Hello and Welcome to the Rule's Section, which is a must read since people can be kicked for not following, or worse, we could contract Gaia Mod Disease!
So please read and Keep to them as much as you can

Some things are very simple to follow and all of us are soooo tired of hearing, but they have to be stated just in case, so lets start:

Follow the Gaia TOS: Even if you haven't actually read these when you Joined Gaia, you should have an Idea of whats Not-to and what is a To-Do, but to sum it all up, this is a No Harassment, Insulting Racist Comments, or Cybering, This Can get You Kicked, the Guild Kicked, and all you love Kicked, so Just keep to the TOS

Roleplay Rules: If you Join an RP created by anyone in the Guild Respect the Rules they Put up with the RP, if you have a problem of Complaint, contact a Guild Mod, Vice Captain, or Captain, or if you want to try it on your own Contact the RP creator yourself, We can Always practice our Independence.

Contact a Guild Rep: If you have any Comments or Complaints, Questions or Concerns, Contact your Vice-Captain or Captain, If you have Idea's to advance the guild Contact them ASAP, All Idea's want to be heard.

Have Fun Be Fun, Don't be a let down, Experiment with different character Roles and Personalities, Meet other Guild Members! Don't be stuck in the Mud forever or this will never be fun

DO NOT post in the Main Forum aka THE READ FIRST forum, it is for Guild and Crew announcements, Rules, Competitions, and So On, if you Post in the Topic's on the guild Page it will be deleted and YOU WILL BE WATCHED with golden eyes of fury!

RP's: are to be posted in their proper Subforum, if Your RP does not fit one of the subforum's Currently listed, Contact Hadies Queen, aka Your Vice Captain with a reason Why it doesn't fit into any of the Subforums and a quick Summary of your RP. If you are Unsure at to Which SubForum it would list under, please PM your Vice Captain, if you have a vague Idea as to were it would be but are unsure post it anyway and if its not in the right place it will be changed to its proper location. if your RP has been changed and you do not see it where you first posted it please check all subforum's first before contacting your VC with the concern. If you need to know HOW to make one, Please see THIS LINK

GodModding: Just....Just don't do it, It bugs everyone and everything and makes the plants wither and die. For they who 'don't know' what a god mod is, a god Mod is a person who takes every hit without damage, who deals every hit on the mark, who dodges every hit, who never has a weakness, autokills characters, Controlling the weather and the Plot are also considered under this category as since some RP's have a weather changing system in place. If you want to kill a character in an RP talk to the Character's Player.

Joining RP's: Do not Join then Drop, if you Join stay with it, be a champ! if RL comes up, talk to the RP creator and i'm sure things can be arranged, If their is NO REPLY from a character in a RP for One Week, all characters can MOVE ON as if the character isn't around, so the Plot of the RP can Keep going, RP creators who have a Invisible person problem (meaning the person has not replied in the one week) PM your Vice President.

More Rules Can and Most Likely Will be Implimented as the Guild Grows, Check back every few Months, if a BIG Rule change is made it will be sent out in an Announcement.

until then