Adam: -had called Akira earlier that evening and invited him out to Eerie Inn Pub. Large and nice, with a low buzz of laughter and singing. Mostly hard, dark wood. Sitting at an easy to see table, sipping on a beer and humming softly. Wearing a pair of not-quite so ripped up jeans and a button down tshirt that has the sleeves rolled up. Adam wasn't even aware he still owned a button down shirt-

Akira: -enters in with his coat and scarf wrapped about him, looking somewhat tentative- ... -spots Adam and brightens, walking over- Hey. How's it going?

Adam: -waves at him and grins- Yo! Going great. -stands up- Want to find a place that's more private? Or well, as private as being in public can afford. -laughs-

Akira: -laughs- Sure, but then...why this place? Did you change your mind? -face is slightly flushed, though from cold or talk of private places is unclear-

Adam: Huh? Oh, I like it. It's pretty relaxed and nice. -motions for Akira to follow, going to a different table that still has people around, but it's not so out in the open- Sorry I get a little tense when I'm in the middle middle of a crowd. -plops down and smiles- How you been?

Akira: -follows curiously- Oh, that's fine. Then...were you there just waiting for me? Ah - did I keep you waiting long?

Adam: I was waiting and no, not too long. -shakes his head- Maybe ten or so minutes.

Akira: You could have just told me to meet you outside or something so you didn't have to deal with the crowd! -brows furrow in disconcertation-

Adam: -blinks and laughs- Ah, I guess that's true... I hadn't considered that.

Akira: Ehh?! -gapes at him- Are you really that uncaring about your own problems? -shakes his head- Nevermind - would it be too much to ask why you don't like crowds?

Adam: OH Well it's... Not so much the crowds. It's being in the middle of them. Without being near a wall or an exit. That way I can get out quickly or I can't get snuck up on. That's all. -hand waves- Nothing really big, see?

Akira: like claustrophobia? Or just with people? -frowns- It is TOO big! You shouldn't just brush it off!

Adam: Just people. I'm okay with smaller spaces. -laughs a little- Jeeze, don't get angry!

Akira: -deflates- Sorry, sorry...jeez, I'm acting like a parent again. -facepalm- I just worry.

Adam: -moves chairs to sit right beside Akira. Wraps his arm around his back- You're fine, dude. If I had a ******** issue, I'd tell you, all right? Just relax, 'Kira.

Akira: -blinks rapidly and does his best to ignore the heat rising in his cheeks, sighing deeply as he closes his eyes- Okay, I'll trust you. So...what's been going on? Nothing much has happened on my end. Just work as usual.

Adam: It sounds like you need a vacation. -chuckles- Ah... I talked abit to my roommate and we patched stuff up. -looking at the table, smiling a little shyly- Thanks.. If I hadn't gone out with you and talked I don't think I would have figured out a way to communicate properly... So I uhm... I'm lucky. -grins at him-

Akira: -sneers- As if I could afford one. Oh? -smiles- That's wonderful, Adam. I'm really glad for you! -blinks- Me? What did I do?

Adam: Eh? What didn't you do! -laughs- You helped me a lot. I'm really surprised you didn't know.

Akira: -tries to think before raising his brows- You...used music? ...And it...worked?

Adam: Mm... That's right. Well that and... I never would have thought of that. And you listened to me and yeah... -why is this so embarrassing to recall-

Akira: -grins- I wouldn't say 'never'. You seem like a pretty avid music-lover. As for listening, it was the least I could do. Besides, like I said, you did me a favor by talking to me, so we're even.

Adam: Even, huh? Guess I gotta make you indebted somehow. -teasing him- Where do you work?

Akira: -laughs lightly and gently pushes a hand against his face- If I answer that, you have to promise not to make fun of me.

Adam: -snorts and grabs his hand, holding it- Eh... Ill try my best. No promises. Cause if you say you dress as a fairy princess and walk dogs, I might laugh.

Akira: -reaches his limit and feels his face burning- Wh-what? Where did you - ? -takes another deep breath and tries to think up a comprehendable response while attempting to maintain a shy smile- Well I don't do that as a /job/. But what I /do/ do is work graveyard shifts at a convenience store. Not much, but it pays the bills.

Adam: Did I figure out your secret. -teasing him, smiling though- I see... That must be a tough job. What would you like to be doing?

Akira: ...Maybe. -chuckles before taking in his question- What? Ah...that's a tough one. -smiles softly while looking down at the table- I wanted to be a music composer once...but looking back on that dream, I realize it was silly. Not only is it extremely competative to get into the music industry, but it's hard to make a living off of unless you get extremely famous. -looks at Adam- What about you?

Adam: -surprised- Really...? Ah, I did too. Being a techno artist. I thought it'd be great, but it is really hard to break into and even harder to make a living. -quiet, realizing suddenly that he can't tell Akira the truth. Hadn't really occurred to him yet. Smiles- I work in a computer place. Mostly just fixing stuff. -pretty close descriptor to his duties as a rocket-

Akira: -eyes widen as he leans toward him eagerly- A techno artist?! No way! I had no idea! That explains the music-loving thing... -stares at- Computer place, huh?'re good with technology and IT stuff, then?

Adam: -cheeks flush a little- Ah, yeah! I love techno music and computers... I really want to get a porygon eventually. They're so ******** awesome. Like, s**t it's a computer AND a pokemon! How ******** cool, right? -grins at Akira- What kinda music did you want to compose?

Akira: They're computers? -tilts head- I thought they were pokemon that could enter computers, like programs. Can you really use them as computers? -caught off-guard by the question- W-well I'm not sure. All sorts, I suppose. As long as they can convey emotion. -laughs lightly- My father would have loved you.

Adam: I hope your Dad liking me would be a good thing and not a bad thing. -nods a little- Ah, right. Well.. They're like computers to me. I guess Rotoms are more actual computers.

Akira: Oh, it's a good thing. My father always wanted me to get into his trade, which was music technology, but because I was less interested in the technology part and more interested in the music part, he was kind of disappointed. Not that I didn't learn a good bit about the technology part under his guidance. -smiles- Now I'm curious about these Porygon. Oh, but Rotom...I forget what those are. -scratches head-

Adam: Ah! Rotom are pretty great. -grins- I think they possess items? Like lawnmowers, laptops, etcetera. -blinks- Music... Technology. Huh. That sounds badass... But you know... It's pretty great you were even into music. Did you ever write your own songs?

Akira: Oh. So they aren't exactly computers themselves? Still, the sound pretty useful if you could get one to listen to you. -shakes his head with a smirk- It's not as 'badass' as it sounds. Just stuff like music player tech, programs, speakers, sound systems, etcetera. Nothing like real instruments or a chance to make music, though we were affiliated with a recording studio to whom we sold equipment. Er, the company my dad worked for, that is. -blushes and looks away- Music isn't that hard to get into, is it? I don't think I know anyone who particularly dislikes it. As for writing, as an aspiring composer, I.../tried/, but I never really got very far. What about as a techno artist? Did you create a lot of music?

Adam: I did.. Uhm, well not big big. But I sold tracks under a name to clubs in highschool. It was fun. Got me money for booze or just booze and I could go and dance in the clubs for free. Lots of fun to be had. -chuckles, finding Akira to be too cute when he blushes- I'm sure whatever you made was ******** great... I wanna hear some of it. Maybe we could make music together!

Akira: -blinks in surprise before laughing aloud- You did? That's amazing! I had no idea they did that in high school clubs. -laughter fades at the mention of booze- I'm not sure I'd have the courage to show my work to a techno artist who actually sold his music. It...could be fun, making music together. B-but not when you're drunk!

Adam: School...? OH. -decides to not correct Akira- I'm not drunk! Man, you and him... One beer is not going to be me sloshed. -laughs a little- You play an instrument, then? I sold them cheap, so trust me. No need to be nervous.

Akira: Yes, school. Actually, what I meant to say is I didn't know they did that in other high schools aside from mine. Our music club used to do the same thing. -raises a brow at Adam- It always starts with one beer. -shakes his head, but unable to keep a smile off his face- ...Him? Your roommate? -hesitates-'s a long and embarrassing story, but...I actually don't really know how to play any instruments. I attempted to teach myself a little piano, but I failed miserably. I learned to sight-read music notes well enough, but I can only sing, not play anything. Kind of pathetic for a music club president, I know. -smiles sheepishly- But the fact that you could sell any music at all is amazing, especially in high school.

Adam: You were president? Dang! I'm envious. -grins- Your voice is great... So there's no shame in not playing an instrument. -imagining what Akira would sound like, singing certain songs. Grinning toothily- Man, if we combined forces we really could make something cool.

Akira: -chuckles- It wasn't as great as all that. In fact, it was kind of embarrassing because a lot of students in our club were more talented than I, but I guess I was the first to take charge and actually try to integrate more than just classical music into our school's system. Techno's one of my favorites. Shame it's not something that can really be 'sung', but that's just what makes talent like yours as a techno artist all the more special. -beams- That would really be spectacular. Man, I really wish I had the old tech and equipment I had before. I would have loved to see what you could do with it. Do you have some of your own?

Adam: I used to have a computer set up solely with programs and stuff, but that was... back at my foster fam. I left it when I moved out. Had hoped to get something bigger and better. -smiles bitterly- Rght now I just have my laptop. It's a little bit limiting... But it still works good. I'd love to get a mixing board one day.

Akira: Is that right? -smiles weakly- It seems we had a similar idea with moving out and striking it on our own. But anything worth something takes time, doesn't it? I'm sure if you work to master what you have now, you'll be all the more fantastic when you have something like a mixing board.

Adam: That's a positive way to look at it. -snorts and nods- Mmm... All good things take work to get. -thinking about what sort of song he could make for Akira, what type of sounds to put in it- That's a good point. All the more practice makes you better.
Adam: Still sucks to lose it. What did you leave behind? Your tech you said?

Akira: Heh, I'm glad you think so. I was starting to think I was deluding myself. -smiles lightly before faultering- Wha-? Oh, well...pretty much everything. I...wanted to start fresh, you know? Especially after my...wife died. feels weird to call her that.

Adam: ..................... -stares blankly at Akira, had really not expected that. Whispers- She.. D-died?

Akira: Oh - yes. -looks at him uncertainly- I'm sorry...I guess I neglected to mention that. Er, she...well she had been pretty sickly since she'd been born, I'd been told...and they did everything they could. It just wasn't enough. -looks solemnly at the table- I guess it didn't help I was working with my father so often. I wish I could have done something for her, but... -shakes his head-
Akira: Just another example of how bad I am at trying to help others, I suppose.

Adam: ... -frowns deeply and wraps an arm around Akira's shoulder, giving him a one armed hug- I.. I'm sorry for your loss. She was close to you and it probably still hurts. -sighs softly- A lot of my foster family was made up of kids with terminal illnesses. We had a lot of similar situations and it hurts. But you know... Even when you try your hardest, sometimes people still pass away. -smiles at him- I'm sure you were a great help. It just doesn't seem like you to be callous or mean to her, dude. Hell, you helped me so much and barely knew me.. I can only imagine what you did for her. So don't blame yourself, okay? It's not your fault.

Akira: -tenses a bit before leaning into the one-armed hug- Thank you. I just can't help wondering if I...loved her like a husband is supposed to love a wife, that I might have been able to help her somehow. But I keep having to tell myself those kind of thoughts are no use when nothing can be changed about the past. -looks at him as he speaks of his foster family- You...must have had a really large family. Did you...did you have to watch a lot of them die? -watches Adam sadly- Well...terminal illnesses no one can help. I understand that. But not having been able to be there for her to ease her pain, be there when she needed me, or love her like that while secretly harboring feelings for someone else...wouldn't that be something to feel guilty over?

Adam: Would it have been better to give her false love? You can't change who you are. -quiet- But that'd hurt.. Really ******** bad. Yeah, I'd feel guilty over it. Anyone would. -chuckles a little weakly- I didn't understand death fully when I was a kid. So... when I was fourteen I was teasing one of my sisters pretty meanly. Like brothers do. She got sick. I mean, she'd always been sick, but it triggered some sorta attack. She passed away shortly and I... It ate me up inside for a long, long time. I couldn't get out of bed, or do anything. -sighs slowly- My mom was the one who told me about ghosts and spirits, God and the afterlife. I wasn't sure if I believed in that, but it made me feel better to think she wasn't hurting anymore. And she wouldn't be mad at me for what happened. Maybe my mom was just saying that. -chuckles softly- But I do think those that have passed generally don't hold ill will to those in their life. If anything, they want us to be happy and healthy, things they might not have been in their life.

Akira: -listens closely, regarding Adam- That...that's awful! I'm so sorry. -hesitantly at first, but then enthusiastically gives him a tight hug with both arms- And so young! I can't even imagine...

Adam: -chuckles- Ah hey hey! I wasn't saying that to get pity. -hugs Akira back tightly, pressing his face against his hair. Surprised by the smell, cheeks warming up a little- It's okay. It's the past. I just.. I guess I get what you mean and where you're coming from? I don't think your wife would be upset at you now. If anything she'd want you to be happy. Its not like you didn't suffer and haven't suffered since, Akira...

Akira: I know! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way, I just...I just keep forgetting how much worse some people have had it than me and how lucky I am. N-not that I mean to look down on you or anything! In fact I can't begin to fathom how much stronger you are now because of things you've had to overcome like that. -blinks rapidly, feeling how hot both their bodies are while realizing their proximity- Well...I....c-certainly don't feel like I'm suffering /now/...

Adam: -about to tell him to not get so worked up when he says that. Blinks, cheeks warming up even more- .... Aah... -grins stupidly and laughs gaily- D-dude ah, I hadn't expected that comment, jeesh. Should I keep hugging you then if you're enjoying it~? -rubs Akira's back a little- ... Its all right. I don't think you're looking down on me or anyone. And I told you, yo. You had your own s**t and struggles. You might be lucky in some places, but you suffered all the same.

Akira: Ah-! -sits up suddenly, attempting to withdraw and keep his limbs to himself- I-I'm so sorry! Did I say something weird? -looks nervous almost to the point of fright- A-a-adam, you've been so kind to me...and so sweet, I just... -clenches his fists and puts them in his lap, staring at them- Before we continue talking, I don't feel it'd be fair if I didn't tell you something else about me first. A-and if you want to stop talking to me after, that's perfectly fine! If you hate me, that's...that's okay too. -looks up at him cautiously- But I feel it'd be better to make sure you know now than to spring it on you later.

Adam: -Akira in arms. Akira out of arms. Blinks, with drawing his hands- You're so animated dude... It's amazing.. -nods a little, feeling some intense guilt because well.. HE'S hiding something pretty big isn't he- If it's important to you... Then I'll listen. But you know, Akira, you don't gotta tell me straight away. There's no rush.

Akira: Wh-what? Is that bad? -blinks, perplexed- N-nononono, you need to know /now/ or you might end up hating me even more later on. You see, I'm... -swallows hard- ...I'm gay.
Akira: That's...why I couldn't love my wife like I should have. More like a sister. -looks away, fiddling with his hands-

Adam: ...................... -tries to keep a straight face and then just loses it, laughing hard enough to double over, his head against the table as his shoulders shake- A-aha ahahahha! S-so -- ahahah -rrry oh my god. -snirks, trying hard to stop laughing. Sits up, taking deep breaths and wiping his eyes- A-akira... Akira I KNEW that dude.. Erm... I... Well I mean I could tell? You blushed like a maniac anytime I'd touch you and I'm pretty good at picking up gaydar. -laughs a little more- A-and you told me about your ex and ex-best friend too man... -shakes his head- I thought you were going to say something like "I'm secretly in the black market for bodies!" or "I have a stash of kitten pictures in my home that I kiss goodnight".

Akira: -eyes widen as he watched Adam, wondering if he thinks he's joking- ....hehe...heh... -starts to get more anxious as the laughter continues- .... -stares- Y-y-you /what/?! -gapes at him- How did you - ?! Wh- b-but! -turns beet red and cringes in his seat as if trying to make himself as small as possible- W-what If I got like that around anyone? Guys -or- girls? -frowns and realizes that doesn't really make much difference- Oh Arceus... -puts his face in his hands, more embarrassed than ever- W-well y-yeah, but-! Black market - ?! -too flustered to be able to speak a comprehensive sentence-

Adam: -calming down more- A-ah I guess you could have gotten like that around by both guys and girls. -wondering how to get Akira from sinking into his seat and stop being so flustered. Leans in and whispers- Wanna know a secret?

Akira: -still deep red, peeks at him through his fingers- ...Wh-what?

Adam: -whispers against his ear- So'm I.

Akira: Y-you are? -stares at him, shocked, evidently not having recognized Adam's blushes as similar to his own-

Adam: I'm... Kinda surprised. I seriously thought that would have been obvious. -grinning- Yeah, I am.

Akira: B-but I don't know how to tell! -looks away again- I thought you felt warm, but I thought you might have just been embarrassed that I was so close to you...or hugging you so openly in public or something!

Adam: Hey hey! -touches one of Akira's hands- I'm not blaming you! I'm just sorta used to guys picking up on it instantly. It's cool and super ******** cute.

Akira: -looks at Adam's hand and then at his face- can tell instantly? And they don't mind it?

Adam: Some can, yeah. Some can't. It's better when they can. It saves a lot of trouble and stuff. -smiles- I don't mind if they can or can't.

Akira: -brows raise- But no one's gotten really angry or been disgusted or anything at you when they've found out? Er, 'if' they found out?

Adam: Some people have. But those kinds of people... They're not worth having around in your life, y'know? I'd rather be happy and myself than live a lie and make someone else happy. -squeezes his hand gently-

Akira: -squeezes his hand back without thinking, but something occurs to him suddenly- Have you ever been hurt by any of them...?

Adam: -chest tightens a little- By people in general...? Or people who found out or I told I was gay?

Akira: -regards him seriously- ...There've been people who hurt you for other reasons?

Adam: Just like there's cute, nice people in the world like you, there are nasty, ugly, mean people too.

Akira: ... -gaze grows cold- .../How/ nasty and mean, Adam?

Adam: -tempted to pinch Akira's cheek, but refrains- Mean enough. It's a yes to both. To being hurt for other reasons. And to being hurt for being gay.

Akira: -mouth is a thin line as he contemplates this, silent for a time- ...And yet you don't mind letting others pick up on your being gay, despite knowing you could be hurt for it?

Adam: I'd rather die being myself than live a lie.

Akira: ...That...may just be the bravest thing I've ever heard. -frowns- But also stupid. You're far too young to talk of dying so soon.

Adam: -chuckles- Bravery is stupidity, right? -grins- I've been fighting for a long time. I can hold my own pretty well.

Akira: -frown flickers, revealing a briefly pained expression before he looks back at the table top- ...I'm sure you can. The world is more cruel than I realized. And you're far stronger than I had guessed.

Adam: ....... -whispers softly- Akira..? Hey. -squeezes his hand again- What's on your mind...? Something, isn't it? -sighs-I'm not that strong. I get really discouraged and... Some stuff isn't easy for me to handle. And I run from it by many, many, many ways. So I guess in order to compensate, I took this and decided I wouldn't let myself run. I'd just be me. But that's not always possible and it's harder and easier for some people. -leans in and kisses his cheek gently, cheeks warming up- Frowns and pain really don't suit you.

Akira: -listens, gaze distant until Adam kisses his cheek, causing him to turn abruptly to look at him- You're stronger than you should have to be for someone your age. -leans closer, as if to look deeper into his hazel eyes- What are you? Just out of high school? How long have you been on your own?

Adam: -surprised when he leans closer, not moving backwards- I'm about a year and a half out of highschool.

Akira: And you've been on your own how long?

Adam: About that long. Year.. Year and a half. -wonders if being a rocket still counts as being on your own-

Akira:'re getting by alright with that job of yours? -looks concerned-

Adam: I am. It's tough, but I'm doing okay.

Akira: -sighs- I really hope that roommate keeps from giving you more trouble than you need now that you've managed to talk to him.

Adam: I do too... -sighs softly- What's on your mind? Something is clearly weighing you down, dude.

Akira: Maybe it's the fact that no matter how much you seem to tell me, I still feel like I'm not getting the big picture. The level of your maturity doesn't seem to match an average teenager striking it out on his own after high school, even if he -did- have to suffer with being...different. -puts his hand on Adam's- But we all have our secrets and it's not as though I expect to know everything about you. Especially for how relatively short a time we've known each other. I'm still trying to wrap my brain about how you've managed to get this far as it is with that mindset without being beaten down by the world. -reddens lightly yet again, though his face is still serious- I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need me. Maybe I have yet to prove it, but I will. I want you to know you're not alone in this messed up reality.

Adam: Ah... I'm sorry. I know there's stuff I'm not telling you. Some of it is deliberate cause I... don't like talking about it straight away. It's harder for me to stomach and to express. -looks at Akira's hand, smiling softly as he listens- ... Akira. -looks back at him- Ah... Thank you. I believe you. You're too sincere to be lying. I know I'm young, but if you need me, I'm here for you too.

Akira: -smiles and hugs again- You far surpass your years. And probably mine as well.

Adam: -chuckles and returns the hug- I doubt that I surpassed yours.

Akira: -snorts- You probably surpassed my current maturity when you were a toddler.

Adam: -laughs at that- Jeeze! I'm not that mature. -wishing he had his own place to drag Akira back to. Strictly for snuggles. Get your mind out of the gutter- Would you like to get some food here and listen to the music? Or we could go someplace else? -pulls back from the hug so he can see Akira better-

Akira: Well, neither am I. -smiles- And of course. I'm fine with going anywhere. -pauses- As long as neither of us have any alcohol.

Adam: You are determined to not have any booze. -grinning- Fine. Dinner and music then? I'd offer to drag you to my place, but I don't think my roomie would be fine with that. -chuckles-

Akira: I am. And more so to make sure /you/ don't. -pokes a finger against Adam's chest- Sounds good to me. If you really prefer private to public, we can go to my apartment instead. My own roommate is probably out working or preoccupied with his own things.

Adam: -hand waves- I enjoy company. Just not if I have to stand in the middle of a crowd. -waves for someone to give them the menu-

Akira: Alright, then. Dinner's on me, this time. I insist.

Adam: You sure? I mean, I can totally buy my own.

Akira: Don't question your elders. Didn't you hear what I just said?

Adam: Ooooh you're playing the elder card? Fine... Thank you. I treat next time. -takes the menus when they are offered and looks it over-

Akira: -laughs- Okay. And I might as well; there's not many other situations I can imagine I'd be able to.

Adam: ... Yeah thinking about it there really isn't. -grins toothily and stretches, deciding on what he wanted to eat- Oh! How are your pokemon doing?

Akira: -breaks into a grin- You don't have to agree so easily! -shoves lightly- My pokemon? Oh, they're well, thank you. Well, one of them is, being in love. The other is as well as can be expected. What about yours? -looks over the menu curiously-

Adam: One of them is in love? -surprised- With who? That's cute. I think Manny has a crush on one of my roomie's mons.... A Purrlion. Or whatever the first stage of that one is. I forget. -grins- They're good. Flicker isn't trying to kill me which is surprisingly nice.

Akira: -chuckles- An umbreon belonging to a girl I know. He had me buy her poffins a bit ago. It's just kind of awkward because the girl is kind of wary around me. Not that I can blame her. -blinks- Really? That's adorable! offense, but I didn't realize ghost pokemon could have crushes like that. I didn't think they could be serious enough to have them. -smiles- It makes me wonder if Flicker and Silly shouldn't spend some time training together to teach each other to behave better.

Adam: Oh damn, that's ******** adorable! So they really like one another, huh? -shakes his head- I'm sorry to hear that the girl who owns the umbreon isn't as enthused about you, though... That bites. ; -thinking about Silly and Flicker playing or training together- That might be good for them... Not killing us and learning to take orders and work as a team. Not a bad call. -grins- Manny is.. Well... He's not a typical ghost. He's actually really shy. So I think that might be part of it.

Akira: -smiles- Seems like it. But as far as the girl, it was my fault. I think I kinda freaked her out when she caught /me/ going around as a girl. Now she doesn't seem to know what to make of me and I think I irritate her a lot by talking about stuff that embarrasses her. -shrugs- Not like I've ever had much better luck with other girls, so I'm used to it. -smiles- Yeah! It'd be good to put Silly in his place with a Fire-type, especially one that isn't even fully evolved. And while Flicker might kill you with love, Silly might kill me with hate, so maybe they'd balance each other out. -laughs- Aww, really? I'd love to meet him some time. If he'd be okay with it, of course.

Adam: Eh, you were cross dressing? Why'd you do that? Man that'd be funny and fun. -laughs a little- I did that a little when I was in highschool to purposely freak people out. My height kinda gave it away, but I made a pretty cute girl -bemused and nods- This might actually work. They can balance one another out and maybe leave us in some relative peace. -chuckles- I think he'd be okay with you. You've got a naturally calming and kind personality. As soon as he realizes you're not going to be afraid of him or be mean, he'll warm up happily

Akira: -blushes furiously again- Ahhh...well...I've been...having trouble finding myself lately...who I am, what I want to do with my life, etc. And I just wonder sometimes if I would be better suited living life as a girl instead of a guy. You know, because evident inability to be attracted to girls, and such. That, and my sisters used to want me to dress up as a girl when we played together, so it kind of reminded me of them and made me feel a little better. But in the end, all it is is still just a role. Not who I really am.
Akira: Eh? To freak people out? -looks at- But why? Just were angry? -blinks and looks down at his lap at the compliments- Do you really think so? I...I would like it if we could be friends.

Adam: -surprised by the answer about trying to find his role. Thinking about it- Do you think that because... This girl saw that you were... well... You uhm.. -rubs his face- I mean, do you feel like a woman? Is that something you think would make you feel better? More comfortable? Was that girl's reaction what made you decide to stop? -nods- I'm sure you could be friends with Manny. Ah, well... No. I enjoy pushing some people at times. I mean, I wouldn't do that to you. You're too sweet and kind. But sometimes it's fun to see what they'll do when I push them one way or another, y'know?

Akira: -blinks at Adam- Eh...? -realizes- Oh! No, no, no, I think it's just...pretending to be a girl made me feel more comfortable because in the society I was raised in, more was expected of males than females. Girls had more freedom. Even here and now, there's not much I can think of that girls could do that would be looked down on because it's a guy thing. Whereas for guys... -trails off- ...Maybe it was her reaction that made me stop, yes. But it also made me realize that I felt just as uncomfortable going around as a girl as I did as a guy, so that might have been why. Maybe more so, because I was pretending to be something I was not. -raises his brows- Ah? Oh, yes...that ex-best friend of mine used to do the same thing all the time.

Adam: Ah, really? Well I promise I won't do that towards you. -smiles softly- I know it can be hard to uhm... Well if you have a bad experience with one person, it can be hard to see someone else have similar traits to them and not be worried or upset. -thinking about what Akira said, nodding a little- I see what you mean.. -closes his eyes as h thinks. Opens them, speaking slowly- Well... gender and stuff is weird. It's not so black and white all the time, uhm... -chuckles- I had a friend in highschool who was trans. I was really mean to her at first. -frowns- I mean... Awful. Terrible. But we got past that and she taught me a lot about myself and about gender. -looks at Akira- So if you.... If you FEEL like you are a female, then you're not pretending. I could totally help you with makeup and s**t. She actually taught me how to pass really well. Er pass as people not catching on that I wasn't born female.

Akira: -watching Adam thoughtfully- Yes. I suppose you're right about people with similar traits, though I never thought of it that way. -tilts his head at the mention of gender not being black and white- It's not? -blinks, unsure of what 'trans' means- How come you were mean to her? Sorry, I'm not familiar with the term 'trans'. -blinks- Oh. Um...I don't think I feel female. I mean, when I'm mistaken for one on occasion, I usually try to correct them. I think pretending to be female was just another form of trying to run away. -brightens- I /am/ curious about what you know of make-up, though. And passing as female. It sounds like fun. -thinks of when his sisters played dress-up with him-

Adam: Oh uh... Transsexual or transgender. Being born into one body and it not fitting what you feel is your sex or gender. -grins- We could totally have a makeup party. (heart)

Akira: Oh. -looks surprised- I didn't know that was possible.
Akira: -laughs lightly- What do you do at make-up parties? Just play with make-up?

Adam: -thinking- Makeup, maybe dress up, watch some crappy movies, eat some food, chill out. -grins-

Akira: Sounds nice. -grins- Like a little girl's sleepover.

Adam: -chuckles- Yeah, but it's fun and it's not fair only little girls get to do that.

Akira: I agree completely. -smiles- Decided what you want yet?

Adam: Southwest Salad and iced tea. -grins- Sounds good. I mean I'd prefer a long island iced tea, but no liquor, so just a regular tea is good.

Akira: So aside from alcohol, you eat healthy? Or are you just showing off for this occasion?

Adam: Aside from booze, I really do eat healthy. -smiles- I can't stand greasy food.

Akira: -chuckles- Then does that mean you can't stand it because it's unhealthy, or you eat healthy because you just happen to dislike unhealthy food?

Adam: -thinking- I think its taste. Not so much it's unhealthy.

Akira: -smirks- Then you really live life how you want it. I guess that's got its own merits.

Adam: Some, but I should be more responsible or at least pretend to be responsible. -shakes his head- What are you eating?

Akira: Mmm, I think I'll have the same. To make sure there isn't any alcohol in the dressing or anything. -smiles- Oh, Adam...if I'm being too nosy, just let me know, but why do you think you're gay? Have you not ever been physically attracted to women?

Adam: Nah, never been interested in women. I mean.. There are some girls I see and think DAMN she's really hot, but I just don't have an interest in them beyond friends. -shrugs- I tried dating a girl for a little bit, but I had no interest in her and we broke up. At first I thought maybe I hadn't found "the one" but then I met Sammy, the friend I told you about who was trans, and she helped me out.

Akira: Wha? But if you think 'she's hot', doesn't that suggest you have a physical attraction to one...? -listens curiously- Oh. So then are you trans as well?

Adam: Hmm? Ah, no. I'm not trans. I mean Sammy... Helped me understand stuff about sex and sexualities. Helped me stop feeling ******** up for finding guys hot, or wanting to kiss guys and stuff.

Akira: -blushes at the use of '********' and 'hot' in the same sentence- O-oh. I see. That's good that she helped you to get through that.

Adam: Mmm... -nods, notices the blushing. Still finds that extremely cute- Did you know before your uh... ex that you liked guys?

Akira: N-no. -stares intently at his menu- In fact I thought I liked a girl, but everyone in our class liked her because she was so sweet and cheerful. And....pretty oblivious. I don't think she ever caught on that people liked her that way. -smiles-
Akira: But as school went on, I began to realize I just cared about girls like I did about my sisters. I was protective about them, but I wasn't...attracted to them. And...I actually really didn't like Ryuuzaki at first. He was just so...crass
Akira: -shrugs- But maybe after being raised so proper, that crassness and the contrast of his attitude against our society was that much more attractive. We fought a lot, but then I began to find myself admiring his qualities.

Adam: -chuckles- We had a few girls in my Highschool like that. -listens to him and nods along- People often fall for people who are the opposite of themselves. So it's not that weird his differences became attractive. -remembering what he said before about how his ex was using him-

Akira: Hm? A few girls like what? -blinks-'re probably right. But...if people are so different that their values differ, I'm not sure they can get along.

Adam: Either they didn't know you liked them, or the sweet and bubbly. -listens to what he's saying- Ah... That's very true. It might not be possible.

Akira: Oh, yes, that sort. -chuckles softly- Mm..sometimes, though, you might think you know a person and then find out you don't.

Adam: -nods slowly, not the first time tonight he's been panged with guilt-

Akira: -blinks at him- Adam? Are you okay? -looks apologetic- If you're thinking about what I said regarding you seeming similar to my ex...I didn't mean the negative traits. -smiles softly- I know you said we tend to associate bad experiences with people similar to those we had them with...but I think the same goes for good experiences and feelings, too.

Adam: -blinks and then smiles at him. Places his hand over Akira's- Ah.. That does make me feel a little better. I got lost in my own thoughts there for a minute.

Akira: -looks somewhat relieved- I'm glad. -wonders if he should ask about said thoughts but decides against it- So,'ve probably had a lot of relationships since you became friends with Sammy, huh?

Adam: Oh, actually... No. -chuckles gently- Uhm... Most people tend to dislike me. So other than that one girl I told you I dated, I've... never been in a relationship. -shrugs-

Akira: Ehh?! B-but I thought you said girls hit on you all the time?!
Akira: Wait, sorry, that one girl you meant - was that Sammy?

Adam: -shakes his head- No, I didn't date Sammy. We were just friends. Oh and yeah I mean... I'd get hit on, but I never really gave them the time of day so they stopped

Akira: So then you can't say people dislike you.

Adam: -thinking- I guessss not?
Adam: But I'd also get into fights too.

Akira: Huh?! But why? Because they teased you?

Adam: Well... Partially because it was fun. Partially because I wanted to see what they would do. Sometimes I'd defend people. Normally I wouldn't start fights unless the person was an a*****e.

Akira: And you got into trouble a lot for it?

Adam: Yeah. A lot a lot.

Akira: -shakes head- And you continued because it was fun to see people's reactions? My goodness...I certainly hope you've changed your ways since then.

Adam: -Small smile- A little bit.

Akira: A little?! -mutters something- Well I guess it must be better since you aren't in school anymore and you can actually walk away from 'assholes' who bother you...

Adam: That and my job is really against fighting.

Akira: Hm? As a tech person?

Adam: Ah, yeah. Sometimes we get grumpy and stuff. So not arguing or fighting

Akira: I should think not! What respectable establishment would allow such a thing? Fighting's for children and those immature enough to act like them.

Adam: -laughs a little- Ah, Akira?

Akira: ...Huh?

Adam: ... Would it be weird to hold your hand?

Akira: -face flares up again- U-uh, aren't we kind of...doing that already? -looks at Adam's hand over his-

Adam: A-ah... I... I guess that's true. I wasn't sure if it was bugging you and maybe it was polite to ask.

Akira: -laughs nervously, looking away again and taking a drink of water from his water glass- N-not at all. Thank you for being so considerate. I was just getting used to the feel of it. -turns his hand to hold Adam's more securely- You said you're a touchy-feely person, right? The sort that gets reassurance from physical contact?

Adam: -nods- I am. I've always loved to touch and be touched. -chuckles- Man that sounds a little perverted... But not like that. -gently squeezes Akira's hand, liking the sensation of warmth between their palms-

Akira: -laughs genuinely at that- It's fine. I think I understand what that's like. Where I'm from, most touching of any sort was thought to be improper, at least in public. But it seems things are more lax here. -gently squeezes back and leans his head lightly against Adam's shoulder- How come you've never been in a relationship other than with that girl?

Adam: -smiles softly, watching Akira lean his head on his shoulder. Reaches out with his other hand and strokes his hair- I don't like or trust people, usually. It takes a lot for me to open up to folk... -chuckles softly- I guess, seeing as I told you something super big the second time we hung out, that might not seem right. Truthfully, you have a relaxing presence about you. When I'm near... You're so sweet and kind. -grins- Helps you're cute too.

Akira: Well you were having a hard time then. You seemed vulnerable and in a difficult place regarding your roommate. Naturally you would want to open up to someone to relieve some of that stress you kept all to yourself. I'm just glad I could be of some help. -turns his head to look up at him curiously and looks back down abruptly- I-I'm not really all that cute! I just have a round-ish face.'re so cool, Adam. And it's so odd hearing about you sounding like such a delinquent when you seem so sweet and kind yourself. -pauses- And a ridiculous flirt.

Adam: -grins toothily- I think the flirting thing comes and goes. Normally I don't flirt, if you're willing to believe me. -thinking, wondering if he wants to push it. Decides to- It's not just your face. I know cute usually means your face or body, but I mean... Your personality. Your sweet and kinda, you care about random strangers. You get flustered and blush and you're pretty smart from what I've talked to you about and s**t... And you're hard working. And yeah, your cute in that other sense of a cute round face and your hair is soft. -cheeks warming up, mutters- A-and... Y-yeah.

Akira: Mmhmm. Sure. -smirks doubtfully at the mention of his flirting frequency- ... -smirk disappears at the compliments- say all that, but... -smiles sheepishly- To someone like you, I'm probably the worst kind of person. I haven't really had to work hard for most of my life, so what I think is hard now is probably nothing to you. I also lack a lot of common sense and I'm still trying to get a basic understanding of day-to-day life in this city and society so different from my own, so the last thing I feel like is intelligent. B-besides, you're the one that came to my rescue when I was unconscious in the snow! Isn't that caring about a random stranger? -looks into his eyes and has to look away yet again- I're very attractive yourself, and I'm so flattered to receive such compliments from someone like you...but...with us still knowing so little about one another, I don't think I deserve them.

Adam: -listens to what he says and realizes that, on one hand, Akira is right. They don't know much about one another and Akira has no clue about the giant secret still looming in his own past. Nods a little and keeps playing with Akira's hair- Mmm... Well... I guess you're right. We don't know much about one another. But I DO know you are kind and sweet... and I DO know that, even if you didn't have to work before, you're working now. You're not crying and moaning about it or throwing a fit... And I also know that if I got thrown into a totally new culture, I have no clue how I'd handle it. Not at all... So it's brave. Even if things are new. It's still... brave to me.
Adam: Sorry if it seemed like I was buttering you up. I try to be somewhat honest. So sometimes I say s**t and then realize later maybe it'd make people awkward.

Akira:'re going to make me more conscious about my hair than I already am. -tugs at his bangs lightly and mumbles- Soft? It's dyed so much, it must be so badly damaged... -glances back at Adam- ... -leans over and sits up taller to kiss Adam's cheek- It's not awkward. It's adorable. And it means a lot to hear that someone as brave as you thinks I am, too.

Adam: Is it dyed? It looked natural. -surprised when his cheek is kissed. Flushes brightly, had really not expected that- // A-ah... Right uhm. -clears his throat and laughs- Damn it, now I sound like a ******** idiot.

Akira: -flinches at the mention of his hair and decides not to comment on it- An idiot? Why? -removes his scarf and tugs at his collar, feeling very warm- Oh, don't worry, I was just returning...the one from earlier...uh, was that too much...? -

Adam: I'm not sure you could do too much to me at this point... -chuckles softly, heart beating faster. Takes his hang away from Akiras hair, making a mental note to not bring it up-

Akira: -looks at him and laughs- So I'm not the only one being affected by all of this, then?

Adam: -grins sheepishly- you're not alone at all

Akira: Heheh...maybe...maybe we should do this more often to both get more used to it, then...

Adam: More often huh? Well... I think that's a great idea.

Akira: But next time, I get to choose the place, alright?

Adam: -grins- Deal. It sounds like fun.

Akira: -smirks a little- You don't even know what I have in mind, yet! I know you like to eat healthy, but do you dislike sweet things?

Adam: Well it's with you, so I'm sure it'll be a blast. -chuckles- Nah! I don't mind eating sweet things. Just not fried sweet things.

Akira: -nudges him gently- There you go, flirting again. -can't help smiling anyway- What about ice cream floats?

Adam: Ah shoot. -chuckles at the nudge, thinking- Yeah. Ice cream floats are good!

Akira: -beams- Excellent. Oh, look, food's here.

Adam: -starts to eat after they've been served- thanks for dinner, Akira.

Akira: The pleasure's mine, Adam. -eats happily-

Adam: -finishes his salad and drink, comfortable as they listen to the live band. Notices a group of people up and dancing- Hmm... Wanna dance?

Akira: -grins- Always. -gets up-

Adam: -gets up and takes his hand, going to the dance floor or well, where the others are dancing. Mostly a slower song so switches into that type of a dance-

Akira: -hesitates, startled by the slower song, but eventually manages to get himself to go with it-

Adam: We can wait for the next song if this is uncomfortable.

Akira: N-no. This is good. -smiles warmly- I'm more used to slow songs anyway. Raised learning waltzes, heh.
Akira: Regardless of the song or type of dance, I'm grateful to have someone to dance with. Thank you, Adam.

Adam: -grins- Ah.. I am too. Thanks, Akira.