because I hadn't really tried either ice cream or soda before. I knew of the first, but not the latter, so I certainly didn't know what happened when you mixed them together. And they're just so bubbly and frothy and fizzy all at the same time! It's wonderful! -pauses- Maybe we should get three ice creams to balance out the three sodas...you said you wanted peach, right?
[2/6/2015 2:38:11 AM | Edited 2:38:35 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: -nods gravely- -looks at Manny-
[2/6/2015 2:39:52 AM] Sey: Adam: Man, I can't imagine growing up NOT knowing about soda, but I guess if you had a sheltered life you wouldn't, huh? -shakes his head- You should get your favorite ice cream. You've gotten me my suggestions so I want to hear what you want for a change. -hums- You'd be a green, maybe a mint? Soothing, but also fun, and green.
[2/6/2015 2:40:16 AM] Sey: Manny:
[2/6/2015 2:44:27 AM | Edited 2:45:51 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -nods- Huh? But I told you, I don't really have a favorite. One time I had a party and got tubs of every flavor I could find! It was great! Only there were too many to try. And a few combinations were really gross. And it was a pool party, so that wasn't a good idea because swimming while or after drinking gives you cramps. Did you know that? I thought it was only with food and eating! I wonder if it's all drinks and food or just sugary ones...but sugar's suppose to give you energy, right? -blinks- OH! Right! You said you liked mint too! I think they only have mint chocolate, though...would that be okay? And you're right, it's a good green, but it tastes kind of nasty with other flavors like fruity ones... I KNOW! Let's get peach AND mint! Not peach mint - or is that mint peach? - but peach and mint seperately! Ah, but then we'd have to get another soda to balance it out...
[2/6/2015 2:45:01 AM | Edited 2:45:09 AM] Kitomyx: Happa:
[2/6/2015 2:47:11 AM] Sey: Adam: -laughs, loving this hyper version of Akira. Grins- Peach and mint sounds great. And you can say it either way. But let's get just the icecream and use what we got. Less is better and we can enjoy it more. -kisses Akira's cheek-

[2/6/2015 2:50:28 AM | Edited 2:50:42 AM] Kitomyx: Happa:

Akira: -throws up his hands- YAY! -realizes how loud he is- I mean, yay! I'll be right back! -goes up to the counter to go get some before stopping, realizing he was kissed, and hurrying back to Adam's side- It was the potion, wasn't it? You drank too much of the love potion! -grabs the bottle- Does this stuff wear off? Does it have an antidote?! I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING!
[2/6/2015 2:51:34 AM] Sey: Adam: -laughing so hard now- Akira jeesh! No it's not.... -smirks and grabs him, pulling him in- Ah it was the potion! -kisses his forehead- muah muah muah
[2/6/2015 2:51:45 AM] Sey: Manny: -watching this-
[2/6/2015 2:54:01 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: EEP! -squeaks as he's pulled in- WHAT?! You can tell?! Are you supposed to be able to tell when you're under the influence of a love potion?! Ah, mou!! -tugs his bangs in frustration- There's only one thing to do, then. -grabs the bottle and chugs down the rest of it- If you're going to be cursed forever, so am I! -holds up the empty bottle in triumph-
[2/6/2015 2:54:39 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: ... -abruptly collapses-
[2/6/2015 2:55:05 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: -looks nervous- <...Do you think we even can?>
[2/6/2015 2:55:27 AM] Sey: Adam: -laughing to the point of tears- A-akira jeesh ahahaha. -about to kiss him for real when he... Well goes limp- Akira? Hey... Akira. Come on. What's wrong. -touches his forehead with his hand- Akira?
[2/6/2015 2:55:53 AM] Sey: Manny:
[2/6/2015 2:56:16 AM | Edited 2:57:05 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -instantly raises his head, grabs Adam's face, and kisses him as if he needs to kiss him to breathe-
[2/6/2015 2:56:40 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: -eyes widen-
[2/6/2015 2:57:57 AM | Edited 2:59:02 AM] Sey: Manny: -eyes also widen- -humans are weird-

Adam: mrmmph?! -stunned, not sure what to do at first. Relaxes, heart beating faster. Returns the kiss, keeping him close-
[2/6/2015 2:59:24 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -remembers something mid-kiss and tries to get away- ICE CREAM! -reaches toward the counter- Need more!!

Happa: -panics, ears down-
[2/6/2015 3:00:45 AM] Sey: Adam: A-ah hah? -laughs breathlessly- D-damnit. Calm down you. -snorts, leaning in to whisper against his ear, hoping that'll get his attention- Calm down, 'Kira. Ice cream can wait for a second. It won't get legs and walk off.
[2/6/2015 3:01:15 AM] Sey: Manny: -makes a low whirring sound of discontent- -wishes he could ask Celty-
[2/6/2015 3:04:25 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -squeaks at the tickling in his ear and cringes- It won't...? -looks around at Adam-

[2/6/2015 3:05:40 AM] Sey: Adam: -leans back and shakes his head- It won't. Promise. Plus if I let you go buy some, you'd buy too much, and never forgive me for letting you buy icecream until you were in the poor house.
[2/6/2015 3:06:07 AM] Sey: Manny: DX -swirling in circles now around Happa-
[2/6/2015 3:10:12 AM | Edited 3:10:21 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: But my house /is/ poor. -looks at Adam matter-of-factly- But food is more important and ice cream is food, so I should go get us more. Did you want me to wait to change an order?

Happa: -shifts anxiously from paw to paw- -looks at Manny-
[2/6/2015 3:12:09 AM] Sey: Adam: -chuckles- Okay okay. I'll buy it. Just peach and mint. -smiles at him fondly- Sound good?

Manny: -nods-
[2/6/2015 3:15:03 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -looks crestfallen- But you said /I/ could buy it and you'd buy next time, right? But if you don't want there to be a next time, it'd be okay because then you wouldn't have to pay this time and regret it. -stares down at his lap-

[2/6/2015 3:17:24 AM] Sey: Adam: -shakes his head, cupping Akira's chin in a motion that mimics the one Akira did to him earlier. Tilts his head up- I want there to be many, many, many next times. Lots and lots of them. Okay.

Manny: -glides forward and behind Adam, using his corporeal form to his advantage so he's not seen. Pops up behind him and uses the move, aiming it at Akira-
[2/6/2015 3:18:54 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: -looks puzzled, not sure he wants to knock out a human if it's not for their own good- -dashes under the table and uses his own move-
[2/6/2015 3:22:33 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: O-okay. -stares into his eyes, dazed- But how do you...know...for sure... -gets sleepy and droops-
[2/6/2015 3:24:01 AM] Sey: Adam: A-akira? -wondering if this is another trick to get aggressively snogged... Honestly wouldn't object. Looks over his shoulder- M-many?!

Manny: Ghast! -finishes the move, seeming ashamed of what he's done-

Adam: -feeling drowsy too- S-s**t... ;
[2/6/2015 3:26:34 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: -sticks his head out from under the table- -sees Adam-
[2/6/2015 3:27:51 AM] Sey: Manny: -nods, watching as Adam fights it-

Adam: -grabs a soda and finishes it, hoping the sugar will help wake him up. Pulls Akira close- W-what now...? I guess I could call a cab but... I don't know where you live. -muttering-
[2/6/2015 3:32:33 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: -looks frantically at Manny and Adam before cocking one ear and barking at Manny's trainer-
[2/6/2015 3:32:55 AM] Kitomyx: Happa: -walks toward the door, nodding toward the exit-
[2/6/2015 3:33:37 AM | Edited 3:34:08 AM] Sey: Adam: -looks at Happa and watches his motions. Chuckles and slides his arms around Akira, moving his body so he can pick it up better. Groans under the weight, stumbling forward- Upsy-daisy - manages to carry Akira, bridal style, towards the door where Happa is-