What do you know?

"I know the warmth."

What do you know?

"I know the darkness."

What do you know?

"I know beyond the darkness, there is light. There are voices. There's life."

What do you know?

The voice was vexing to the yellow buck. He was aware of himself, but not of anything else. All he knew was the tiny world around him. So what did he really know?

"I know there are great things waiting for me. Stories to be told. I'm going to see everything there is to see, and then I will know everything. I will know the who and the why. I will know more then anyone." The yellow buck found himself talking of all the things he'd know. Plants and animals, others like himself and this vexing voice. But then, as he spoke, he noticed the blackness around him was becoming filled. Strands of white started stretching as far as the eye could see, but all were drawn and connected to himself. He tried looking around as he spoke, but found the more he moved, the less he could actually move about. That was when he noticed the strands of white silk were all connected to his mouth. And the more he spoke, the more tangled he became in this web of words.

My, what a Tangled Web you weave.