Behind the cosplay!

Words from Devan.

Chapter 1 (Current Status)
It can be very frustrating at times as an rp'er, I know that sounds weird since basically this is a small computer game but however this has been one of most enjoyed hobbies to do five years straight. Despite all the drama and conflict and tough tension towards me brushing it off my shoulders becomes tough, very tough. Since 2010 once I started I never thought i'd get like this I'm legit up here with those same kids I wanted to be like with in this roleplaying 'industry' lol I'm saying like this is a real thing or something lol. Well I don't know a man can dream can he.. But no disrespect to the other guys but since 2010 when I started my goal was to one day be looked at as 'that guy.' The guy that if you're booked against him it's going to be fun and interesting. Well at the moment I might be lol well am looked at as 'the guy' but not for the right reasons. Those very reasons might stop me from my huge goal however I kind of like it in a way, being looked at as the 'problem' because I'm getting talked about ya know. 9/10 This isn't going to get read but I don't care hell I'm bored and it's nothing in this guild for me to do besides wait for my #1 character. Sometimes I can get over conceited that cause cause giant situations for the smallest things i'd admit that. I'll even entertain it on purpose due to the fact that they actually think I be mad but in reality I be laughing my a** off on the other side of my computer just pissing people off is fun and funny at the same time ******** it I'm a goofy dude lool pushing buttons in real life and being a computer screen especially is very entertaining in some aspects. Currently I'm at the were I like to call it the Scott Pilgrim/ Tupac stage the 2011 through 2013 summer time stage when I'm labeled the 'problem causer' or 'villain' when the rp community says there done with Devan for the time being. Realizing that this could be last year doing this due to age and timing like I'm getting started with my life soon is coming down to the wire. I feel I won't leave this place known as 'the guy' I want to be.

Chapter 2 (How it started)
Damn man LMFAO! Let me take y'all for a ride for-reals Basically I was like 13 years old and I've been on gaia since like I was 11 however I wasn't into anything just a regular character playing a game on a website. Jesus dude worst grammar ever, complete ***** slang, and immaturity (Lol sort of still in me.) Yeah I miserably wasted my 1st three years on trying to be a Naruto Cosplayer/Rp'er if I could however it was to tough to get it and to expensive. Then I'd never forget the day I got into wrestling rp. Of course big Wrestling fan in real life but never even dreamed about it on gaia cause I'm thinking this s**t was like for strictly anime and s**t. It was 7th grade summer time I was going to the 8th grade and I was 13 I believe lool. I was in rally and s**t like that then I saw this Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio so I added the Jeff guy and left rally to profile stock. Seen his profile and read all his comments and friends list and I was like wow! Looking back all of our attires was plain and basic as ******** but at that time I was like this is the most best and creative s**t I've ever seen. Went on this Kevin Nash guy profile I believed and he had all his wrestling friends on his profile then I saw this Evan Bourne guy lol. So right then and there I was like "Yo I'm doing this." I instantly after those very words I sold all my Naruto s**t and completely copied the other guys Evan Bourne avi from head to toe loool. And changed my 1st ever gaia name from 'twoheadkiba-5 to Evan Bourne-5'.

Chapter 3 (Breaking into the business.)
Lol it was hard it really was I was being some annoying kid pming everyone like every 5 seconds to see what to do and how to start. I was going on everyone profile to add everyone and s**t. Got a couple off adds back and then I met this guy name Blake his username was 'Blake Hero' and he was the 1st guy who taught me about wrestling guilds and stuff like that. I joined his guild called TTW thinking back I was like 'Damn I'm legit doing this.' not realizing how nooby and lame the guild was OMFG YOOOOOOOOO the way we used to type our matches doe was crazy. "Kicks you then DDT you." Then it's "Reverse and kicks your gut." LOOOL then we used random numbers on ever hit If you got a 1 you hit and if it's a 2 you missed and the matches went by so fast cause you can get all 2s a whole match. Joined another guild with this Jeff Hardy guy called WOGO I think, but then finally, FINALLY after stalking comments and s**t like that I found the big daddy guild. TNWE no random numbers, complete sentences, gifs and rich expensive looking avatars. And that's when I first ever met Matthew he was this John Morrison LOL with a Shadowlegend and a lusty with the big onyx sword and inari beeds mask. I was like this guy is the real deal, so I added he accepted and I commented him. We exchanged words and I remember I use to always challenge Matt to match but he'd never accept unless it was in TNWE and I couldn't get in for s**t plus I never knew how to rp. They didn't use random numbers they just typed and used dice and I was like how do you do that.

Chapter 4 (Learning the game)
A year passed and i'm use to the noob guys like me and the popular known guys like Matt, Brian, etc Meebo hit the scene and then just randomly out of nowhere another Edge guy hit me up on this Christian acc I had (loool that's when Christian 1st won the WHC and s**t.) So basically he was like want a match in TNWE and by then I got in however I still never knew how to rp in that guild. I made a small name for myself by being in PWE,TTW,WOGO, a whole lot of more guilds just can't remember and I won some titles in those guilds too like a lot. So the Edge guy name was James and I told him I didn't know how to rp in TNWE so we had a practice match and he walked me through everything. Next thing you know bam it all started to make sense.

This project isn't finished nor is it edited yet stay tuned.