The swamp was a beautiful place. There was a slight fog on the water in the early morning. The ground was soggy with small standing puddles and the morning dew. Birds sang their happy songs high above as dawn greeted the land. The temperature was slightly nippy but nothing I couldn’t handle. I don’t remember being invited, or who was hosting it, but I knew that there was someplace I was supposed to be that afternoon. I also knew that it was to be a feast, but I could not conjure up a location in my mind no matter how hard I tried. All I knew was that it wasn’t where I currently was, and so I set out to find where this feast would be.

I wandered for what seemed like only a few hours, and I still had yet to find the spot. I was tired though and required a drink, so I found a small stream and drank. Suddenly, I sensed a presence behind me, so I turned to see what it was and there was a gray figure in front of me. Then I realized that somehow, I had managed to find the place I was looking for. I could not make out the details of the Kimeti before me, and yet his appearance was very regal. He was to be respected. Without a word he turned and walked back toward a clearing that I was quite positive had not been there before. Silently I followed him.

In the clearing there was a large feast on the ground. There were many kin gathered around. They, I was certain, had not been there earlier either. Each kin was different in color, but again, their defining features such as their horns, tails, eyes, and hooves were all undistinguishable. I thought this strange, but I said nothing and began to partake of the gathered vegetation as well as the meat available. Though not a word was said, it was strangely merry and the time passed by quickly.

Then, the winds stirred and began to blow, gradual at first, then as time passed it blew harder. There was confusion in the air, as abruptly a fog rolled in at the entrance to the clearing, and the sky was filled with dark black clouds. There was a crack of lightning that struck the center of the fog, and with another flash of light the fog separated to reveal a moss covered, chestnut, male Kimeti. His horns were sharpened, and his features were refined. The moss, along with his brown color helped him to blend in with the surroundings. Standing still, the stranger’s features seemed to shift with the winds and all but completely vanished into the scenery around us. He was one with the swamp, and the air around him was menacing and deadly.

He approached the group calmly, slowly, and confident. His gaze swept over every member within the gathering before finally settling on me. There was an intensity in his eyes and his nostrils flared as he lowered his head as if he were about to charge, but he didn’t. He pawed at the ground lightly then looked behind him. The scenery had changed again, and suddenly in the trees I could see the heads of various kin with the horror of their last moments frozen on their faces for all eternity. The stranger looked all around the trees at the heads then puffed out his chest proudly as he looked back at me. Then I understood, he was a hunter, and he meant to add me to his collection. He drew in the ground with his hoof and backed away so that I may approach to read. It indicated that I would have a head start before he would pursue me, and it began now.

My eyes widened as I looked back up at the hunter. He had moved closer to tower over me menacingly, and he jerked his head up. I didn’t hesitate to back away, slowly so I could keep my eyes on him. Then when I had put several feet between us, I turned and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. The others that had been at the feast were gone and nowhere in sight. It was just me and hunter, and I was his prey. The hunt had begun.

I wasted no time in putting as much distance as I could between me and my moss covered foe. I don’t know how long I ran. I ran and ran till my legs could carry me no further, and so I stopped after to catch my breath momentarily, and began to look around my surroundings. The ground around the banks was wet enough that my hoof prints left a good solid impression in the soil. This was something I could use to my advantage, and quickly I set about making many false trails as foxes did. After running several laps around the place in various directions, weaving in and out with several false exit points I carefully stepped in my own prints that lead toward the water then jumped in when I was close enough. I swam downstream a good ways before exiting the water on the opposite bank near a cluster of long grass and cattails. Behind the vegetation was a tree that was suitable for a rest.

I thought my plan had been clever and would buy me some extra time, but after laying there for some time, I heard laughter from across the way. I didn’t need to look to see what the source had been. A chill ran up my spine with fear, and I knew my fox trails had not fooled him….how was I to win this deadly game?

Every day, for a year, or so it seemed to me, he mocked me and unnerved me as he toyed with me. He would let me lay my traps and diversions, but never was he fooled and always did he laugh at my attempts. Each time he came closer, just to let me know that he knew where I was and that he could end me at any time. Finally, having enough, I left myself out in the open in the middle of a clearing for my pursuer to find. I was going to end this game but it would be on my terms.

That night, I waited. The wind blew and on it his laugher rode. He was taunting me as he had been, but instead of running I stayed. I had laid no traps, and there were no false trails to follow. I had made my path very obvious. The entire night as the wind stirred the branches and leaves, I would catch glimpses of what looked like him melding in and out of the scenery though my mind could have just as easily been playing tricks on my eyes. In the dark, I could hear the screams of nocturnal birds, though to me they sounded like shrieks of pain, agony, and death. The squeals of mice, as owls swooped down and grabbed them, echoed in my head. Lightning began to flash, and the resounding boom of thunder unhinged me more as the echoing laughter began again at a feverish pitch. The world seemed to spin as I stood there, turning in circles but refusing to leave the center of the clearing.

A bolt of lightning struck the ground directly in front of me. It blinded me. The hairs from the top of my head down to the tip of my tail stood on end. When I could finally see again, the hunter had appeared in full before me, his red eyes glaring straight at me. This was my chance. Before I had time to talk myself out of it, I lowered my head and rammed him solidly square in the chest, knocking him backward. I rocked my head back and forth to dig my horns in and kept pushing until he tripped over a tree root. Raising my head, I began to stomp with my front hooves, anywhere and everywhere I could reach. With one final blow landing on his neck, I stopped. There was no movement. I relaxed. It was over. I was alive and the hunter was dead.

Not wishing to stay any longer, I backed away from the still body of the once proud, mighty hunter, and turned to leave. Everything was still now, and I could rest easy. I curled up beneath a tree for sleep, but it did not come easy. I was shaking from the experience of it all. I had killed another Kimeti. The thought, despite it being in my best interest, disturbed me. When sleep finally claimed me it was filled with images of the hunter. Alive and well he stood before me, taunting me again. I was so startled that I woke abruptly to find that it hadn’t been a dream. The hunter was back, and he towered over me now. There were no signs of the earlier fight. There was no blood, no scratches, and no bruises. His features were as refined as ever, and the moss on his body looked undisturbed as it had on the day he first appeared.

I had nothing left to fight him with. I stood up and looked into his eyes, though this time I wasn’t afraid. I would welcome the end of this game and would meet it head on. I nodded to him and he stepped back as he saw the acceptance in my eyes. With a good distance between us, he pawed at the ground and reared up on his hind legs to begin his charge, head lowered, horns aimed at my throat. Though it only took seconds to cross the gap, I saw it in slow motion, ever single detail. The sun was shining down on the tree where I had slept; the rays were warm and pleasant. The air was crisp and clean. The morning dew was still upon the grass. The leaves rustled lightly in the trees where the birds were beginning to stir to find their morning meal. Then, there was the hunter, tall, strong, smooth chestnut coat, moss covering above his hooves, his tail, along his large horns, on his chest, and along his back in stripes and spots.

As he hit me, everything went dark, but I was unharmed. There was no pain. In fact, there was nothing at all. There was only emptiness. The Deadly Game was over. I had won over my fears.