There is no compassion but peace. But peace is a lie. Death is upon us.
Slowly walking inside the H.A.R.P docking bay, Anzhelina and her companion Shadow Cat arrive a bit early. Carrying what last debris supplies that were out there in space. Slowly lowering the cargo onto the platform an old man walked over and tried to talk to the pilot that was inside the piece of junk. "Yo! Lady, how was the outside, can't be any worse then the ships near the first invasion." the old man chuckled as he walked away. Anzhelina sat inside trying to coordinate her mech to the hangar where she could rest her shadow cat from the long hard work that she was assigned for. Nowadays the Shadow cat wasn't much of a.. how do I say this. Popular amongst the other mechs that were latest in tech. Some just brush off the old and hand out the new. It was a motto that was brought in ever since she was 6 years old. Remembering the past, Anzhelina only had her dad with her. They were hired mechanics that had the knowledge of tearing and repairing without any troubles. But since her dad passed away when she was 15, times have changed nowadays technology started to bloom. And Hired Mechanics weren't needed, so the pay was low and living costs were booming. All her life she has lived under the gutter, finding ways to make a living. One day she met her companion, with only few credits she possessed she bought it. The people around her thought of her as a geek, someone who likes antiques. But in her mind, she saw something, inside, nothing to be old and fashioned. But it was something she wanted to do. All her life her father kept talking about these machines, if machines one day were replaced with new ones, then life would never change. There would be consent wars going, and since Guardians were taken lightly, Anzhelina made her choice to prove that the old can keep up with the new. But somehow the way she imagined wasn't much of a few kinks and screws, she had to make due with what she had.
Working night and day she would buy low quality and medium parts, things that she had to make due with what she could make. Tearing, repairing, melding, molding. Combining many different metals together she has created a new type of metalnorium, a type of metal that is binded by hand and sweat. hard work and less sleep on her shoulders. Always inside her work shop she continued to replace the old parts with new ones, using the same formula that was created by the Metal she produces. The mech's Interior wasn't something to laugh at, but some might laugh because of its old fashion tech. The Skeleton was the first base of her designed. She had to make sure it was able to continue its role as a Guardian. Taking out old wires and screws, sprockets, bolts. She replaced them with new ones, she had nothing to lose other then this mech that she put every credit on. Her father was really strict with her back then. That is why she is who she is, stubborn. She wont give in to such simplicity. Like others they don't take Hired Mechanics as much, but many do not know that they continue until the operation is completed every fine detail is cared for by hand.
After sleepless hours and nights, the skeleton was redesigned with the best hardware she could make do with. The Skeleton is like a humans bone structure, the muscles that she worked on, were there to take part as a tank. Stress is placed upon the interiors function not many know that the output of a machine must have an input to correct itself. The programming was outdated so she had to replace it with what little hardware she was able to fix. It wasn't much of a problem, with her mind and her hands she was able to give new life to the mech. Slowly working herself to the bone she got it working, the machine was fully functional. Next was the outside interior, the armor basically. Doing her research of the old mechs, there has been flaws that some were used as a last resort. Scratching out the idea she wanted to make the mech to last. No mech should feel the pain of dying after being created with a purpose. So she did her job to make sure this cat was able and ready to face any foe it faces. Again another sleepless night, she worked on the blueprints design. Sketching and pin pointing the pieces she used what old parts were left and bought some better quality performance enhanced parts for the mech. Ever since she shown the public the people around her that she was able to get it moving, many have asked her to help them on there mechs. Mechs like working drones or working movers that were outdated long ago. Because of that she was able to make a living.
After a few years her life has changed, ever since the first invasion. She was scouted out by a few commanding officers, knowing her reputation she was asked to help and repair there mechs. Leaving her cat behind, she worked her best to prove that hired mechanics were not so outdated as people believed. But something wasn't right, while she worked her bone off to give life to the old machine she had in the workshop she was out there doing things, not knowing of what gutters could and tear the cat to pieces, she asked the officers if she could lend a hand In space. Few of the officers refused her request, but one accepted it because of the determination and dedication she had. With the final answer, she was able to bring along her mech. Standing and walking above the people below, she revealed the old machine with new specs and enhanced hardware. With a shield and a sword and a assault rifle hidden she started to help with long heavy cargo. This was the best way to test out her machines output and input, making sure nothing goes wrong.
As the first invasion was commenced she and her mech were stowed away inside a cargo ship. Where they would protect it, but her role seemed a bit brimmed to most people. She wanted to prove that she can get out there and prove that the shadow cat can do as much as any combat mech out there can't. But no one seemed to care. Ignoring the orders she opened the hatch and dashed out, pressing a few buttons on the far right the mech started to stop in mid space, adjusting her position, steam would spew out of the legs to reposition her input. Gaining balance she started to reveal the new specs of her mech. Taking out a big Giant shield she held it in front of her. Boosting herself she could see thousands or millions of lights going on in the distance, there was a battle going and she wanted to be a part of it. But remembering the role of her mech she had to grit her teeth and stay with the cargo ship. Staying on the flank side she kept her speed at the same time of the cargo ships. Making sure she doesn't lose them.
Many lights flickered and many debris started to head there way, Anze moved up to the front of the ships and held her shield in front of her, pushing away the debris that was coming for them. Slowly itching just for a fight a chance to prove to the people that no mech should be left behind. She had her duty as a Guardian, even the combat mech's didn't even notice no warnings near the cargo they kept on fighting. Her job seemed a bit dull for a few hours, But remembering such of a past, she has completely almost forgotten. Slowly standing aside the wall she turned the shadow cat off with a key. The Key was a power injector that she made back then. It was some sort of security she wanted to make sure of. Leaping out of her mech she descended slowly to the platform and started to close the case, keeping her mech safe from any intruder. Stretching her arms and legs, Anze started to think how her life would've been if she never bought the mech in the first place? But even so if she had the credits she would've done it again. Her life has been around this mech day and night, endless sleepless nights, her soul her sweat was placed into this machine. You could say its Synergy, that both found each other. "Man, I could use some booze right about now." as she left with a smile on her face.
location: airship -bridge; docked at H.A.R.P. base
company: alone
items: none
ooc: . . .
When life gives you lemons, do it xD.